Food Fight

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  "So why are we going to the high school on a Saturday Greg?" I turn to Greg as I navigate around another pot hole on my dirt road. He smiles, "they're having a bake sale today! Sammy has to go with Mrs Smaten because she's supervising and I thought stopping by during it would be fun for him." I sigh and pat Greg on the head, I have to admit; he is right. Those two are becoming very fast friends. "Alright, but only because you are doing this to rescue Sammy from boredom." I say as I deftly avoid the hole in the center of the road. It would be nice if the road department would grade the dirt roads at least twice a year. This way we would have a slightly smoother ride.

It was almost a week after June's matches, Brenda has attempted to contact June. However her sister has chosen to not speak to her, yet. I get the feeling that will change over time as June interacts with the others in the Pack over time. They were not happy with how she had treated the Moa shifter, to fight is one thing. Being intentionally cruel is another thing however.

Next week however I have to deal with the other repercussion of this event. The Canadian Pack had contacted me to work out a meeting for the human and me. I had to vehemently inform then that under no circumstances was I going to allow her on my property. I would allow a group of rabid cursed wolves on my property before I would allow that human there.

The Pack's Alpha assured me a separate location would be fine. I thought a few minutes while on the phone with the Pack. I didn't want to bring her to some place I went to often, nor did I want Greg near her. So I made it a lunch appointment while Greg would be in school. We had to work out some logistics with that. The USA government isn't too keen on letting her back into the country no matter the reason.

The super council had to step in, saying this would be best for inter species growth. I mentally shrug at that thought, not many serial killers are going to be allowed into Packs. This one had been a special case even there.

This serial killer had been specifically killing the anti supers, the government really didn't have an issue with her actions. Seeing as how she was dealing with a problem they had. However the public wanted her gone, it had been thought that she would not survive a year with the Pack.

We had to agree to have local shifters go to the restaurant in batches to make sure there was at least four groups of shifters playing body guard. It was that or the government was going to send a unit of Marines in to keep her on her best behavior. It was felt it was less of a problem to have groups of shifters trickle into this restaurant. Then it was the fact that we had to arrange for her to come in on a private plane on a private air strip. Once the meal concludes she is to be back in the air. If you could not tell they were very afraid of her.

After a ten minute drive we pull into the high school parking lot where there was a large grouping of cars. The locals here really like to support their own children in any endeavor they have. You should see the line for parking for the Christmas concert.

We get out of the truck and a young human girl runs up to Greg and pulls his arm, "come on Greg! Sammy is out at the playground, Mrs Smaten said as long as we aren't disruptive we can go play without supervision." I raise an eyebrow towards Greg, and he nods his head before answering the girl. "Alright Gale, I'm coming. Let's go on the swings!"

Greg chases after the human girl with a wary step, it is odd for Mrs Smaten to tell any of the young kids that they can play alone. Something tells me something is going on inside the school.

I hurry my way into the building and I don't hear as many voices as I thought I should, especially with a group of teenagers around sweets. I walk into the gym where the students have set up their tables for sale, there was an art exhibit on the end of the gym as well showing off some of the amazing artists from the school. Sometimes the school will permit some one from an art studio to feature a student's work, and sometimes these students then receive commissions in the hopes they keep up with their talents.

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