Growing Up Kitty

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So in case you have not guessed I am gone writing this story about Nancy, if you were expecting a bedroom scene you don't know what I write..  However I don't believe I am done with their world.  This book is now getting put in my rewirite pile where Dragon Hunter currently sits.  The next major story I am planning on working on is book 2 for Dragon Hunter, however I might attempt to get #2 for this one out as well.  However here enjoy a look towards book 2.

Growing Up Kitty

  I open my school locker to place my books I don't need inside it. I had been glad that Mrs Brenda set it up so me Gale and Locklan all had a joining lockers. This way since we had different final classes we could find each other easily. Gale comes up and opens her locker as she places her bag inside and she rummages through the books inside as she pulls her homework books out. Slyph appears on her shoulder knowing that now that classes are over she can appear. I then see Locklan and Midnight approaching the red haired young man's bag on his familiar's back.

Unlike Gale Locklan has to keep his familiar around him at all times due to being a sorcerer. His magics during his teen years are unstable so Midnight has to be nearby until he can prove he has control over his abilities. After high school his teacher has demanded he spend a year in Europe getting training under some of the stronger sorcerers.

The instructor has warned our mother that Gale might have some outbursts due to her abilities. I have been holding them in a flux so that they won't blow up. Dr Peter told me I had better let her know I was doing it soon before she finds out because he said her ability is like a dam. One that is meant to be open slightly, and he said all I have done is cover those openings and they could explode out. How likely is that to happen though as long as I am always around?

Locklan gets to his locker and goes about swapping books and he looks about, "seen them yet?" I shake my head, them would be our brother and sister. They were a year apart, and due to their birthdays they are in the same grade. While they were very cute in behavior, they could be embarrassing here.

Mom said even though they hadn't shifted as yet she could tell what they were, and good for dad Lupus was the same type of wolf shifter that he was. He's really hoping her first shift will be when he's in his original form so he can be there for her for her first change. Smili however was like mom a Sabertooth, not a 'special' just a sabertooth.

I know mom wondered if other mega fauna types could make a come back and I guess as long as you have it in your blood lines then yes it's possible. I listen with Zipper's ears to see if I can hear the pair. We haven't had them in our school for the last two weeks, that's because they had decided to merge the schools into one due to the decline in attendance.

It bothered mom that more humans were moving away and into cities, Mr Simon said that humans are just having issues feeling like they belong with s many other species around. I don't know if that is true or not. I had thought the time when the Dragon shifters had come made people realize that we were not harmful.

Gale quickly ducks behind me as twin whirl winds rush towards me and Locklan, thankfully my brother pulls up a soft invisible barrier to keep them from bowling into us. I shake my head at the two and say, "come on now we talked about this. You need yo be polite on this side of the school." Smili smiles big his golden eyes smiling with his mouth, "that's no fun and it's after school anyway." I shake my head again, "better watch it or I will tell Mrs Brenda you said that." My little brother looks scared, I mentally chuckle as I knew Mrs Brenda better than the two youngsters did. They think Mrs Brenda is scary they should meet Mr Doug's mother.

I give Gale a hug and say, "see you in a few hours; is your father coming?" She shakes her head, her sister was passing through town tonight ans stopping at the Smaten's house for a family dinner. She was heading to a new assignment location. After high school she chose to join the military under a special contract that Mr Simon helped her work out.

Once Gale was done with school the military had to let her go and if there was any problem back here they were required to let her come and deal with it. She had made it into Ranger training, apparently the first Changeling child to ever make it into the Rangers much less the military. They didn't tend to be sane long enough to be able to serve. Gale is what keeps her sane though so, she was able to join contractually.

Me and Locklan round the terrible duo up and head out to our truck, neither of us go very far from home so we both paid for it and we have to get permission to use it when it's not a joint reason. It'll be useful if I continue with my after college plans. I was thinking of starting a small farm, I enjoyed my moms small gardens and greenhouses. However I wanted to make my own culinary herb products. Herb mixes for foods and such, I've spent time in the Lee's restaurant every summer since I was six learning their food. Doing so I learned that cooking professionally wasn't for me, but maybe providing fresh culinary herbs and blends for local restaurants would be fun.

Mr Doug when we bought this truck picked us us and took us shopping. It took hours, I recall what mom said about Mrs Brenda's wedding gown and how long it took to find. I think finding the right truck took longer. The afternoon after we bought it he demanded we appear at his auto shop and he spent the afternoon teaching us how to take the truck apart and put it back together. During this lesson he made the point to say, "you can't always magic something better. You need to learn how to do things the correct way for those times."

He had also pointed at the truck and said, "you're teens. I know you want a fun truck and not something that works best like your mom's truck." Which at least for Locklan that was right, everyone knew Gale was my Mate aside from Gale. That was only because I did not want her to feel like it is required she be with me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a wolf like Sammy. He was out in Canada because it was discovered one of the shifters in that Pack was his Mate.

She is an Arctic wolf, and her family is very unhappy that she is Mated to a regular timber wolf shifter. He's currently trying to convince her to join uncle Lobo's Pack, I think she's afraid of being near 'special' shifters. Granddad told me there was maybe ten in the whole world and three were 'connected' just in the Ozarks.

One summer we visited one of the sorcerers that the magic teacher wanted Locklan to meet. I showed tot he magic users that there were dozens of the 'sources' just not attached to anyone. Some to me felt like what ever made them 'alive' was absent. I think they need to be looked into more.

I imagine Dr Peter will want me to grow some medicinal herbs if I go with my idea for my adult job. It's funny after he treated mom like she cause his grandson's death he eventually agreed that she hadn't done so but he never could quiet connect to her any more on a level where they could communicate. When I asked mom about it she just said that he hasn't truly forgiven her even though she didn't hurt the young man. When I look through Zipper's eyes at the Dr I can see a spirit connection that I cannot follow. Zipper told me that it was his attachment to his grief and until he is ready to cut it it will always impact him. So I guess he does need to forgive mom.

Midnight jumps into the back of the truck and acts like he's a rock in the back as we drive through town. I am still surprised that they shrunk the schools down to one as while yes the human population was shrinking. The shifter families within the town were getting bigger. However it seems that shifters and magic users are a lot more calm than human children are. So maybe that's the real reason.

I have also heard that the cities are getting worse, yet the local major cities are like they always were. I wonder if there is a cultural shift in how shifters chose to live?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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