Calming the Mom

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  I rush out of the door and into the hall way hurrying towards the entryway. I come through the doorway to see Mrs Smaten standing a few feet from Blackstone, with a group of the guards looking very scared behind them. He was looking very calm considering who he was facing, Mrs Smaten did not look happy. I would say if she were a magic user of some kind things would be breaking.

I hear her speak in a very calm monotone, "who hurt Brenda and why is it a silver wound?" Blackstone takes a deep breath, "her sister brought a silver knife inside and stabbed her. We watched the video and it was premeditated, Brenda did nothing threatening. Then when Nancy approached June, the woman then stabbed her mate in the chest. We have her currently locked in a cell across from Seamus' rooms."

Mrs Smaten nods her head and she sees me, "what happened Nancy?" I step between Blackstone and Mrs Smaten then answer. "Well what caused Seamus to have a meltdown earlier was June calling me a freak it upset him a little. So I went to see if he could be reasoned with, and I came across Brenda and Doug as they arrived with Jake. Brenda upon finding out why Seamus had gotten angry went to talk with her sister. I talked to Seamus and when I left to return back here Doug rushed in to get some aid for Brenda and I shift and rushed to help her. Brenda was already on the ground bleeding, but I could tell she was still alive. I stood over Brenda to protect her and June bumps into Drake's bed, he reaches for her and then instinctively stabs him."

Mrs Smaten frowns, and nods her head and asks. "How does she feel now, I am sure you dealt with her in some way." I grin, "yeah I threw her into a wall. She then got locked in the cell while still unconscious, I just saw the video of when she woke up." I shake my head, "she wasn't upset that she stabbed him." Mrs Smaten shakes her head and her face softens, "did he?" I nod my head and Mrs Smaten looks around me at Blackstone, "I want to speak to her." Blackstone nods his head and speaks to me, "Nancy please escort her there. Oh and Mary, I'm not unlocking her door; you can use the intercom in the viewing room." Mrs Smaten nods her head, all of the cells have a room with one way glass. This way decisions can be made about the mental state of the prisoners kept here, they tend to wait to observe until after a week. As that is about how long it takes for people to ignore the one way glass.

We enter the room next to June's cell and I am shocked, June has trashed the room she is in. She bent the bed and the table is in pieces, from the scatter of the bits. It looked like she attempted to break the glass and failed. She is sitting in a corner of the room trying to pound the wall.

Mrs Smaten shakes her head and pulls a chair to the window, she motions that I should do the same. I pull a chair over tot he window, Mrs Smaten motions that I should remain quiet as she turns the intercom on. I decide to pretend that I wasn't in the room. Mrs Smaten speaks and I am surprised. "June dearie why have you been locked in here?" I see June's head go up, and turn towards the glass. "Mrs Smaten, are you here to get me out of here? These crazy people locked me in here, that Nancy person attacked my sister ripping her side open then tried to kill my mate. Then they locked me in here, someone needs to do something about them." I see Mrs Smaten grip the chair, "oh my. Who would have thought the 'special' would go rouge, don't worry sweety I'll go have a word with Mr Blackstone and we'll get you out of there."

I see Mrs Smaten smile as a moment of panic travels over June's face. "That's not necessary, just let me out and we can leave and go take care of my sister." Mrs Smaten's face goes dark, "oh so you can attempt to find that silver knife and finish the job June?" The woman looks shocked then looks angry, "so you're on their side then. I want to talk to my parent's they'll get me out of here and away from these freaks. I'll convince Drake that it was a bad accident." I hear the door open as June speaks and Drake is carried inside, he speaks. "no you won't June. You are not my Mate, you do not care about me as a person. You don't even act like a human, Seamus is more human than you are, you are the freak; not him or Nancy."

Mrs Smaten turns off our side of the intercom, and after a moment June starts screaming incoherently. Mrs Smaten turns to me nodding her head at Seamus and Drake, "thank you young man. You have potential, I recently called their family. It seems that woman has spent her life doing everything she could to gain status. The idea that her mate was to be a wolf, who was listed as an Alpha; it would raise her status greatly." Drake shakes his head, as if he doesn't understand. She continues, "that friend of theirs that was cursed, became so due to June. June was the top female in her high school and the one who became cursed because June dared the child to steal something from a sorcerers lab."

Seamus nods his head, agreeing that that would have caused a curse to be dealt. Drake's mouth drops open, "how could she do that at all?" Mrs Smaten shakes her head, "I was afraid of this; but I will be asking Blackstone to evaluate her. I have a feeling she has a mental problem." I nod my head looking back into the room June was attempting to powder the metal. I can certainly agree that might be the possibility going from her behavior in the room.

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