Lesson Plan

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  I am surprised slightly, considering I did find out my father was a doctorate level biologist; I could see that was what he was doing. Though I wondered if Simon did think it might help, seeing as how Simon was spreading it around that my father was just running around playing with people. "How much bigger is the general shifter community verses the wolf shifter community?" Blackstone smiles, "the general shifter community is half again as big as the wolf community itself. The biggest issue however is most of the shifter species prefer to just live their lives in peace." My uncle comments, "unlike the standard wolves who run around attempting to show how powerful they are." I nod my head, as if you asked people who the scariest shifter in the town I live near everyone would say Mrs Smaten.

Blackstone temples his fingers, "now you young lady. Your trick at the airport helped the shifter community. The people who are against supers in general that are not violent started thinking about why they dislike them. That is a good thing, the town you live near is in reality fairly common with a small amount of people not liking supers. The wolves are generally the ones who cause troubles for shifters in general, as most other shifters have better control over themselves." I thought about that a moment, aside from an occasional hungry bear shifter the only news stories were generally about wolf shifters. Even in writing my books if I write about any shifter but wolves no one pays attention, it's almost as if the general person didn't realize that there are shifters of other types. Or maybe they think wolves are more interesting, though I personally agree that Mrs Smaten is the scariest shifter I know.

The medical team then rushes into the other room Brenda walking behind them and we follow, June is sitting with Shadow's head in her lap and she is just petting his head. The medical team starts looking the wolf over and one of them quickly inject him, June looks up at them. "What did you put in him?" My uncle answer her, "they gave him a substance to keep him a wolf for a period of time. Shadow needs to learn some control and since Drake seems unable to control Shadow himself, we have to put pressure on Shadow." June nods, "why are wolves so hard headed?" My uncle laughs, "I wish I knew. I have had to deal with this issue with those from his former Pack since they joined mine. They think, just because Drake and his foolish mother had them in certain positions based on their ideas that they should still be in those positions."

My uncle shakes his head, "I had to call in Dr Wort after that lesson. My undesignated wolves beat them up, which shocked them to no end." I nod, that would shock that group of wolves; an undesignated wolf is one that hasn't been officially recognized as an Alpha, Beta, etc. Most wolves don't even bother with it, as the designations don't really grant anything unless someone wishes to start a new Pack. Which is an involved process and requires a great deal of money to set up, also most Beta wolves hire themselves out as body guards. Most world leaders have shifter body guards, the American president picked raccoon's for his body guards and it was considered a faux pas. Then someone attempted to take him out as he left his airplane, they had sent wolves and the four raccoon's that shifted instantly; tore the wolves apart. The rest of the world leaders decided then to rethink what shifters they should use as guards after that.

June looks at my uncle, "will he learn do you think?" My uncle squats down to look June in the face, "I believe so; He just needs to have it beaten into him. Unfortunately he never learned how to behave like you did June, and now he has to learn it. The best way for you to get to know him will be to help him learn this. Though we need to make sure he doesn't turn into one of the goofy eyed freaks in one of Nancy's stories."

I chuckle, those books I write were full of goofy moon eyed wolf shifters; because that is what people expect wolf shifter to act. Most people have no real idea as to how shifters behave, more would be shocked to discover their friends were one.

Very few people outside of our town knew that the owner of the feed store was married to a shifter. Very few in town knew it either.

Doug speaks, "well we have to civilize his wolf and teach the human that you aren't instantly in love with him." June looks shocked, "he really believes that?" I nod my head, "yes which is why he had kidnapped me. Seeing as how he thought I was his mate he just kidnapped me and took me to his home because of course I would be in love with him." I shake my head, "even after Simon got me back home he would not believe that I wasn't automatically head over heels for him. He also thought, foolishly; that I would not beat him up."

June chuckles, "so he doesn't know that the female shifters as a general rule are better fighters then?" I shake my head, and Doug speaks; "which is amusing. Seeing as how when a new shifter comes through town they stop at our house to visit with mom, as they are more scared of her than any other shifter in our town." Blackstone speaks after clearing his throat, "to be fair Douglas. Your mother is a scary woman, I know vampires who would not wish to cross her." I saw a few of the medical team nod their heads, they start bandaging up the wolf. Another person comes in with a large dog bed for them to set Shadow on, "until those ribs heal; he won't be able to jump onto the bed." The head of the medical team says as they pick up Shadow and gently lay the sleeping wolf on the dog bed.

The head medic makes a moving motion to get us all to leave the room, which we do. Doug turning to the ladies once we are out, "we should probably have our lunch before we head back. We should be back home before Jake leaves, I want to run a few ideas past him and to have him ask his grandfather a few things."

Before we head out my uncle gives me a hug, "now you be careful. I would hate to have to annoy my Pack and the government to have to get you out of trouble, young lady." I chuckle and he heads off his Pack members appearing as if by magic as he walks away and they follow him out of the building.

Doug shakes his head as we pause to give them a minute to leave, "I can see why they don't want him leaving his territory often. If that is his normal entourage, it could get hairy if something happened to him; or anyone he was protecting." I nod my head in agreement, it could be a problem if he tried to 'rescue' me from something. We head back to the now empty parking lot, and have a picnic lunch on the lawn. Then we pile back into Mrs Smaten's car the mood slightly depressed and head back tot he Smaten's home.

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