THE Dress

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  I sit eating a lovely piece of grilled salmon, when the shopkeeper asked what I would like for lunch I think I impressed him when I asked for grilled salmon and a salad. The man blinked twice and stood still as if thinking hard about something then nods his head and snaps his fingers at his student, who then locates the others and finds out what they wanted. Once the student ran off and had come back with our food he had her bring out an older bottle of white wine that he said would taste wonderful with my salmon. I mentally shrug and sit down to eat, Heather sits next to me with her salad. She leans in and says after pointing at the wine, "I think you impressed him."

I take a bite of the salad I asked for and raise an eyebrow, "how do you figure?" She chuckles and waves a hand towards the wine. "I know this dressmaker, he only brings out wine for customers he likes; and never for a shifter." I blink with my fork hanging out of my mouth and I slowly pull it out and finish my mouthful. "I wonder how I impressed him then?" She smiles, "he heard about what your gown is for; and what else is going on. Without bringing up your energy issue, and he was infuriated. So you picking a dress to hit Jake with amused him."

I chuckle, I can't wait to see the look on Jake's face when I take that shawl off in the restaurant. I pick up the glass of wine while Brenda is changing into her third gown and the student picks up my foot and holds a tape measure to it in numerous places. I give her a look and she smiles at me, "you'll need appropriate shoes for that gown of course. Also some shoes for the Victorian one as well." Heather looks over and comments, "I'd make sure that the evening gown has flats for her." The student gives Heather an offended look and says, "of course I would have flats made for that one. Especially considering the restaurant she is going to, we're ordering some button up boots with a slight heel for the Victorian."

Heather looks apologetic, "I didn't mean to offend. I was not sure how long you have been studying." I hear the shopkeeper speak, "she's in her third year. However she should no better than to get offended when you meant well." The student looks sheepish then knowing she reacted badly, she sets my foot back down and asks. "Have you ever worn heels before? Also how high?" I mention that I have never worn heels, however I had taken dance classes when younger. The woman looks surprised and I hear the shopkeeper chuckle, "considering the Smaten family that does not surprise me. I would suggest you test wear what ever shoes we send for the Victorian before you want to wear that gown." I nod my head and Brenda comes out of the changing room.

The first two gowns she had on, made her look like she was covered in spun sugar. This one was a bit more form fitting, but still with lace. I had a feeling that Mrs Smaten had some say in those, my eyes wander over towards the wedding section. I spy a form fitting low cut gown with a pattern on the face of the skirt that suggests lace. I catch the shopkeeper's eye and nudge my head towards the gown, he looks and nods his head and waves for his student to fetch it. I hope he adds it to her line of gowns at the end. This way she can see it after all of these gowns her future mother in law helped her pick.

Brenda spins around on the riser, and she shakes her head Mrs Smaten comments. "Brenda it looks lovely on you though." Brenda turns to her future mother in law and I swear her eyes shot daggers at her. "It's not me though, I want one that screams me." Mrs Smaten nods her head and doesn't comment on the outburst.

I return to finishing my lunch, noting that Mrs Smaten and Brenda have not touched their food. Too occupied on their quest for the dress, to eat anything. I see Heather grin, "don't worry; it'll be fine. I went through this as well," she winks. "I have a feeling the one you just pointed out will work well for her." I nod my head, "well I am hoping they swap it in at the end of that line of gowns."

Brenda goes and changes gowns again and I pour another glass of wine for myself, and I give Heather a look. "Any idea on this place Jake is taking me to?" She shakes her head and the shopkeeper comes over hearing what we were talking about. "It's a restaurant where the highest ranked families and other supers go for meals, you may." He gives Heather a look and continues, "you may have issues with how you are treated there. I have never seen a shifter go in there to eat, I doubt your father would set a claw into that restaurant. If he did, I am sure the restaurant would need a remodel after a short period of time there. Most of the clientele there think they are better than everyone else, not unlike wolf shifters." I roll my eyes and he heads back over to his spot near the riser where he looks over the gown on Brenda. This one looked like an old flapper dress from the 1920's, I raise my eyebrow at it. I didn't think it was appropriate, I did think Mrs Smaten included that one to make some of her choices look better to Brenda.

I look over to Heather whose mouth was open in shock and she quickly closes it before Brenda could see it. Brenda takes one look at herself in the gown and to her credit she does not rip it off of herself. I see Mrs Smaten wince once she realizes that it might have been a bad idea. The shopkeeper thankfully shows no reaction, unlike his student; and he just waves her back into the changing room. His student had dropped a box of fabric that she was moving when she had seen Brenda in the gown. The shopkeeper shoots his student a look and she sheepishly picks up what she dropped. I imagine she's going to get a few things said to her when we leave.

We sit through about another five more gowns all of which you could see the frustration on Brenda's face build. She sighs as if giving up and the shopkeeper says, "there is another option. Your friend suggested a gown for you, please go and try it on. I have had my student place it in the changing room." Brenda looks at me then slowly turns back tot he shop keeper and nods her head and walks back into the changing room.

After a few minutes Brenda walks back out with an uncertain look on her face, but I could tell from how the gown hung on her that this was the one. She steps onto the riser and Mrs Smaten brightens up and she gives me a look that says thank you. Brenda turns to look at herself in the mirrors and she is speechless. The gown is not quite skin tight in the bodice, the skirt flares out and in a pyramid shape on the face of the skirt there is a pattern that suggests a lace that looks like leaves. There is silver highlights on the waist, and on the edges of the patterning. Brenda brightens up as if a light is shining on her and everyone knows this is the one she needs to wear for her wedding.

The shopkeeper smiles and says, "I would suggest the ice spider silk for the fabric. It will accentuate the gown more, I should hire the young lady to help with my tougher customers." I hear Heather chuckle, and the student nods her head. Brenda claps her hands together, "Nancy it is prefect! How did you know it would work?"

I smile, "I figured the lacy items were partly your idea; but that you didn't want actual lace from how you reacted to all of the lacy ones. This one fakes lace on it, so you can have lace without having actual lace. Also the silver highlights works well with your complexion." I raise an eyebrow, "I am guessing it is fine threads of real silver?" I ask not knowing if I was right or not since I had not seen the dress up close. The shop keeper nods his head, "also in this case of it being a wedding gown we'll use blessed silver. If I heard right you are using a guard? I would not let him touch that gown, or you might need to get a healer." Mrs Smaten nods her head, "don't worry we'll warn him about the accents."

The shopkeeper and his assistant spend the next twenty minutes measuring in depth Brenda. Once he finishes he bows his head, "it was a pleasure to assist you ladies. If I may My Lady," he turns to me. "Please do not be upset by the foolish people at the restaurant, most of them never experience regular people. They almost never interact with a shifter who is not a body guard. They might be very rude to you, all I can say is if it gets bad for you; just get up and leave. I don't care whose grandson he is." I nod my head, I get the feeling there was a lot more issues between the classes of magic user than I had thought. Especially since I like Dr Peter, but think his grandson is a little foolish.

He head on out the door and I feel a shield go over the shop once we leave the door, I turn to look and Heather comments. "It's a privacy shield, one of the cross mage abilities; He is giving her hell in there." I nod my head, and I get into the car and start counting down the days till I have to go on this dreaded 'date'.

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