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Nancy please be a dear and keep your friends back. My uncle told me, I found out since meeting both of my 'special' relatives that wolves aren't the only shifters who can speak mind to mind. However I believe it is just a trait from those of us who are 'specials', and even there I wasn't sure it would translate to a non 'special' seeing as how my father spoke directly to Doug and the ladies.

I spy the black wolf of Drake's slinking from around a corner and my uncle snarls and Drake freezes and looks towards the sound. He instantly shifts back to human, probably quicker than normal due to the fact he was scared because he shifted back naked. He was naked when I saw him Nancy, they guards thought that maybe he'd be reasonable if he had no clothes. Well that explained it, though it did appear Drake was scared, "wh-what is this?" I step around my uncle's right fore leg and lean against it, "this Drake is my uncle whom I hear you were rather rude to inside."

Drake blinks his eyes surprised, "Nancy? You're no wolf how can that monstrosity be your uncle?" Doug attempts to walk up and I put my hand out to keep them back, Drake sees the movement and spies June. He goes to step towards her and my uncle snarls again, and Drake freezes only his head turning to my uncle. "S-Sir, that female i-is my Mate. I-I want to go and see her." I feel my uncle get ready to move and I stand straight and he steps forward one step snarling again.

I can smell the other wolves from my uncle's Pack forming in the entry hall behind Drake, "I suggest very strongly that you listen to my uncle Drake." I smell brimstone and see the cursed werewolf step out from behind the wall next to Drake, without turning his eyes off Drake my uncle gives a short bark and the werewolf looks to Drake showing his teeth. "You might want to heed the saber's uncle pup, or I might be forced to hurt you in front of your pretty little mate." Drake lowers his head and backs up slowly, it was very obvious that Lobo's size scared him; more than the cursed werewolf did.

I scent blood and see two human looking people step up and chain Drake, one looks to us; "you can meet with him in twenty minutes Ma'am. However I have been informed that the one raccoon isn't permitted to see him based on this behavior." I nod my head and I could hear June start crying, the vampire guards haul him away. The cured werewolf moves to stand in front of my uncle, who nudges me with a paw and I step out of the way.

The cursed looks up at my uncle, "so old man feel like a match? I always wondered what a 'special' wolf could do against one like me." Seamus, how many times have I told you no? The cursed smiles, "too many Lobo." He turns his head to me, "I know your father is worried about my presence; he should be. I am not known for my mental stability, as most of my kind tend to go insane."

A gravelly voice comes from the doorway, "that's enough Seamus. You had your fun, if you want to stay stable; I suggest you not mess with the 'specials'. I could make a single call and your medication would stop and then we'd have to put you down." I see a dark skinned gargoyle standing at the entrance, and the cursed werewolf winces. "Yes sir, Mr Blackstone. I will go and check on our troublemaker." Seamus then walks back inside the building, the gargoyle then looks to Lobo, "go ahead and shift back Lobo. Everything is under control now. Now young lady," he turns to June who is crying into her sister's shoulder. "I really am sorry you came out here today to be told you can't spend time with Drake, but if he had not tried to break out it would be different." I hear Brenda, "but Doug said he was doing well."

Blackstone, (he hadn't given us his first name) responds; "my dear. Drake has been improving, it is Shadow who has not been. I had asked Lobo here to try to get them to agree to joining his Pack in an effort to control Shadow." I nod my head, Shadow must be his wolf's name; "that boy needs to learn control." My uncle says behind me, "I think Drake spent too much time coddled as a youngster. His wolf is out of control." I turn around and look at the raccoon ladies and I ask Lobo a question. "Uncle, are you thinking some wolf dominance would help control Shadow?" Lobo nods, "yes but I would need him to accept my Pack for me to; oh I see. You want to use Seamus." I nod my head at my uncle. I ask, "is it possible to use a cursed for that?" My uncle looks off unfocused in thought, "with a medical team on standby maybe." Lobo looks over to the gargoyle, "Mr Blackstone?" The gargoyle ponders a moment then responds. "We could use Seamus yes, though it is possible Seamus could get carried away." I nod my head, cursed werewolves due to their nature were insane; your human and beast shapes aren't meant to be mixed together. In the case of regular shifters it is a case of two minds, and in a cursed those two minds are also melded. In a cursed wolf it tends to lead to a very combative individual.

Mr Blackstone looks at my uncle, "though you know the problem with doing this Lobo." My uncle nods his head, "tell him I will fight with him if he can get Shadow under control." My head whips around to my uncle, "is that wise uncle?" My uncle nods his head, "oh I would have no problem besting him. I will just have to order my Pack to not get involved. Seamus couldn't beat me in a fair fight when we were children. I doubt he can now." I blink, "uncle he doesn't look a day over a hundred." My uncle nods his head, "I know; he was one of the first members of my Pack. Then he ran a foul a rather nasty sorcerer, who then cursed him. I spent years attempting to keep my friend whole, now the government uses him as a way to test out medications to keep those like him from going full insane."

The front opens and Seamus steps back out, "aw now you had to go spoil it Lobo. I wanted your niece to keep guessing as to how we know each other. As to the pup, yes I'd be happy to toss him about for a time. So when do you want to wrestle Lobo?" My uncle chuckles, "how about we make it a regular once a month event for you my old friend. You're looking like you need a work out." Seamus looks offended, "come on now I get plenty of times to work out around here. Now girly." He turns to June, "wipe those pretty eyes you're making your mascara run. I suggest your sister takes you to go clean your face up, then after I beat up your Mate we send you in to tend to him." Blackstone looks like he is about to object when my uncle speaks up, "no listen to him. In this case we're going to use a carrot on a stick, but first we're going to beat him with that stick."

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