Medical Guesswork

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  I wake up again and I hear my father chuckle, I look to him; noticing my eyes were uncovered. "Jake will be annoyed he's not sitting here when you woke up," he chuckles some more. "He sat next to your bed these four days you were out of it, only his grandfather was able to move him from your side. Not even Seamus could convince him to budge," he grins and I shake my head. It's nice that my father is amused by it, but Jake behaving like that tells me he's probably interested in me. I have no interest in getting involved in anyone right now, I like living in the woods and having the peace I have here. Granted with my father and now Greg it is getting a bit crowded around here.

I sniff the air, "is uncle Lobo still here?" I could smell fresh wolf, but no brimstone. My father shakes his head, "He was requested to leave by Simon. He left a guard while you've been out of it," I chuckle. Simon probably did more than suggest it, and the guard he left was his complaint against being told to leave. By being Lobo's niece I am unofficially a member of his Pack, so I imagine Simon had to dictate how many wolves were allowed to come by. Maahes speaks again, "so the ones guarding you right now are some of the former members of Drake's Pack. Doug came by yesterday and took Greg home with him so he could play with Sammy. Mary is giving him a history lesson today, I'll have you know those wolves outside are scared to let anything near here without permission. They scared the whey out of a mail man the other day, it seems when they had pushed the members of Lobo's Pack. His members who had been unhappy with Drake's Pack for kidnapping you really trashed them, enough that Seamus would have been proud." I cringe, I could only imagine; as being Lobo's family they get twitchy over me.

I hear the door open, "Dang why didn't you say she had woken up?" I see the cat shake his head and Dr Peter responds, "because Jake. That is something you need to learn to sense, also you could have asked him to tell you when she had woken up. I knew the moment she woke up Jake, learn your other sense." I see Jake lower his head as he walks into my room, but I did see the relief on his face. Dr Peter then looks to me, "I thought it best to magically keep you asleep till they finished mucking about with that foolish shield. They only just finished removing every part of it last night, how is your head?" I think for a moment, while I have a dull pain in the back of my head; and I give Dang a look with my eyebrow raised. The cat shakes his head as if tossing a flea and the pain increases slightly.

"Well, I seem to still have a bit of dull pain at the back of my head; which apparently Dang was still suppressing for me. It's not like it was last time I woke up, where Seamus walking hurt my head." Dr Peter nods his head, "we still don't know exactly how they found your source Nancy. We believe one of the mages unknowingly stumbled on it, as they stated they thought it was a ley line. That tells me one of those mages has an untapped gift, well; they might get taught it if they survive their punishment."

I give them a questioning look, and my father responds; "due to who you are. They chose to give the mages over to Lobo's Pack for punishment, they have six months of servitude. During which it would not be unheard of for them to be accidentally killed." I nod my head understanding, Lobo could let his pack kill them and it would be considered fair punishment. Super laws tend towards the draconian, due to supers being less squishy than humans, possible death sentence means the government officials were not happy with them. Seeing as how even though Jake's father was a party to it, and was eligible for super justice, he was locked in our prison. Granted that allowed Seamus to be a tad heavy handed towards him. Seamus still had to keep it within a certain area since he was human.

Dr Peter turns to my father, "Maahes. You were very lucky you were the one who took my son home. If it had been anyone but you or Nancy they would have been incinerated instantly. Being Nancy's father the power 'recognizes' that you are alright, so it will attempt to not harm you. Nancy wouldn't have been touched at all by it seeing as how it is her power."

I nod my head, it made sense; Dr Peter still didn't look happy about it. I had heard that at one time the Magic users had attempted to find a way to protect a 'special's' source, they tried to build a shield to make it invisible to other sense. The person who agreed to be the test subject is still unconscious, this occurred over a hundred years ago. Most magic users now spend their extra time puzzling out why the person still sleeps even thought their source isn't shielded anymore. The other 'tampering' they did to a source was an attempt to sever a 'special' from their source, Pompeii didn't survive it.

Jake speaks, "isn't there some way we can protect her source?" Dr Peter shakes his head, and I am shocked that he hadn't explained that one to Jake yet. Dr Peter speaks, "We'll discuss that on the way home Jake. It's part of magical history that I hoped would not need to be discussed so early." I understood then, Dr Peter had a lesson plan. He probably used practical lessons, guess that means his lesson plans just got tossed into a blender.

Dr Peter places his hand on his grandson's back, "we should go now. Nancy, I suggest you remain in bed for about two more hours to make sure you don't have any dizzy spell when standing. We still have no idea what lasting effects if any will happen to you, since everything dealing with sources is a mystery to those of us in the magic world." I nod my head, it made sense; to give me a bit of time to let my equilibrium go back to normal.

Jake comes close and gives me a long look in the eyes, "are you sure you are alright?" I nod my head and he looks torn, I mentally shake my head; I'll have to ask my father about it later I guess. Jake speaks again, "alright. I want you to call me if you have any problem, I mean it Nancy." I nod my head, and quickly glance at his grandfather with one eye; who nods his head. Dr Peter then turns his head to my father, "Maahes. Please go and get her something to eat, she'll need it after only being given liquids for days." My father stands and gives Dr Peter a look and turns to Jake, "come help me please; maybe you have some ideas."

My father walks out of human hearing range, and proves it by saying; "if you are going to pursue that I wish you luck boy." I sigh shaking my head and Dr Peter raises an eyebrow, "Jake can't hear?" I shake my head, "good;" he says. Then he sighs to and continues, "I know your opinion right now Nancy. Give him a chance, I will get him to back off if he's getting to pushy. However, from what I know of your type. You should not have any issue having a partner, Sabers are not cougars. Your mother's views have had to much influence on you, you know it was decided to have you raise Greg to socialize you." I sigh and respond, "I guessed that had a piece of it. I am also sure because me and my father are cats had another." He nods his head, "just give him a chance alright? He really thinks a lot of you, especially after hearing about what Drake did. That is part of the reason he didn't want to help Doug with the wolf. He is concerned he'd punch him in the nose when he first sees him." I chuckle, visualizing that; seeing as how I am sure Drake has no idea that Jake isn't a human.

I nod my head, "I will attempt to Dr. I cannot promise I will change my mind," he smiles. "Thank you Nancy, this is all new to Jake. Having you and Doug there will help greatly as he's known you two his whole life. He might have disagreed with you at one point, due to his father; but he learned that view was wrong." I nod my head, and Dr Peter pats my leg; "I'm going to take him home now. Remember I said two hours, and I plan on telling Mary; so if you get dizzy because you didn't wait I am sure I will hear about it." I roll my eyes, of course he would tell her everything he told me. I also knew if I didn't follow orders I'd hear about it from Mrs Smaten. Dr Peter leaves my room and after a few minutes I hear the outer door open and shut.

My father comes into my room and leans on the doorway, "I have some linguine out to cook and some shrimp. This was Jake's suggestion, he thought pasta to fill you up and shrimp as Lee always gives it to you." I nod my head, "as long as it comes with a nice cream sauce;" my father huffs. "Of course it will do you think I'm a barbarian?" He chuckles, seeing as how he does have the habit of behaving like a barbarian some times.

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