A Rescue?

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  The next morning Drake convinces me to have breakfast in the common kitchen with his Pack, my other seems currently at peace so it might be alright. Provided I do not panic over the amount of people present. I enter the kitchen to a great deal of noise making my ears hurt and a crush of bodies every where rushing to cook and set food out. Drake's mother sees me shrink back and gives her son an angry look and gently guides me to one of the large tables in the dinning room.

After sitting me down, one of the younger wolves comes up to me with a cup of, I think coffee. She holds it out to me, and I can hear Drake's mother yelling at her son over the sounds of the rest and I grin. I turn to the child, "sorry I don't drink coffee sweety." The child blinks at me confused, and one of the teens carefully takes the cup out of the child's hand and asks. "Pardon Lady Nancy, but what do you drink in the morning?" I smile at the teen, "I drink custom blended teas." The teen blinks at me and mutters under the din of voices as he walks away, from the look on his face to look for something that isn't in this house and I sigh.

The small child is still standing in front of me looking at me, "did you need something sweety?" The child tugs at her shirt, "I wanted to know what your cat's name was." I spy out of the corner of my eye multiple people trying to listen to what I say, and I grin at the little girl. "I'm sorry sweety, my cat doesn't have a name." I see the child ready to ask another question when I hear a doorbell ring, and everyone freeze and look at Drake.

He looks around and then asks a question, "why were we not notified that there was someone approaching the house?" I get a buzz on my phone and I look, Nancy tell the idiot wolf to let me in NOW. That was Simon's number, and I speak up. "You might want to open that door Drake, it's my accountant." Drake turns to me then gives the surrounding wolves a withering look and turns to walk towards the door. I jump up and follow a distance away.

Drake annoyingly opens the door and I see Simon standing outside his suit looking slightly rumpled and him not looking pleased. He holds out a badge, which I hadn't know he had and speaks. "Drake Alpha of the Great Valley Pack. I am Simon I work for Shifter control as well as for Shifter Finance. I am here about Nancy." Drake's mother who followed me blanches at the badge and leans over her son's shoulder whispering something in his ear. "I don't care mom, I am going to beat those guards for letting him through."

I hear Simon chuckle, "you think they let me through wolf? They tried to stop me at your boarder, they probably need medical care." I hear Drake snarl and Simon unfurls his dark gray wings, the fabric of his suit tearing. Drake takes a step back and Simon speaks, "good you at least know not to try and fight a Gargoyle." He then gives Drake a pointed look, "unless you wish to have this discussion outside I suggest you let me inside your home." Drake steps back to let Simon walk in, who walks over to me and leans in and takes a sniff; then nodding his head he turns to Drake. "So where do you wish to discuss this?"

Drake stomps off toward a room off to the side of the front door and Simon follows. Me and Drake's mother follow, I see Drake's Beta and body guard come out of the dinning area to follow. We walk into a large living room, which looks like it is more designed for greeting guests than spending time in. Simon picks a chair that faces the room with his back to the door, and I sit on the floor near his.  Drake goes to say something and Simon gives him a look. So Simon sits on a couch with his mother, his Beta; and his body guard stand behind him.

Simon opens his brief case and pulls out a great deal of papers. He smiles at me then speaks, "Alpha Drake you are in violation of Shifter protection order 99731-54, subsection G. The required living spaces for 'special' shifters. As per her place on the registry," Drake growls at the word registry. Simon pauses and gives Drake a look then turns to Drake's mother.

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