Meeting Dad

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  A couple days later Simon picks me up to meet my father at the airport, the city the airport was a part of while not in my 'territory' was considered an area I could go to on occasion with clearance. Thankfully not a full permit though, if Simon wasn't driving me I would simply have to call him and inform him that I wished to go there and why. It would probably bother some people to live under such circumstances, but it was determined best for some of us specials. If I made it to my father's age I might be able to request a time period where I could travel the world and see new things. As with greater age we are considered more in control of our selves. The old Dire Wolf however won't ever be given the same, as due to the structure of wolf Packs, the old Dire had to be the Alpha of the Pack as wolf Packs only respect power. Dire Wolves as a general rule are the most powerful of the wolf shifters.

If the old Dire tried leaving the territory of their Pack the whole Pack would follow just out of an instinctual need to protect their leader. Which to me makes zero sense as if the wolf is Alpha because he is the most powerful then he should be able to take care of his own defense.

Simon looks over at me, "you look like you are thinking hard Nancy. What is on your mind?" I thought the question odd out of Simon as considering his species and job(s) he tends to be very 'business like' at all times. I do answer him, "well I was thinking on the differences on how some of the specials are treated." Simon nods his head as he changes lanes to exit the highway towards the airport. "Old Lobo really made you think on the species differences?" I really was thinking on it as considering 'specials' could easily live to be five hundred years old, "he seemed very morose." Simon nods his head again, "these uncomfortable rules are in place more for your protection versus the protection of the public. Most humans are afraid of the special types, they think due to you not having the split personality of the regular shifters it makes you more dangerous."

I shake my head, "one would think having a split personality would make you less stable. As a wolf can simply say 'my wolf did it so it's not my fault'. That isn't right, I am responsible for what I do no matter the form I have." Simon nods his head expertly avoiding some human who dashed their car in front of ours. "I agree, everyone should be responsible for their own actions. I have been attempting to get a new law passed through the shifter council, one that will require full prosecution for any shifter committing a crime while in beast form. Shifters are suppose to learn how to control their beast sides to prevent bad actions, not all of them do and expect to be let go because the animal did it. If the other shifters will get behind it they can overrule the wolves on the council. Then once it passes there we can send it to the council for the supers, then after that it will be tured to the human governments." He levers me a look briefly, "we need to have a united front if everyone wishes to live harmoniously together."

We arrive at the airport and as I look at the entrance I shake my head, there was protesters at the gates; I look over to Simon. He shakes his head, "someone must have told them about Maahes riding on the plane. They even brought a news crew," Simon growls slightly and whips out his 'radio' again. "Agent Simon here, what idiotic moron let slip that Maahes was inbound today?" He waits for a response, "unknown Agent Simon. Are you certain it was not that fool lion himself?" Simon shakes his head before answering, "doubt it. As he knew I would be bringing his daughter to meet him, they brought a news crew. You better have her image scrubbed from all video before someone can identify her type." He waits a moment, "roger that Agent Simon. We will have our top tech agent get right on it."

He turns to me and notices the look on my face and puts a hand on my shoulder, "easy Nancy. If you choose to say something be very careful." I nod my head and we start walkign towards the crow that hadn't seen us yet. Large signs saying 'Only Humans Should Have Free Travel Rights' and "No ANIMALS Allowed', were on one side of the entrance. The other side had people wielding signs with 'Animals are people too' and 'Shifters aren't bad Humans are', I shake my head and subtly watch them as we approach. I notice the people against the supers were being respectful of letting people walk in and out of the entrance. They would randomly shout a slogan, but otherwise they appeared to be calm. The people on the other side were attempting to get the opposing side to fight them and they were accosting anyone leaving the building to check if they were for or against supers. A few people on the against side notice us first and while their faces went grim they just kept on behaving calmly, then the pro super faction noticed us. Most of the group rushed towards us and upon seeing that a few of the against faction take a step to get in the way when Simon gives them a look which has them step back. Simon then holds up a hand, "stop. Do not crowd me I am here on official buisness and if you get in my way I will have to arrest all of you." One of the against people shouts, "YEAH what the stone face said. Now you let him do his job so that animal he is picking up will be gone." The group running towards us stops and I think a moment and step up to the line of protesters against my kind and ask them as a whole. "What problem do you have with supers?"

The group is silent a moment and a bit of shuffling happens in their group and then someone speaks up. "Well first they ain't human," I nod my head and respond. "True but we cannot control being born now can we?" The man who made the first comment then continues, "and them shifters commit crimes and don't even get tried for them." I nod my head and say, "what if there wound up being a law requiring shifters be held responsible for the crimes they commit while not appearing human? Would that at least make you feel better about supers? The man thinks a minute then nods his head and one of the pro supers grabs my arm and says. "Don't listen to them they're just specieist and hate anyone not human." I wrench my arm out of their grasp and I say in an angry tone, "I have less of an issue with people who have an honest gervience against supers than someone who is attempting to make themselves feel important by downing those greviences." I turn towards the against group again, "show of hands. How many of you know someone who has been injured in someway due to a super?" Every member of the group protesting against the supers raise their hands, I turn to the pro super and wave my hand towards the protesters with their hands raised. "See this is the problem, not the people themselves. I bet not a single one on your side have ever hand any problems with a super. We need a solution to their issues, instead of posturing over things that in the greater scheme of things." I could see the anti super faction nodding their heads collectively.

The, I guess; head of the pro faction then comments. "well what about those that want all supers dead?" I give the person a withering look, "there are people like that in the world yes. However, they are not the bigger portion of the group that dislikes supers. They are allowed their beliefs, provided they don't act on them; just as anyone else is permitted to."

Simon then moves me through the bewildered crowd and into the airport, he pulls out the radio. "Agent Simon again, allow what the special said be broadcast but have them remove her image. I think the discussion should be viewed." I give Simon a questioning look and he smiles, "you have very simply explained the whole problem in a way humans can grasp it. I can't get the PR department to make such a simple statement."

We head to the disembarking area and waited me noticing the increase in security and one of the guards walking by intentionally nods to Simon, ad I give him a questioning look. "The office had the security increased in case the protesters came inside once they figure out which plane your father is on. Which," he looks at his watch; "should be disembarking now."

We wait as a stream of people start coming through, Simon after a few minutes turns around suddenly as a large blond haired man attempts to jump on him. Simon deftly stepping out of the way tsking at the man who fell face first onto the floor. "Come on Simon, at least let me pounce you once;" came a deep voice from the floor. Simon rolls his eyes as if this is a common occurrence. "I should think you would be more well behaved publicly with your daughter here." MY father responds as he rolls over levering me an amused look, "I am. I could have shifted first." Then Simon very coldly states, "someone leaked your arrival and there are protesters and a news crew outside." My father stands instantly then not looking very happy, "well then we had better just walk out very calmly then."

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