Self Sacrificing

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  I take the Mage to a secluded location in the woods with his entourage, it was tucked into a natural canyon that you would not see from above. This was in one of the local 'mountainous' sections it was small and had a few scraggly little trees. Yet it was covered with flowers of all kind, but as yet unknown to the public. They were only found in places where blood sacrifices have been or are being made. Stonehenge is covered with them and the botanists there have no idea what they are and why they don't grow any where else.

The 'table' was made from the same stone as the old Henge was, the stones having been brought here by one of the old Gods. Upon the table was a knife and bowl made from the same stone, it surprised the humans to see the table was spotlessly clean. I step into the canyon and walk towards the table one of the humans grabs me and goes to tie me up. "Can't have her getting away now," I shake my head and look tot he head mage. "Now tell him why it's unnecessary."

The mage takes a deep breath, "that girl can't leave or her Goddess will punish her for her deeds. Let go of her she knows what she is doing." I wasn't sure if anyone would arrive before I was killed because no matter what Opal will need treatment. Even on a Dragon a gunshot can cause lasting effects.

I climb onto the table noting the intricate pattern on the top of it. As I lie on it's surface I see the mage smile, "I certainly had not expected those Dragon's to finish eating by then you timed your choice well to ensure they could get away." I say nothing, just because I agreed to be a willing death for others does not mean that I had to explain anything to this man. I knew if I had waited a moment longer we would have had more than my possible death to be concerned about.

The mage orders the humans outside of the canyon, most likely to remove distraction. He then looks over the walls of the cavern noting that there were old petroglyphs etched into the walls. After a few moments while I got 'comfortable' on the oddly warm table the mage starts indicating the other mages should sit in a specific pattern around it. I notice a male from that horrible night in the restaurant, and I give him a look that could wither stone.

"Got a problem animal? I of course joined this group my family has been a silent partner to the blood mages for centuries. We won't allow animals to dictate our lives anymore, this will show that blood mages are the best to every exist." I shake my head and the man snort, "not like you can do anything about it. You're held to your oath."

The head mage gives the man a look and I mentally grin knowing the man isn't very high up, so it will take him a long time to be at the power he was in the main magic user world. The head mage indicates one of the glyphs and looks at me. "You knew this could increase the output and send it to everyone here?" I nod my head as my mother had taught me the petroglyphs since I was a child. She had learned them at a young age as my uncle had made use she knew them. I don't relish these mages knowing of this location but it has a few useful features for a rescuer who knows the tunnels behind the table I was now laying on. Tunnels that the mages do not know exist. Ones that I knew both Lobo and Maahes knew of.

The head mage looks over the glyphs a second time, "interesting that the table keeps a mental memory of any who have been killed upon it. I wonder if they will speak to you?" I don't speak as I already knew the answer to that as I have visited this spot a few times since my childhood. My mother forbidding it after I commented on the people that hung out in the canyon. People she couldn't see. I knew they all died here and appear to any who will die here.

They were already here too and they were looking sad. They knew why I was here, why I came here. They also looked very unhappy, the others who died here died to better their people. Every sacrifice was to help with something. While I am technically considered a willing sacrifice, the way it came about doesn't make the memories of these people very happy. Though there was another 'spirit' here and I know they aren't attached to the table and it's location. It was a grandfatherly looking older man who was sitting on a stone out cropping just watching and waiting. Why this 'person' appeared to my vision as a grandfatherly person I do not know. From what I have been told they shouldn't.

The mage then stands before me and takes up the bowl placing it on the ground where there was a groove designed to allow the blood to flow off of the table and into the bowl. He then picks up the knife and looks it over, addressing me. "I know you're thinking they'll get here before I can cut your throat girl but as I have yet to hear anything from my foolish band of human cannon fodder." I chuckle, "well I doubt they will like you calling them that. I am still here willing to give my life for everyone I know and love. So even if they don't get here, I did what I planned to, keep my family safe."

The mage nods his head granting me the statement, even if he could care less about why I did it. The mage grips the knife and cuts a clean line along my neck, my blood spilling out. Time slows in this moment and the 'memories' start talking to me. "This shouldn't be happening to you girly. You should be getting ready to bond to that big hunky wolf." The last part came from a female that sometimes appears as a primitive horse, so an old horse shifter.

My blood starts pouring into the pattern on the table and a light comes from the table and it starts getting warmer. Odd I always had heard that you slowly get cold as you die. The 'other' guest in the canyon leaps off of the rocky outcropping to look down at me. "You know you aren't meant to die here granddaughter. I'm not here to 'collect' you, you won't die here.

I see in slow motion a wolf, lion, and cursed wolf rush into the canyon from the tunnels behind me. Followed by a very angry bright green Dragon. Zebediah appears next to me and I see his eyes had gone fully black upon seeing my blood split and he goes to grapple one of the mages.

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