Using The Stick

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   I watch Seamus tear into Shadow through the one way glass, I look over at my uncle who hasn't budged an inch. Doug is in the room with us, but we would not let the ladies in. Seeing the amount of blood it was probably a good thing, I tilt my head towards Shadow and my uncle speaks. "He's fine Nancy, if he can't take this beating he shouldn't have been made an Alpha to begin with."

That bothered me, as it looked like there was a lot of blood in that room; Doug didn't look nervous either. "Submit WOLF, show me your throat pup." I could hear Seamus taunt Shadow, as the cursed slashes at the black wolf. Shadow growls at the cursed, and Seamus punches the wolf in the muzzle. I feel nervous, was this a good idea after all? June might not be happy about the shape her mate is in when she shows up.

"Nancy, relax; I can feel your mind pacing over here." My uncle says from across the room, "the standard test for an Alpha wolf includes a fight. The wolf must fight a middle aged vampire, till one of them cannot move. The wolf passes if he bests the vampire or it is a stalemate." I turn my head about to ask a question when Lobo answers it, "a stalemate is a pass because with a small amount of training they would be able to best the vampire. If they cannot at least do that, it would take years more of training to prepare them for another test. Alpha wolves have to go through this to prove they could protect their Packs no matter what." I nod my head it made sense, I turn back to the glass.

"Uncle, Simon really needs to locate his tester for that as well then; because." Without turning around I wave towards Doug, "Doug could hold his own against Shadow." My uncle steps next to me then quickly and he carefully peers into the room gauging the beating. He chuckles, "Seamus already has realized how weak the wolf is Nancy. He has been pulling his punches, that boy is going to need to learn the fine art of dodging after this." I see Seamus' ear twitch and Lobo speaks, "he's heard everything we've said; and I think he plans on using it on the next taunt." I nod my head and wait for Seamus to start berating Shadow, and I notice he was letting the wolf have a lot of breathing time. He's not as insane as he plays is he? My uncle shakes his head agreeing with me, and keeps watching.

"I think the pup isn't a true Alpha is he? I bet that the pup failed in his testing, or worse didn't take his Alpha test." Seamus digs the verbal knife into the wolf, Shadow slowly raises his head and whimpers. "Oh so the pup admits it?" Seamus leans down and grabs Shadow by the scruff of the neck and tosses his across the room, "there is more to being an Alpha wolf than bossing the other Pack mates around PUP." Shadow slowly stands up his four legs trembling and while keeping his head lowered he tilts it to show his throat. Lobo walks to the outer door and sticks his head out, "send her in with the medical kit. Make sure she tells him to stay a wolf, and if Seamus makes a snide comment tell her to growl at him without fear. It is important for the wolf to see others can be stronger than he is."

My uncle closes the door and walks over to the glass with me and Doug, and the interior room of Drake's cell opens and June rushes in with a medium sized military grade medical kit that she drops on the ground next to Shadow and she starts talking to the wolf, who tries to stand defensively as soon as she walks in. "Now, now you just calm down and let me help you. Stay a wolf it'll be easier for me to help you, Shadow was your name?" The wolf slightly wags it's tail, but watches Seamus; who speaks. "Aw isn't that cute the little ring tail comes to save the mighty wolf." June looks the cursed werewolf in the eyes and says in a quiet voice, "and I would fight you to keep him from being hurt more. Don't you have kittens to eat or something?" She then turns her attention to Shadow who drops to the floor hardly able to stand and she then digs into the kit to find something to start tending his wounds with. Seamus walks out of the room and I could hear him chuckling in the hallway, "girly; your sister can sure look scary." Me, Doug and my uncle walk out of the room to see a worried Brenda and Seamus with a medical team watching a live feed of the cell. Brenda lifts her chin, "I can look scary too when you push me." Seamus chuckles again, "I don't doubt that girly." He turns to us and nods at my uncle, "let me know when I can come by and have that work out old friend. I will be giving that foolish wolf a few fighting lessons, during the remainder of his stay here. His skills are seriously lacking, especially in wolf form. Now if you will all excuse me, I need a shower to get this wolf blood off of me." Seamus walks down the hallway, my uncle walks over to the medical team, "give me your opinion of his injuries from here." The person who appears to be in charge of the group gives a the screen a closer look. "The boy appears to have lost a great deal of blood, he has numerous scratches; I imagine a few broken ribs. He probably has bruises in places I don't want to think about, and possible a concussion from that last hit to the wall." My uncle nods his head, "so Seamus went very easy on him."

Blackstone walks in from another door in the large hallway, the medical team was sitting at a desk designed for guards to observe the inmates without going near them. Blackstone spoke, "yes. It seems your friend is quite under control at this time, we shall have to find out if it is his meds or if he has come to peace with himself." Blackstone pulls out his phone and makes a call, "Simon? Yes it's me, no Nancy is just fine. I am calling about Drake, yes him; you need to dig up who his alpha tester was. We had Seamus beat some sense into the wolf and he had to pull all his punches." Blackstone pulls back from his phone to look at it before speaking again, "you there Simon? Yes, I did ask you that, and I know that it is unheard of; but I bet you can take care of it. Oh, and for official record; based on his beating. That boy is not a passing grade on the Alpha test, so I suggest removing it from his records. Thank you Simon, have a good day."

Blackstone puts his phone away and turns to the medical team, "alright; once that boy has fallen asleep go in there and finish the patch job on him. Then inject him with the distillate of silver nitrate." I step forward and my uncle stops me, Lobo speaks; "planning on making stay a wolf for a period of time?" Blackstone nodded his head, "we can only keep him like that a few days before it could affect him. However, since Shadow is the problem; we need to work with the wolf not the man." My uncle nods his head and puts his arm down, I shake my head; "he's in a great deal of trouble isn't he?"

The gargoyle levers me with a look, "young lady; 'a great deal of trouble' would not warrant this much of an effort. His crimes compounded would normally warrant a death sentence, but; both Lobo and Simon have put into work the ability for the boy to redeem himself. Drake," Blackstone pulls out a chair and sits in it. "Drake, is a product of most of the greater wolf families in the world now." He inclines his head to my uncle, "Lobo's is the exception. These families believe it is their right to be the top of all other species on this planet, they feel they are the best and strongest of all the peoples in existence. They raise their children thinking they get to inherit their titles and places in the world, just because they are wolves."

Blackstone looks at my uncle as if weighing something mentally, he then looks back at me. "Nancy, child; do you know why your father was so hard to get a hold of?" I think a moment before answering, Blackstone was implying that I probably didn't know; it is probably best to say what I did. "Simon said he was running around for fun," Blackstone chuckles. "Of course he would say that Nancy, He thought what your father was doing was pointless." I look to my uncle who didn't seem surprised and Blackstone, "well what was my father doing then?" Lobo answers, "he was cataloging all the shifter species. That way the listing of all the types could motivate the other species to stand against the wolf shifters and make better changes to society for the good of all the people of the world."

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