Clean Up

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  My father not moving from over the young wolf, speaks in his raspy voice again. "Because you fool my daughter was never your true Mate, the Goddess connected you to her to aid you in finding your Mate." Drake looks dumbfounded as a large group pf government vehicles rushes into the parking lot a few of them looking like prisoner transport and troop carriers, and a bunch of heavily armed human looking people pile out of them.

I see Simon calm step out of a car the truck next to him opening and a very large armored person steps out, and my feline nose gets a whiff of wolf and brimstone. Watch out Nancy, my father speaks directly to me; that is a cursed werewolf. I had heard of such people, they were people who pissed off magic users and were "gifted" a demonic wolf spirit that they couldn't directly control. It seems like Simon's group has one on the payroll.

Simon looks over the situation and nods the troops to move the humans away, he passes his eyes over me briefly; but I know he spied the gunshot in my shoulder. He focuses on Drake looking confused and the woman facing him with the pair of raccoon's behind her. Simon turns his head and says something very quietly and the wolf man stands at attention like a statue. Simon slowly walks over and I see is muscles twitching slightly, that is not a good sign; he was very angry.

He stops a few feet away from Drake and speaks, "former Alpha Drake. You are required to return to prison to finish out your sentence of one year, surrender now." I see June turn her head to Simon, "he's a criminal? I am mated to a criminal?" Simon merely nods his head slightly, "yes and his escape made his crimes worse than they had been." I see June turn to Drake a furious look on her face and she steps over and slaps him hard across the face, I see Simon slightly wince and Drake look mystified.

Simon clears his throat and waves at the two raccoon's telling them to shift back, "as you have been informed. Wolf Drake, the other shifter species do not have the same mate bond a wolf has. She has no restraint from harming you if you do something foolish." Drake still looks shocked as his hand slowly goes to where June slapped him, Doug chuckles. "You need to learn to form a working relationship if you want to keep your Mate Drake. She has no true obligation to stay with you, and since the troubles you have gotten yourself into; she is less likely to want to be near you."

Drake looks utterly lost and with a quick look to Simon, carefully walks over to Drake; I see the wolf man track the goings on. Doug slaps Drake on the back, "then we shall have to teach you how to be a good mate to June." Drake looks up, and I see tears forming in his eyes; "is that your name?" I see June nod her head slowly. "SIMON GREYSTONE, if that wolf harms a head on my son's future sister in law I will have you repainted by some graffiti artists." A very furious Mrs. Smaten, striding out of the shop pausing to check on Sammy. She pats my father's foreleg, "go ahead and shift back he's fine."

Simon turns slightly to her and says, "why Mary. I would never imagine doing anything to upset you, as to the wolf, I think your son is going to handle this." She nods at him and I see Simon wave a hand and the wolf man slowly walks over to Drake and I hear a deep voice speak. "Come wolf it is time to leave, disobey and you'll never see that pretty little mate of yours." Drake drops his head and shuffles after the wolf man.

Simon looks at me across the parking lot, "I know it must hurt Nancy but; you'll have to shift before they can check the gunshot." I nod my head slowly, understanding what he was actually referring to; the child under me was starting to move. I hope when I knocked the boy over I didn't hurt him.

I change back into my human form carefully blocking the child from his parent's bodies, ignoring Jake; whom I had seen Simon give an odd look to. The boy looks at me his eyes big with wonder, "nice trick Lady. You were the big kitty?" I nod my head as I reach out to him to check for any injury, he keeps talking as I find no broken bones but a couple of scratches from the sidewalk. "I have a trick too, mommy and daddy says I shouldn't use it though because people wouldn't like it. So why can you do the trick? Don't people get upset when you do?"

I pause in my examination of the child and pull back to look the boy in the eyes and I sniff the air. I smell the feline smell coming off of the boy, and I smile and glance to Simon briefly. "Can you show me your trick sweety? I promise no one here will get upset at you for it," the boy grins as if being allowed to disobey a rule and I suddenly have a house cat the size of a lynx standing in front of me.

I hear Jake behind me, "but he's not a human?" I keep my eyes on the boy looking over his form as I respond to Jake. "No, he's not. His parents were, he's what we refer to as a 'luck born'; someone who is born a shifter outside of a shifter bloodline. It is usually something odd or rare." The boy was a ginger cat, defiantly lynx sized; which made me wonder how big he would be when full grown.

Simon steps next to me waving at someone behind me, "Nancy; you know what this means yes?" I nod my head, this boy is our first shifter of a domesticated feline variety; most other feline species already had shifters. I feel my arm gently grasped above and below my gunshot and I wince, the boy changes back, "are you hurt Lady?"

Simon answers for me as I could feel whom ever it was attempting to dig the bullet out of my arm. "Yes Nancy is hurt, it happened when she prevented you from getting hurt;" he squats down to the boy's height. "Can you tell me your name young man?" I feel people approaching behind me but I can't tell who due to the sharp pain from my arm. The boy nods his head, "my name is Greg Mr." Simon looks behind me to I believe Mrs Smaten, and then looks back to Greg. "Greg, I need you to be a big boy for me alright?" Greg nods his head quickly and Simon continues, "your parents were killed before Nancy stepped in front of you. They were killed by accident, but Nancy stopped you from being hurt." I could see the boy trying to look strong, but I could see the tears in his eyes; and Mrs. Smaten picks him up hugging him tightly giving Simon a withering look.

"Mary, I needed to tell him. Better it be done now rather than after everything calms down," a voice comes from my shoulder as my arm is carefully wrapped in gauze. "I agree with Simon Mary, the child will process it better this way; and also. I will need to get some samples from him before we leave including measurements, which will be a good distraction."

Mrs. Smaten looks angry but nods her head, "where will he live?" Simon looks behind me a moment then to me, "I'm sending him with Nancy. Her cat can help him learn to control his beast form, since Dang is a witch's familiar he will be able to speak to the boy." Mrs Smaten nods her head, and Simon waves a hand. "Once we are done here take them to Mr Lee's for a meal on me," he points behind me. "I want that one to escort her home with the child," I turn and see him pointing at Jake.   

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