Death of an Angel

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  I momentarily think of how good it is that Dragons follow the Eastern model of them verses the Western model or she would not have fit into the caves with a six legged bulky body. The snake like shapes their bodies are in work well if they have to travel through a cave. Though I do wonder if she is more angry these mages messed up the Mating Flight or that they hurt her brother.

The humans who were outside the canyon rush into it on the head mage's shout and they join in with the mage's attempts at keeping the shifters and Dragon at bay. I see the old grandfather calmly observing as he stands near me, and I cannot tell who it is he is watching. That bothered me as it means either one of my 'rescuers' is on his 'pick up' list or one of the mages group is. Yet he implied he was only here for one person and I doubt my father, uncle or Seamus will let any of them get away.

In the mess of the battle another person appears next to the old grandfather, Marchosias turns to the grandfather and says. "You aren't here for my soon to be daughter are you?" The old man shakes his head, "no I am not no worries old friend. She might not feel well but she'll be alright, though she may wind up upset over what will happen." Marchosias nods his head and after giving me a gentle look turns to the group of humans and mages and looks like he will rip them all to shreds.

I watch the fighting noting the humans had silver tipped weapons and I see Seamus with burns on him from where the bladed weapons cut him. The mage wouldn't let them use guns in the small space to much risk of the bullets hitting one of them.

I see Marchosias' head whip around as I see Zebediah stumble while dodging a silver edged sword as it slashes across his chest. The stumble happens right next to the table I am still on top of bleeding. I'm still amazed I haven't bled out yet, and Zebediah his the table as I notice the amount of blood flowing out of the slice on his chest and as soon as he hits the table I see a blinding light and I hear a loud crack. The stone table under me breaks and the head mage's head turns a horrified look on his face.

Then the bright light forming around the table shoots out to the mages that 'connected' tot he energy flowing from the table latching onto them. Then they all start burning, and I notice the cut on my neck healing. The grandfather leans down and touches Zebediah's shoulder and I see the now dead Angelus step out of his own body and look up at the old grandfather, "did I do good?" The grandfather takes his hand gently and responds, "yes child you did you have made everything right." The old man takes another look at me before vanishing with Zebediah's spirit. I hear a quiet comment, your grandmother is so proud of you.

The humans stop fighting once the mages caught on fire, Marchosias coming close to me and covering Zebediah. Making a point to not touch me as Seamus rushes up to pick me up, "you are not standing as yet Nancy. I don't know how much blood you have lost but I am sure it is probably not safe for you to stand."

I see Emerald shift back to the not quite human form and she eyes the humans. Her hand holding one of them by the throat. I was fairly sure that was the one who shot her brother. She shoves him at Maahes who stand on him gently but firmly, as she comes over slapping Seamus' shoulder as he growls towards her for coming near me. "If you don't let me touch her I can't tell you how bad the blood loss is. We know the cut was healed once the Angelus fell onto that table, but what happened there?"

Lobo clears his throat which is an odd sound from a wolf, "because he wasn't a willing sacrifice." The large wolf gives the still standing humans a look and they all freeze as he walks towards the table waving a paw to the petroglyphs. "If an unwilling sacrifice is offered the table will break and judgment will be passed to those who would defile the holy place. That is a rough translation of those images, because Nancy was a willing sacrifice already it reversed the direct damage done to her, however it can't replace the lost blood. As that was turned into pure energy to, 'judge' those who broke the rule."

Lobo then glares at me, "even though it was a sound solution that was very foolish endeavor young lady." He then gives me a wolf version of a smile, "and your grandmother would have been so proud to have seen you do it. As it is not unlike what she did so long ago, though aside from the outcome what she did was considerably less dangerous." A bright light heralding the appearance of an Angelus appears in the center of the canyon and what looks like an older Angelus stands before us with a sad look on their face. They look at the covered body of Zebediah, "so the boy dies. However he did at least do it in a useful manner, it would have been better had he not fallen for his baser desires." He looks over to Marchosias, "was he 'collected'?" Marchosias nods his head and the old Angelus says, "that is good then. Please inform his father of this, we will take care of the burial." They then turn and look at the head mage who wasn't burning as fast and states, "he has the tomes on his body they have burned up. So that 'problem' has been solved as well."

I attempt to lift my head, "you think Zebediah was a problem? No one is perfect, and I expect anyone to make mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are major, it happens; to expect everyone or everything to be perfect is wrong." The old Angelus pauses for a moment and bows their head, "you are right child. Our people tend to be very much very structured in our behavior our half children are not and tend to have a hard time adjusting to society in our realm. Maybe we need to let more of them experience life in the human world and see if they can learn why we behave as we do then."

The old one then bends down and touches Zebediah and the body vanishes, as does the old Angelus. Marchosias looks over to the head mage's body as it falls to the ground, "it is good those tomes are now gone. Now I believe you have a party to return to. I will drop the prisoners in one of your prisons I am sure the guards will be very pleased to have them."

Marchosias snaps his fingers and the humans minus the one my father was holding vanish as does he. The human under my father's paw looks scared and starts trying to talk and Emerald glares at him. "SHUT UP now. I'm not going to kill you, that is my sister's choice you harmed her MATE. So your blood is now hers, be thankful she is human she most likely will not kill you but maybe she will. Isn't uncertainty fun?" The human looks scared and Emerald finally comes over and looks me over without Seamus growling. She touches my neck in a few locations, "not even a mark. You will need to take it easy for a few days and Seamus is right. No walking for now, which will make Seamus very happy I imagine."

I see Seamus grin at being told that and Emerald pokes him in the ribs. "We better head back or Mr Lee might have our heads for not bringing her back swiftly. For a human that man scares me, so I'd rather avoid annoying him." I hear Lobo and Maahes comment in agreement and after Maahes picks the human up gently we head into the caves to head back not wanting to walk through the burnt bodies.

As we enter the caves I notice some people slip into the canyon holding hand made shovels. I think the members of the local tribe who still live in the old ways have come to clean up the location. I am certain they will leave the 'table' as a memorial to the dead Angelus.

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