Dangerous Bedfellows

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  I turn my head hearing a commotion coming up the stairs and a number of raccoon's chittering, my father shifts his stance. Then into my room walks a very angry looking human, I shake my head. "Sally, you shouldn't be here and based on that 'reaction' downstairs you didn't give any warning to anyone." The woman crosses her arms and glares, "a group of magic users attempted to harm my friend. I don't care who is pissed off," the woman says with a great deal of irritation in her voice. Not good, irritating a serial killer is seldom a good idea.

I hear silence come from down stairs followed by heavy footfalls on the stairs and I grin. Seamus walks into the room and leans against the doorway, "care to explain yourself human?" Sally stares for a moment before ignoring her reaction, she looks at me and says. "Well you are now even more interesting Nancy, as for explaining myself cursed. I take offense with what happened to Nancy, and I am going to help dealing with it."

I see Seamus raise an eyebrow, "she did kill the ones who went after her." Sally nods her head, "but I am not foolish to think that is the only ones in the group. From my experiences these are large groups, though on the mage side I am sure she killed the leader of the group." Seamus nods, then waves his hand in the air. "So what are you suggesting we should do about this then?" Sally leans against the wall, "I think we need to investigate who it is that sent the group of blood mages to here. How did they learn about that little girl this quickly? Is someone in your grouping telling info to others?" I blink my eyes, I hadn't thought of that my father was nodding his head in agreement with Sally.

Seamus looks over to my father then back to Sally, "there is a lot of potential for that. Lobo's Pack is very open about information to each other as he believes in trusting his people." Sally tilts her head thinking, "is that normal for a Pack?" She looks to Seamus and adds, "I know the Pack I belong to isn't normal; so." Seamus shakes his head, "with how your Pack handles information is more like the normal."

I head Simon's voice waft up the stairs, "young lady you did not request permission to enter the country. You will need to do something to make this better." Simon nods to me then glares at Sally, "good to see you awake Nancy. Once it was figured out where she was going I was dispatched to 'inform' her of the faux pas." I stifle a chuckle, as my father speaks. "Faux pas says you, I swear Simon you are the king of understatement. It would be technically be counted as an international incident. How will your Alpha handle this?"

Sally waves a hand, "he'll just deal with it. I am afforded a great deal of latitude, he will fix any issue. He is concerned about what has been going on here." Simon thinks for a minute, "does he think we need help in handing this situation?" Sally nods her head, "has anything been found out about the man who was watching us have lunch the other day?"

Simon looks to Seamus who sighs, "guess I'm not going to be able to keep a lid on this am I? The man is a member of one of the anti shifter groups. One of the more militant ones." Sally nods her head, it made sense seeing as how she had been very interested in the person as if she had a sixth sense for what he was.

I look to Simon, "how often do magic user join anti shifters?" Simon thought about it a few minutes, more likely to figure out what he could legally say. He waves a hand, "there does seem to be a connection with low tier magic users who are on the outside of magic user society." He pauses, just like I thought he would and figures out something mentally from the look on his face and continues. "Also ones like you had the pleasant experience with tend to join as well, they would like to see shifters turned into a brainless robotic like guard group that they control."

I raise my eyebrow, I knew what Simon said didn't make a ton of sense but it implied that some of the magic users want to remove the free will of shifters so they can have something they can control. More like the animals they imply we are. Midnight gives me a look, "remain calm Ma'am; or I'll have to turn your power off again. I nod my head in his direction, Seamus also looking a little angry. My father took a minute to connect all the dots but he didn't look happy either.

Sally shakes her head, "so not only bad humans but magic users who aren't very good people; that aren't blood mages." She looks to Simon, "are the magic users doing anything about this incident?" Simon sighs, "Peter Elderflower is attempting to get the ruling council to nudge the matter." Granny walks into the room then, she gives Sally a withering look then turns to the rest of us. "Yes Dr Peter has brought it to the council, but seeing as how we have to be in total agreement. It's not going to go anywhere."

I give Granny a look, "so the magic users don't have their best on the council?" She gives a half hearted chuckle, "to them they think they do have their best on the council. People like the Elderflower's are a rarity, or like the dressmaker you met. He likes you because you impressed him, hopefully he will turn a few in favor of shifters. However they are not the norm."

I shake my head and something comes to mind and I feel ice cold and Midnight blinks at me shaking his head. I turn to everyone, "Jake. Jake use to belong to one of those groups, could he still have connections with them?"

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