Another Lesson

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  I stand in the corner of the cell with the large black wolf growling at me, and Seamus punches him in the flank. The wolf lowers his head and whines, "do not growl at your betters pup." Seamus looks up at me, "thank you for coming Nancy. This pup still needs a few lessons in manners apparently." I see the wolf cringe, and Seamus snarls loudly at the wolf who shows his throat. "You better change that tone, especially about non wolves as your mate isn't a wolf." I look at Seamus, who answers. "He still thinks he has more importance because he's a wolf, this pup forgets he has a raccoon for a mate." The wolf whines, and I get the gist of what he was thinking; "you'll see her when you chose to behave Shadow. Drake has already learned that he isn't the top animal any more, it's time you did. Or would you like to see a female thrash you around the room as badly as Seamus did?"

I hear Seamus chuckle and he whispers in my ear, "good thing you're Lobo's niece or that would have me interested in you pussy cat." I swat his shoulder, Lobo had warned me that Seamus would behave like this. As being part demonic he likes to push anything and everything, the cursed just grins and the wolf dares to growl at me again. Before Seamus can say anything I shift and I toss the wolf across the room with my right fore paw. Seamus chuckles, "I warned you pup. Now deal with what she can dish out, the cursed sits in a chair obviously designed for him bulk and he puts his fingers together tented as he watches.

The wolf stands and looks a Seamus just sitting idly in the chair and he attempts to rush me snarling and I swat at him again. I speak in a general broadcast that Drake didn't know I could use, Seamus you said this fur ball was more fun than this. Seamus chuckles, "I did didn't I? Well I guess his bark really is worse than his bite now, Nancy be a dear and don't make too much of a mess of him. I would think June would be upset if you rearrange to many of his body parts." I give a light growl that was equivalent to a laugh and I see Seamus smile.

As the wolf stands again Seamus speaks to him, "yes she can mind speak to anyone. All 'specials' can silly pup. As I was just saying, she is your better. What you wolves think you are her people really are, and just because you chose to not listen to that information does not make it less true." The wolf snarls at me again but does not step near me, I show off my full mouth of teeth and rumble at him. "Oh my the pup has made the kitty purr, this should be good."

I take a step towards Shadow and I extent my claws, as like more cats I can chose to sheathe my claws; and I slash his side. Blood drips from the four gashes I put on his flank, the same side Seamus had hit earlier. The wolf whines and Seamus speaks, "well if it hurts so much what does the beaten wolf do then pup?" Shadow huffs and lays on his unharmed side sowing his belly, and throat. Seamus stands and makes a motion and June rushes in with another medical kit, she rushes to shadow's side and Seamus walks over and reaches up to scratch my ear. "Come now pretty ring tail, it's merely a scratch; a paper cut." I see June get red and she turns, "I don't care what you think you reject from a circus. I am going to take care of him," she turns back to Shadow and Seamus pats my side and motions I should follow him out of the door. Thankfully it was big enough to accommodate someone my size, not for to much longer if I keep growing.

Seamus had warned me before hand that I would need to remain in feline form if I changed until after I walked out of the room, just to drill the point home. Seamus holds the door wide for me and I walk out and my uncle taps my fore paw, "so you had to bring out the claws huh?" I hear Seamus chuckle, "she was beautiful in there my friend." Seamus said with a bit of pride, I change back into human form. "The wolf side of his really is stubborn, I imagine that my father should be doing this as well." Seamus looks disappointed briefly and then answers, "yes most likely; though it would be even more amusing to bring Mary in there." Lobo chuckles, "she wouldn't even have to shift to get him to cower." I sit down and rub my fore head and Seamus drops to one knee and lifts my head to look me in the eyes.

"You feeling alright pussy cat?" I nod my head, "I have a mild headache." I had been getting them since the incident with the shield, they come randomly; and I have to sit down or I get dizzy and fall over. Seamus gives me a hug and I feel something odd and my headache goes away. "That better?" He asks still hugging me, and I nod my head. Seamus turns his head slightly to look back at Lobo, and I hear my uncle sigh. Seamus sets me back in the chair and steps back, he turns to Lobo and says something in a language I don't know but feel that I should know. My uncle answers, "I know go on then." Seamus gives me an apologetic look and leaves the room, leaving just me and my uncle. He kneels down in front of my and looks at me, "well that tells me a little more about our power sources Nancy. Seamus had to use some demonic powers on you to remove your headache, according to Seamus; the 'flavor' of your magical energies are demonic. He said he would check mine later when we have our next match to see if it's all of us or just yours because those fools messed with yours."

I nod my head, "you know three days out of bed was probably not the best time to do this." My uncle nods his head, "agreed. However, we need to get Drake to shift back before he gets lost inside himself. It is not mentally healthy for him to remain inside for so long." I nod my head, I knew that. Being a standard shifter he needed to balance the times he is in wolf form and the times he's in human form. We had been forcing him to remain wolf for over a week, which might make it hard for the human side to return.

June rushes out, "Sir Lobo?" My uncle turns, "yes darling?" June shakes her head then I see she's been crying and I stand, "what's wrong June?" She grabs my uncle's hand, "He's not changing back! The medical team said you could force him to," Lobo gently grabs the girl's hand and removes it from his. He nods his head, "I can yes. Do they feel he needs to be changed back?" She nods her head and Lobo follows her in the room and I am left alone in the hall way, my headache returning. I grab the chair as quickly as I can before I get more dizzy that I already was. Well I guess whatever he did was just a band aid. I think to myself as I lay my head on the table, head hurt again kitten? I hear Seamus in my mind.

I didn't know you could speak to me this way. There is a pause before he responds to me, I didn't know I could either. As I cannot with Lobo, it must have to do with what they did to you. I can feel him get angry and I feel odd again and the pain goes away. I fixed it again kitten, just let me know when it happens again. This time it should be gone for a period of time. I thank him and see my uncle come out of the room.

"You alright Nancy?" He looks at me concerned, I nod my head tentatively standing up. I don't feel any pain and no dizziness. "Just another headache, Seamus fixed it already;" I tell him. He gets an odd look on his face and says, "alright; can you sit for a few I need to go talk to Blackstone about Drake." I nod my head, sitting back down. June comes back out of the room, "everything better now June?" She nods her head slowly and rubs her arms, "why does that creature have to talk to me that way?" I got the idea she wasn't talking about Drake, "you mean Seamus?" June nods her head, "yes that one. I feel so weirded out when it talks to me. Like something slippery is touching me, why haven't they put it down yet?"

I feel a twinge of anger from some odd location inside me and it vanishes as quickly as I feel it, "you know he has no control over what he is June." She looks at me with a shocked look on her face, "of course you would defend him. You and your family are just as strange as he is, I'm going to convince Drake to move back to my home once we can get him out of here. There are no freaks where I grew up."

I can hear something break in the distance and I hear sirens go off and June looks scared. I smile wickedly at June, "well little trash bandit. You will need this freak to protect you from what ever just broke out of it's cell."

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