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  I step out of my front door to head to the garden to check on the seedlings in my greenhouse. Glancing at the new little building on my property, Granny was right it was delivered with it's own power supply and I have not even wanted to open the door. I have told the children that if I catch either of them going in it they will be skinned alive, I was not ignoring Granny's warning. I hear what sounds like wood chopping with Seamus' voice saying "wrong angle try again." I also hear a teen-aged protest and Zebediah comment, "think of someone hurting your sister if it helps."

Scarily the two opposing sides were working well together, seeing the face on the girl when her father without a word dropped her off at my house a few days ago instead of at school. She was shocked and then I explained that she needed some training to help her sister and because of that need she would be getting the rest of her schooling till her training was done through the shifter school system. So she would spend her afternoons at the Smaten house studying whatever was deemed important based on Mrs Smaten talking with her old friend. Then she met her teacher, I guess I should have warned her before showing her Seamus. The last time she saw him she had been enraged so she doesn't' recall seeing the cursed.

She saw him and started backing up and Zebediah appears behind her scaring her more and I gently take her hands and explain that these two were going to teach her how to protect her sister. That had gotten her attention and she stood straight and said, "alright when do we start?" When she first saw the sword Seamus could summon she was surprised and Zebediah told her that he could with her permission show her what hers would look like so she would have an idea. I had read the angel mythology about Gabriel's giant flaming sword, but seeing it first hand really gives it perspective. This girl was going to be able to summon a six foot long flaming sword. So the first step Seamus decided the girl needed to learn was how to swing something of that size. So he contacted someone and had a special ax made with Zebediah's information about it's weight and the girl was now cutting firewood. Well kind of, the firewood was a bunch of logs bound upright. Seamus figured if the girl needed a target she might as well do something useful with it.

Zebediah approved of Seamus' idea of making the girl do something useful with her training. I had a suspicion that Zebediah was keeping something from us about either Gale of her sister. My father agreed with me so he took a sample of blood from both girls to get a screening. All he could discover is that they had two different fathers, and that he wasn't sure which. I had the idea that Zebediah wasn't going to let us know either.

Oh good they did send food for it. I mentally roll my eyes at Seamus' father invading my mind, "yes it showed up less than a day after his arrival." Good or I would have to officially take offense if they hadn't provided it with food and your stone faced friend would not like that paperwork no matter how much he might enjoy paperwork.

Now I was really curious about their diet, trust me dear you don't want to know. Worse you would not want my son to find out or he might get a little angry over it. I glance towards the direction where I hear the noise from the child chopping wood. Nice to see Seamus using the skills I gave him for something. I mentally shrug, "is there a reason you decided to contact me; no disrespect meant." I hear a mental chuckle, I would fall off a chair laughing if I heard you be disrespectful child. However yes I had something to tell you.

I walk into the garden as he continues, we traced where the blood mages were able to access our domain. It seems one of our lesser brethren was foolish enough to think the blood mages would make him stronger. As soon as they passed into our domain they killed him first, we are still trying to find out how they found the children. Once I know I will pass it along for your feathered friend, oh and Nancy. If he does decide to have a meal I will find out, just keep that in your head.

I feel Marchosias leave my mind and wonder at his last comment, it implied something. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what. However from the sound of it I would not like it and Seamus really wouldn't. Though something odd has been occurring since Zebediah has appeared, before heading back home Seamus has to stop at the Smaten house and shower, the vampires at the prison have been complaining that he smells after being near Zebediah. That was odd, as while vampires can literally smell anything and if a human would find it unpleasant they would just shrug. So for them to find something that smelled bad to them it was just weird.

I might want to dig out my old books about old world fair folk, as in the old myths about them. Which were different from the reality of those species. However after the discussion we had the other day I wonder how much the correlation between the old fair folk myths and the Angelus' and Demons is more of a parallel. I do recall one thing that the 'dark court' were more capable of having children verses the 'light court'. That was something in the passive talking with Zebediah that the Angelus' have fewer children than the Demons do. It make you wonder.

I speak with Seamus, you going to stay for dinner tonight? I can feel a mental head shake, if it weren't for the winged fool I would love to. However because I have to shower for over an hour it's not a good idea. I mentally sigh, it would be nice to have him stay for a meal once in a while, but he's right as long as he has to shower before returning to his home he can't stay here past a specific time and since we eat late with the kids begin at the Smaten house after school the timing is very much off.

I then tell him what Marchosias said about the blood mages, and I hear his mind voice become laced with anger. I might not like Demons, but what they did was unspeakable, children are never suppose to be harmed. Harming children is evil on any level. I agree with him letting him inform Zebediah about the information.

I sit on the side of my garden bed looking over my gardens wondering if life will ever go back to being quiet. Then Dang appears, so I think it best if you call them over so I only have to talk about this once. I mentally sigh and tell Seamus to have everyone come over to the front of the house.

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