Unholy Alliance

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  Sally gives me a questioning look, "who is this Jake?" Seamus fights back a growl in the back of his throat, "a young with who just came into his powers late due to his father not liking his own species because he was born a dud." Simon looks up something on his phone a moment, "Jake Elderflower. I shall have to put a watch on him, it would help if his familiar decided to help." Midnight lifts his head in Simon's direction, Dang says he will keep a better eye on the man. It is possible, the young man has had contact with a group of the anti shifters. He was associated with them before.

Simon nods his head at Midnight and turns to Sally, "Jake is a very spoiled young man. His father tried to instill in him that he was more important than others and the young man took to those lessons too well I should say." Seamus looks out the window for a minute and I got the impression he was controlling himself, Sally questions Simon. "Hey stone face what are you leaving out?" Simon points at me, "why not ask Nancy?"

Sally then turns to me, "what is he talking about?" I sigh and say, "Jake is under the wrong impression. That I would like to be his steady girl friend." Sally snorts her eyes looking briefly at Seamus, "well that makes him a very foolish person doesn't it?" I nod my head and Simon comments with his arms crossed. "I wonder why those blood mages were so strong, the mage council is suppose to keep their powers controlled to keep them from causing harm to the general public."

I keep quiet about it as I wasn't given permission to divulge that info, even though I think it would be highly useful for everyone to know. I then here an exasperated sigh come from a spot near me and Seamus' head whips around to where Marchosias appears next to my bed. Seamus growls low at his demon father and Sally looks even more interested. Marchosias waves a hand in Seamus' direction, "at ease; I'm not here to harm anyone. I was here to pass on some information that I already gave to Nancy. Though because I told her to not speak of it she is unable to." Seamus takes a step forward and Simon puts his arm in front of the cursed.

"Calm yourself Seamus, he said he isn't here to hurt anyone and if he had wanted to harm us he could have already done so and we would have not been any wiser of it." Seamus takes a step back and visibly seems to be attempting to calm himself down, I still don't know why and I see Marchosias shake his head over my reaction. I really feel like I am seriously missing something.

Marchosias waves his hand and a file appears in Simon's hand. Simon opens the file and looks over the information inside. Simon blanches, and for a gargoyle to do that is must be pretty bad. He looks over to me, "she knows all of this?" Marchosias shakes his head, "not the who of course; or the how either. I know you can keep governmental information a secret, consider this a helping hand from my government to yours. I trust you know exactly how much you should share." Simon looks at the file again his face going more stony than normal.

The rest of us wait while he decides what he can say, I'm going to guess that it won't be much. After a couple minutes of him reading he looks at. Marchosias, "this isn't the full file is it?" Marchosias shakes his head, "of course not. However I might give you some more information based on how you handle the information I have given you."

Simon nods his head and after making sure the file is closed turns to my other guests, his hands shaking slightly. "Nancy incinerating that group of mages should have been impossible. That mage was using Demon energy, the group had been killing demon children. Their actual children, not 'children' like Seamus. A couple of them were high ranked as well, so the amount of power Nancy used is astronomically high."

Sally starts looking concerned and angry, that is worse than seeing her irritated. "I thought the mages were suppose to have them under control, how is this under control?" Maahes looks just as angry and I can't even define the look on Seamus' face. Everyone turns to Simon and after seeing a nod coming from Marchosias another file appears in Simon's hand. Simon looks apprehensive as he opens this file, and after scanning over the papers in it he hauls out his phone.

"This is Simon Greystone, I need to speak to the head of magical management NOW." He pauses as I see Marchosias vanish again, Simon focuses back on his phone and I hear him speak heatedly into it. "You need to pressure the magic users right now they as were not properly monitoring the blood mages and I have a file in my hand that details what the blood mages were using sacrifices of demons to grow in power." Simon pauses a few minutes as the other person responds and Simon says something in a language that has Maahes raising an eyebrow over. From the reading I have done about my father there is only one language he cannot speak. The language the true 'angels' speak, just like demons angels exist as species and they also have their own dimension just as demons do.

My guess is that Simon used that language to specifically prevent Maahes from hearing the word. As from the way he said it I could guess he only said one word, perhaps a name. Simon responds to the person on the other end of the phone. "Yes, you heard me; these are their children." Simon pauses again and then speaks, "get someone on the phone and find out what they are doing or we will need to act on this. Yes the information is highly reputable. It comes from Seamus' demonic father, who is the presiding officer."

After a moment Simon hangs up the phone and a bright light appears in the room and I see Seamus step back. Then before Simon stands an extremely tall human with large wings folded behind it's back. The 'Angelus' as they are called gives a slight bow and briefly sneers at Seamus then turns to Simon. "I have been dispatched to look over the information you posses stone child, I hope it is secure information?" Simon nods as if expecting this, and Granny snatches it out of Simon's hand. "I get to examine this first, as I am a shifter member of the council. I won't share what is not permitted," the Angelus nods it's head.

While Granny looks the information over I look over the Angelus, I had heard about them. Yet for the most part they do not interact in the world, however if anything demon related shows up they feel the need to get in the middle of it. I notice that the Angelus towers over Seamus' head and I cannot tell if it has a gender, many suppose that they are all clones of the same being. They keep to themselves so well that we don't even know how they reproduce.

Granny after a few minutes takes in a very deep breath and after carefully closing the file hands it to the Angelus. She turns to the assembled people, "now I can tell you all something that Simon did not. Those 'people' sacrificed a newborn of their highest ranked, how they even got to that baby should be looked into as well I think."

The Angelus looks over the file and turns green colored briefly. It closes the file and says, "pardon everyone I must speak with my supervisors about this development." The Angelus turns to Simon, "if they cannot control those mages we will be forced to slaughter any mage we assume is a blood mage." I raise an eyebrow at that, it implied a great deal. One of which answers the question on them reproducing.

The Angelus vanishes and Maahes comments, "now you all know why demons and Angelus' are associated with elves. The old myths about elves say that two groups existed, one 'good' and one 'evil'. Which if you know anything about them neither really applies to either of them." Those myths also comment on how hard it is for the two species to reproduce. I begin to wonder how many more cards will come into play. As the 'current' hand was looking like the house wins.

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