Dealing With the Family

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  Mrs Smaten jumps up and pulls Brenda off of Doug and gives him a look, "she's fine now; you go and get some sleep." He goes to speak, but then the rest of the women in his family give him a look; which makes him shudder and he quietly leaves. Doug's great grandmother waves the Dr and his grandson inside the room, and Mrs Smaten speaks as she leads Brenda to a chair. "That's alright Peter, she's awake now; that is the important thing." I see heads around the room nodding in agreement and Jake stands near me, I look to Brenda.

"Another of our elder female shifters apparently also has some pull higher up and said if we can get permission for you and Doug to marry that she could be brought to your event." she nods her head and Mr Smaten hands her a glass of iced tea while his wife gets her a plate of fruits and vegetables.

I get a text message from Mrs Frendal, the girls' parent's car was spotted heading towards the Smaten house. I respond with a thank you and look up at the assembled group, "looks like we don't have long to decide what to do. They're on their way."

Doug's great grandmother touches Brenda's shoulder, "we'll fix this granddaughter. You're family and we protect family," she turns her head to a woman I saw hiding behind the men. "Isn't that right Heather?" I see the woman step forward, the man standing near her beaming with pride. "Of course, we'll deal with this minor problem and you'll see how welcoming this family is. Considering they were welcoming to me," I then knew who this was. It was the witch that Doug's cousin married after finding out the problem with his actual mate.

Brenda looks confused for a moment then realization comes over her face, "you're the one Doug's cousin married right?" The woman nods her head and responds, "yes Brenda. While they wished he had been able to marry his mate, I have been treated like any member of the family; including giving some bigoted members a talking to after I married an animal."

Brenda lowers her head shaking it, "this is such a wonderful family. I wish I had grown up in one like this." I see a collective look of shock and anger travel over the family's faces, including Heather's. Jake standing next to me blurts out, "wait. You're the one that married in without being a mate? Now I know based on my current level of knowledge of our abilities that," the female witch gives him a look; which I must say shows she learned it from these women. As Jake choked back the next words and Dr Peter chuckles touching his grandson's shoulder. "That is for her to say Jake not you."

Brenda looks confused, and Heather chuckles. "Brenda dear with your nose tell me how many are in this room?" I quickly did a check and chuckle, Brenda's head whips around to Heather. "But you're not his mate," the witch places a hand on her own belly. "No, but as a witch I can ensure that I have children no matter who the father is. We had been planning on telling everyone at this gathering anyway." The women in the room all smile and I wonder how long before a baby shower happens in this house, when the sound of car tires make Brenda freeze.

The children all rush into the house and off to the children's den, as if they are afraid of what might soon transpire. One of the male teens sticks his head into the room and nods at the adults then heads outside to escort Brenda's parents. She goes to stand when Doug's great grandmother holds her still, "it'll be fine granddaughter."

The teen-aged boy leads in a pair of very nervous people, who look about the room as if afraid of something. The male clears his throat, "ah Brenda; there you are. Come along we're going to get your sister, I think we've had enough of this area." I spy a quick look of anger pass over the assembled men that you'd have to been watching to have seen. Mrs Smaten speaks, "well we would like to discuss Brenda and Douglas with you." Brenda's mother looks offended, "why? I see no point in letting this charade continue. Brenda will be coming home with us of course as will June once we go to this foolish prison. I should have researched your family, acting so much like our own families; attempting to be like the noble wolf families. We're thrilled one of our daughters has not disappointed us." I see Brenda wilt upon hearing her mother's sharp words and I get a little annoyed, Jake jumps and I stand; Doug's great grandmother whispers something to Mrs Smaten as I turn to face these two new raccoon's.

Once they see my face the couple blanch, I speak and you could hear a growl in the undertone. "Disappointment? Brenda?" I snarl the couple shrink back, "that young lady has nerves of steel. Especially going to speak to her crazy sister, who then stabs her with a silver knife." I see the couple very briefly look offended, and the female attempts to speak. "Well I am sure June had her reasons." I snarl again and the couple backs up hitting the wall behind them and glare as Doug's great grandmother's voice speaks from behind me.

"Well then, I have all the information I need then to make the following statement to you two." I hear a gasp from the assembled adults behind me and she speaks again. "As the shifter representative on the super council I hereby give permission for my great grandson to marry his mate without her parent's permission." I see the couple's face go even more pale, so not only did I not know she was on the council. No one outside of the family did either, Doug's great grandmother continues.

"I also commute June's sentence to assignment to the Canadian Pack to be carried out at the most immediately capable time possible." The male of the couple I was threatening looks as if he wants to speak and Doug's great grandmother speaks again. "I would recommend you two leave, now before I sic our just barely under control 'special' on you." I see the woman of the couple about to faint and the two quickly turn and rush out and I chase after them and run right into my father who grips me hard.

"Easy Nancy, they aren't worth it. Calm down, before you set fire to the Smaten's house." I glare at Maahes, but he doesn't budge. A large hand touches my shoulder and I feel a little calmer, relax kitten. I hear Seamus, and I see my father nod his head and he then speaks over my head. "Don't strain yourself Peter," and I hear Dr Peter answer my father. "I'd not like to see Nancy lose herself, so it's worth the bit of pain to teleport Seamus to help her out."

My father looks me in the eyes, "come on; lets go back inside." Just then I notice I was standing by the assembled cars, I had run from the Smaten's kitchen to the front of the house and down the road a short way without realizing it. I nod my head slowly at my father who lets go of me and Seamus takes his hand off of my shoulder and the three of us walk back inside.

When we get to the kitchen Brenda rushes me, giving me a big hug and I see Jake's mouth drop open. His grandfather watches a moment and then chuckles looking at my father, "family ties eh?" My father nods his head showing his hands being unburnt, Jake gives his grandfather and odd look. "Explain please? I am still new to all of this."

Dr Peter nods his head and indicates I should sit down and Mr Smaten gives me another glass of iced tea and Seamus hovers nearby as if waiting to pounce or something. Dr Peter explains, "well recall that we do not know the extent of what happened to Nancy's energy. This includes what or who might be effected by it, though it looks like due to her feline nature. Anyone her energy recognizes as family will not be effected by it, case in point." Dr Peter waves a hand to Dang curled up in my lap, I had not noticed him getting into my lap; but that was not altogether odd he is a cat after all. Jake speaks, "well if he can lay there I should be able to at least touch her arm." Dr Peter goes to stop Jake a little to late, Jake grabs my arm and you could smell burning skin and he yanks his hand back screaming in pain.

Dr Peter holds the bridge of his nose while he explains more, "Dang lived with her for a great deal of time. So her energy recognizes him, Brenda could hug her because Doug is like a twin brother to her. So her energy recognizes that Brenda is part of that."Jake glares at his grandfather, who admonishes Jake. "Magic isn't something to experiment with, when you do not know the rules in play. Before you ask Seamus can touch her because of his demonic energy" I see Jake fiddle with his burnt hand, "I know we already talked about it."

I ignore Jake's foolish mistake turn toward Doug's great grandmother, "I didn't know." She frowns at me, "you weren't meant to know dear. We've kept that information very quiet, though considering everything. I guess now is a good a time as any to let it slip, however now would be the time to start working on getting the wolves down to a more appropriate size on the shifter council." She looks at Brenda, "later on give me your parent's full names and I will see if I can find their relatives that I imagine you have never met granddaughter."

Jake finishes what ever he was doing with his hand and then faces me and asks, "Nancy. Please let me take you out to dinner in a week." Aside from an extremely low growl that only I could hear the room goes silent.

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