Bad Mages

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  Sally sits on the steps of the porch and takes in a deep breath. Well first from what my contacts have told me the magic users have not been keeping tabs on the blood mages unless they interfere with their own people or they kill to many humans. They have been given carte blanche to kill as many non magic supers as they want." I shake my head not terribly surprised by this, I would almost guess that the people who let them slide were hoping for some way to increase their power without needing their familiars. As the familiars are technically a morality system to keep the magic users under control.

"These blood mages that have been working with the anti supers have found a collections of old tomes from before the Inquisition." Sally pauses to let that information sink in and Simon and Maahes both swear. Sally continues, "yes it seems that the group who was suppose to keep these old blood magic tomes under lock and key let a few out into the general public and the blood mages have found them."

Simon turns to me, "back in the Inquisition while the human church was killing supers they were collecting the books of any and all magic users." Simon looks over at Maahes who nods his head, "these church men chose to attempt to use these books to gain power to wipe out all of the non human species in the world." I sigh not surprised that was what they had planned to do with those books, since the supers decided to be part of the world in a greater sense humans have feared them. Oddly in a few of the ancient civilizations they were considered a great thing to be a citizen of the cities. They also helped those civilizations a great deal.

Maahes continues where Simon leaves off, "when that group at the church was over thrown the early super council took any remaining magic tomes and locked them away after cataloging them. Now it has always fallen to the magic users to keep an eye on their old books, if they purposely sent out books this is a bad problem that needs addressing separately." Maahes waves a hand, "some would have had magics to tell you where to find living people if you knew something about those people. So being able to focus on children of demons especially powerful ones could be found."

I give a look to Simon, "did any of those books include information on the Angelus realm?" Simon whips out his phone and looks over something. I could see Zebediah start looking offended as Simon looks through the listings. "they were allowed to keep such tomes without turning them over to either of our peoples?"

Seamus gives Zebediah a look, "remain calm or I will restrain you. I am sure you won't want to ingest cold blood and I will not have you drinking off of Nancy directly again."Zebediah gets a disgusted look on his face, and Seamus nods his head. Simon pauses in his look and looks up at me then calls someone, "I want a group of our best book keepers to head to the magic user tome vault and to investigate their inventory. I want to know yesterday if any books are missing and what they are."

Simon closes his phone and sighs, "yes there are tomes that could have information on the Angelus plane and their people. I would suggest you inform your superiors Zebediah." The Angelus nods his head and after a moment looks confused and Seamus shakes his head. "I told you, you can't leave where she is at now. So they won't let you back, just tele communicate with them." Zebediah shakes his head, "we don't have that ability." Seamus shakes his head and says, "I'm sure my father will be happy to pass the information on to your superiors if you speak their name, and I know he speaks the Angelus language."

Zebediah nods his head and says something in a strangely musical language and I get the feeling Marchosias responded when I hear what sounds like a different melody. After a few minutes a bright light appears and an Angelus appears and turns to Simon, "we demand these tomes be released to our people to be properly disposed of." Simon gives the Angelus a look, "once I know where those tomes are located. As if they were removed from the facility they were to be stored in then we need to deal with that just as much as dealing with the possible harm to your people." The Angelus nods his head and vanishes and never even looks at Zebediah.

I look over at Zebediah who looks stunned and then deflated. Sally comments, "are they shunning you?" Zebediah nods his head slowly, "because I could not restrain myself from harming a mortal I am now considered lower than dirt to my people." Seamus lifts his head, "well then you shall need to learn about your other people. You are only half Angelus, so Maahes can test your blood to determine your genetics and we can find out what your other species is. We won't share the info with the general public. However Simon might want to add the information to a file on you." Simon nods his head in agreement, it would probably be best if a file was started on Zebediah if he was now stuck in our plane.

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