Anger Management

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  "Did you call me a trash bandit?" June asks indignantly, I just smile as I reach out to Lobo. Do you know what is going on? I sense that Lobo is distracted, yes but don't worry. Um, you might hear Seamus. That semi confirmed my theory, that it was Seamus. I wonder if he perhaps now has a mental connection, seeing as to when he had his meltdown.

I turn to look down the hallway in the direction Seamus went in, and say to June. "You might want to go be with your mate for a time June. Oh and June," the last was said as she turns away from me. The woman pauses, "learn to watch your mouth. Some of us aren't as calm as I am, think of what would happen if Seamus would hear you." June turns white, and rushes off.

I hear a voice behind me, "good words Nancy. Do you think you can help calm Seamus down? I imagine you know what set him off?" Mr Blackstone comes walking through the side door of the hallway. I nod my head slowly and point in the direction June went in. "The young lady believes people like me are freaks of nature." Mr Blackstone shakes his head, "maybe Mary needs a word with her." I shake my head, "I don't think Mrs Smaten talking to her will help anything. It would probably make things worse in fact, we don't know what she thinks she knows about us. For all we know she thinks I can mind control people." Mr Blackstone nods his head, "ah; I had not thought of that Nancy. You make a valid point."

I hear a guttural snarl and gunfire from the hall way, and I give Mr Blackstone a look. He holds up his hands, "for now they are using standard ammo. We need to get him calmed down before they feel they need to use the blessed ammo." I nod my head and take in a deep breath and start down the hallway towards the ensuing battle.

As I pass by the entrance heading deeper in the facility the entrance opens, and my friends rush in. I point behind me, "Brenda you may wish to put a gag on your sister. I suppose that Jake used a little bit of power for you to get here this quickly." I hear a voice behind me where Mr Blackstone was following me, "no I moved them here Nancy. I don't think my grandson has the control to use teleportation, I felt the cost of getting them here quickly was worth it." I nod my head and slightly turn my head towards Dr Peter, "thank you. However I am not sure they could help calm Seamus down after June's brutal honesty." I turn back down the hallway and Jake touches my shoulder and quickly draws his hand back.

I hear him as I start walking down the hallway towards Seamus, "it's like she's radiating heat." I ignore them and march through the hall ways the guards at the turns looking at me then backing off. I reach a section of the hallway where I damage to the walls. There are ragged claw marks and a few indentations in the walls. I spy some blood on the ground and I lean down and smell, and I scent brimstone; I hear a little growl erupt from my throat as I stand and keep walking down the hallway.

I reach where guards are standing across the hallway blocking passage down the hallway. Their backs are facing me, I tap the back of one; a young looking female. Her eyes a dark crimson color due to her adrenaline levels, she looks in my face and a brief look of fear travels over her normally expressionless face and she moves quickly out of my way. The others turn to see why she broke ranks and the others quickly move as well.

I could hear the others walking swiftly down the hallway Mr Blackstone attempting to get them to stay back. I see another group of vampire guards at a distance from Seamus who is attempting to punch a hole in the wall. The leader of the group watching Seamus with the weapons drawn turns to me and while I see his eyebrow twitch he has no other reaction. He merely nods his head and pulls two of his team away leaving me an opening to walk through. I do note when I pass through that they don't leave. I make a mental note to tell Mr Blackstone to reward the vampire for not showing fear, and to punish the group who ran in fear of me.

As any predator knows, showing fear when another predator is being emotional is a very bad idea. I walk forward and I see Seamus' ear twitch as he pauses breathing heavily. "You should walk away kitten, I'm not terribly stable right now." I certainly believe that statement as I see his muscles twitch as if he was fighting himself. I hear a voice on the other side of the wall, "Nancy sweety can you please back off. I am not sure how long he will be able to hold himself in." I raise my voice slightly for Lobo, "sorry uncle. I can't do that, I believe I have an idea that what ever you did let you 'listen in' inside my head?" I spoke the last bit to Seamus, who takes a slow deep breath; and I hear a small growl from my uncle. Seamus punches the wall again and says, "I'll ignore that my friend; as I understand it's meaning." Seamus turns to me and I speak to my uncle, "you might want to deal with my friends uncle. As Jake, Doug and Brenda are here and are not that far behind me; and Mr Blackstone can't get them to see reason."

I hear my uncle swear and Seamus tilts his head as if listening then he nods his head and ignores the vampires behind me. "Yes, you could say what I did to help you enabled me to hear through your ears." I see him grip his hands his own claws digging into his palms dripping more blood on the ground. I then notice that there are no bullet wounds on his body calming me down some, I then notice that based on the amount of shots I heard I could count them all in the walls as if they were merely directing him to an area he couldn't harm anyone.

I cross my arms, "June is not worth seeing you get shot with blessed ammo Seamus." I see his face go dark and I hear shuffling behind me and he speaks his voice having a slight growl to it. "I have the right to get pissed off that the fool girl called you a freak." I hear guns hit the floor after he says that, and I feel the vampires back away. Seamus nods his head and focuses back on my, "you are one to talk kitten. You know your energies are not the same anymore and now you are a bit more susceptible to anger. Your anger aura burned that witch boy when he touched your shoulder." I heard a slight snarl when he mentions Jake.

I pause, I hadn't realize that; I will have to apologize for it. Seamus shakes his head, "I wouldn't worry about it Kitten he is probably more worried about why he got burned rather than the fact you did." I nod my head, "good point. However, I do not care what that trash panda thinks." Seamus gives me a look, kitten I can hear all the thoughts you have in here. Including all of the ones where you feel like a freak. I am angry that her statements would make you feel worse about yourself. I lower my head and Seamus steps forward and hugs me, "Nancy; if anything in this world is a freak it is the ones who cannot accept that not everyone is the same. That includes supers who expect each person who is a super to behave like their community. They need to learn that everyone is an individual, and sometimes viewpoints are nuanced; not liner."

I hear behind me Jake's voice, and I wince; "come on let us through and check on Nancy. It got quiet back there," Seamus looks over my shoulder and he speaks into my ear. "It's alright kitten, I'm going to go back in my rooms. Go put your friends' minds at ease," his grip on me goes tighter briefly before letting go and he walks out the back door to avoid the crowd. Don't forget to let me know if you get another headache. I mean it.

I turn back towards where I heard Jake's voice and walk back and around a corner to see the vampires standing shoulder to shoulder not letting anything down the hallway. I walk up to the leader, "thank you. You can go back to your posts now, most likely with no extra stops." The leader nods his head and the vampires break up their line and Jake rushes up to me and I internally cringe. "Are you alright Nancy? Did you get hurt? What did Seamus do back there and why did the guards stop us from coming near you?"

I walk to the wall and lean against it, Jake approaches and I hold up a hand hand to keep him from touching me. "I am fine Jake, no I did not get hurt. Seamus was beating up the wall, and the guards blocked you off because they found out why Seamus was upset."

I see Dr Peter peering closely at me while Jake responds, "why was he angry?" I carefully keep my facial expression still. "She called me a freak, and he took offense at that. The guards took offense once they found out, and left me to deal with calming Seamus down." Jake pauses and I see him look angry, but not as the same anger you could sense coming off of Seamus.

Dr Peter looks like he wants to say something when Doug turns to him and grabs his hand. "Dr! Brenda is hurt, I don't know if her sister or Drake did it. I need you to come with me and look at her." I feel my anger come back fully and I shift back to my saber form and Jake blanches looking at me as I rush past heading back to Drake's cell.

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