Not Something To Mess With

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  I wake up Goddess knows how much later in a large bed room, I jump up and rush to a window and discover I can't open it. No, this is not happening to me. I slowly sit down on the floor and I reach inside noticing my other isn't awake yet and I carefully grab her so she cannot get control over me.

I barely hear the door open and I smell the Alpha as he stands in front of me, "now I can smell you. I had my mother bathe you so that masking scent washed away." I slowly lift my head holding tightly onto my other when I look him in the eyes he looks concerned. "Is something wrong? Can you please tell me your name? Mine is Drake," I snarl in response realizing my other is awake. "You. Took. Me. From. The. One. Thing. Controlling. My. Other." He looks at me with a curious look, and I mentally scream; as I feel my other fighting me.

Someone rushes into the room an older looking woman, "Drake; what is wrong with your mate?" He turns around and shrugs, "I don't know mother." The woman slowly walks around her son and squats down to my level and touches my arm and I snarl. She turns to look at Drake, "she is burning up Drake. What kind of shifter is she?"

He shrugs, "she said she is a 'special' and she is the second in her line." I see her eyes go wide and she looks back at me, and without taking her eyes off of me she asks Drake. "You said her mother was a cougar?" He nods his head, "yeah ma; why?" His mother slowly removes her hand from my arm and slowly and calmly says, "one of the 'Old ones'?" I grit my teeth and nod my head, and she gets a far away look and ten males rush into the room.

Drake looks panicked, "why did you call them mother?" His mother keeps her eyes on me and quietly says, "I need half of you to stay here. You might need to restrain her, the other half find the Dr NOW! Tell him we have an 'Old One' not in their home."

Drake looks at her wide eyed, "why would we need to restrain my mate mother?" His mother refuses to not look me in the eyes, "my son. You are a foolish young man, you should have paid attention to your shifter history. I need the Dr to suppress her other self or she could kill everyone here. She is not attached to this place, and she needs an attachment to be safe."

Drake looks like he's ready to ask a question when a man in a white coat rushes in with the half that went looking for the Dr. He looks at me and pales, "you didn't say it was the Alpha's new mate." He carefully steps forward and slowly pulls out a needle making every movement deliberate, so as to not surprise me. "I am sorry my dear I have to give you this shot," Drake looks angry. "Why aren't you calling her by her title? What's in that needle?"

The Dr bows to me as I snarl again, "apologies M'Lady." He turns slowly to Drake, "until you have seen what she is; there is no title that will fit her Alpha Drake. You obviously have no idea what you are mated to."

He very slowly finishes approaching me and apologizes again before putting it in my arm, and I snarl again trying desperately to keep my other inside me. The doctor and his mother stand perfectly still as I shake waiting for the drug to take effect.

After a few minutes I feel my other fall into a deep sleep, and I take a deep breath. I turn to the Dr, "thank you; how long do I have?" The doctor relaxes, "honestly I have no idea. I have never had to treat one of your kind before, and everything we have on your kind is conjecture and myth." Drake's mother places a hand on my arm, "you are the second in your line?" I nod my head, "who was the previous?"

I look out the window, "my great grandmother. The local tribe considered her their best warrior, she had kept them from being shipped off with other tribes." Drakes mother nods her head and then Drake steps towards me, "you never answered my question; what is your name?" I look him dead in the eyes, "my name is Nancy; and I need to go home."

Drake crosses his arms, "you are home. My home, we are mates." I shudder as I feel my other waking up again, and I focus on holding her. "I. Need. To. Go. Back." Drake's mother looks at me wide eyed, and the doctor thinks a moment. He apologizes to me and turns to Drake's mother, "it might be best to let her out. We don't know what will happen and if the drug only lasts minutes we need to try something else, and I have no idea." I hear my phone ringing from the bedside table, the ringtone I had for Doug. I turn my head to it my face relaxing a moment, Drake's mother sees that and slowly maneuvers over to it without turning her back on me. She picks it up and answers it, "hello? She's nearby, but can't talk at the moment. She found her mate who took her home with him," I watch her pull the phone away from her ear as I hear a shriek come through the phone. She brings the phone to her ear again, "yes; we'll try that. Yes I agree my son is an idiot, yes you heard me my son. Thank you Bye." She hangs up, and has a scared look on her face.

She bows to me, "your friend says the only thing he knows that will calm her is to let her run?" I nod my head, "but not being at your home we don't know if you will come back after?" I nod again, "he also said everyone fears what she is. That my son, must not show fear over her." I shrug not caring, Drake looks around and then says. "alright if everyone thinks her other needs a run then let's run." His mother glares at him without taking her eyes off of me, "first she needs to shift in front of you Drake. Her friend suggested it be outside, with as few people as possible."

Drake shrugs, "just me then, she is my mate after all she won't hurt me." His mom shakes her head, "take at least two; for protection." He waves a hand, "fine; my Beta and body Guard she seems least threatened by them."

The doctor after apologizing a great deal picks me up, with me snarling at him; and he takes me slowly outside. Sending the guards ahead to clear the path and to tell everyone to stay back. He sets me on the ground and backs away, Drake stands in front of me with his two 'guards' on either side of him. I hear the door lock to the house and Drake says, "alright; it's just us."

I release my other and I feel my bones start to shift and fur appear on my skin, I also gain a bit of height as due to what I am my size will alter. I grow a short tawny colored coat, and gain a stub of a tail and feel my canines elongate about a foot and a half. Fully changed I dig in my claws and snarl aggressively at the male who removed me from my home.

The two other males on either side of him instantly shift and I see their muscles bunch as they prepare to jump me and the male grabs them both my the scruff of the neck. "Now, now; no attacking. We wanted her to shift remember?" One of the males shifts back, "but Sir that is a Saber Toothed Cat; it could eat you!" The Alpha glares at the other male, "she is my mate; I'm not afraid of her. She has a lovely coat."

I blink and turn my head to look at my flank, no one has ever said I looked nice as my cat. I turn back and snarl again, Drake turns to look at me and pats my nose surprising me. "Come now, we're suppose to run;" he shifts into a black wolf. So lets run, said a booming voice in my head. Not scared? The black wolf shakes his head, should I be? I stare dumbfounded, everyone scared me; even mom. I saw Drakes eyes flash anger a moment, no I'm not scared and to prove to you how not scared I am.

He turns and I hear the door click open and I cringe backwards as people start coming outside, Drake steps towards me. Now don't you be scared, he says looking up at me; as I am about three feet taller than him now. This is your family now, we aren't afraid of you. His mother a yellow colored wolf takes a step towards me warily, not out of fear though. She looked angry, your mother was afraid of you? I nod my head, didn't she ever meet her grandmother? I shake my head, they weren't afraid; and with that thought I faint.

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