Magic Fight

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  The air around me starts to combust from the heat of my anger and the blood sorcerer in front of me combines his hands and paints a new pattern beneath me. I hear Jake and Dang come out of the school and the man before me grins, "oh this will be fun. I will not only get to shred Scartooth's spawn, but a Hedgeflower as well." I snarl and Jake wisely avoids the heat from my anger and attempts to toss up a shield around himself and Dang.

"You will step back away from my friend and leave the area NOW, before I have to help her to stop you." The man before me laughs as he paints a few extra characters on the ground under me. "You, a mere witch child think you can best me. I thought your father was foolish, I am glad I didn't have you taken as a child."

It then strikes me as to why this man was here, and the air instantly cools. With me stunned, did we step into a trap? The man in front of me grins, "oh did the kitty figure it out? That boy was told that familiars are evil and will attempt to steal his soul, we need to sever his connection before we can fully train him." I blink as I feel dread wash over me, it's alright MOM. A voice snaps me out of my dread, Zipper? Was that you? I feel the feline in Greg speak, yes. I have it covered, that man will not sever Midnight from Locklan. Just stop him and it'll all be alright. I mentally nod my head, and the man before me tilts his head.

"So the new shifter is a powerful one is he? Not many could speak through that shield that was put up. I should have gotten here sooner," the man shakes his head. He flexes his fingers and the pattern beneath me blazons to a whiteish blue as if a sub zero ice was etched below me. "We can't have your temper flaring anymore now can we? This should prevent you from tapping into that demonic energy." Jake looks shocked that the man could 'turn off' my anger, and Dang swipes at Jake's leg, focus boy. The man snickers, "better listen to your keeper boy. He's probably got a great deal more experience than you do."

The man then waves a hand and more reddish black energy forms in his hand, and he eyes the shield behind me. I try to rush the man and discover that I was now 'glued' to the spot I was standing in. The man waves a finger at me, "now now. We can't have you getting loose and attempting to hurt me."

Jake attempts to dissolve the pattern beneath me, but as I had guessed. It was beyond him, and I could see Jake attempting to force life energy into his attempt at removing it. I twitch an ear at Dang who distracts Jake long enough for the spell he was attempting to create fizzle out. Dang says, Nancy would not like it if you killed yourself attempting to free her."

I snarl at Jake, who quickly gets the point. I then notice I can't hear Seamus, the man speaks. "Oh your cursed friend won't be chatting with you while you're in that either. I have it on good word that his father couldn't help you right now." I blink, why would Seamus' demon father be important at this moment?

Another car pulls up and I smell the stink of the magic of the family who brought Locklan to town. The man gets out of the car, "sorry Elder. I could not get the boy to avoid entering that shield today." The man before responds with a smile on his face, "no worries. This is much more fun anyway. We will sever that boy from his familiar before they bond and we'll grab the weather witch. Not to mention I get to harm the grand daughter of Scartooth." I snarl, I knew that my blood was taken so they could check my genetics.

The man before me waves a hand at the man who just came out of the car, "oh bind that fool witch and his cat. We'll get to them shortly," the man focuses on the shield again as if looking for something. I try to calm my mind as I think about what I know of magic, you can't find the spell point can you?

The man glares at me sending a lash of energy from his hand at my flank, tearing a bloody line in it. "That is non of your concern beast, we shall have to tame you once we collect the children. Maybe we will make use of the other children as well." I snarl at the man again and he flicks more energy at me cutting another stripe across my side.

Dang nudges Jake as the lower ranked blood mage steps forward to put them into a binding. Jake then uses the teleportation spell his grandfather uses and moves a few hundred feet away and I could see him panting from the effort. The blood mage turns to look for Jake and the man before me sneers. "So the brat is a quick study, good thing he's still learning or that might have been a better attempt."

Nancy I am coming, he can't block our mind connection. Unlike with Seamus, I mentally nod at my father. Having back up would help, and I wondered if. He can't block me either niece, came from Lobo answering my question. I wonder if the 'family connection' is why Zipper can still speak to me. We'll have to figure it out later.

I think for a minute while the man tried finding the point the spell for the shield was created. The man didn't really know how much power I held nor how it worked as my abilities came as a surprise to him. That means I probably could break out of the sigil he created if I tried hard enough, I quietly told Dang to memorize the sigil's pattern so I could look it up later. Then I did the one thing no one has ever taught me how to do, and tapped directly into the power from my energy source.

That got the instant attention of the man in front of me as he starts slashing at me as energy pours into me making my fur change from red to white as waves of energy pass into me. I don't feel the cuts from his magic after the third cut, a part of my mind tells me that is a bad thing but I slowly rake my claws over the sigil under me. Removing it.

The man shrieks, "how are you able to do this? No 'special' ever has this much power!" I step slowly between him and the children under the shield and snarl energy flaring around me sparking in the air. You wanted to push me, so consider me PUSHED. I feel my energy building up and I point it at the man pouring raw energy into him burning him to a cinder instantly. I then focus on the other blood mages and incinerate them as well.

I feel something in the corner of my mind yelling for me to pull back my energy, but I can't figure out how to do that and the air around me starts burning. Dang screams in his mind voice through the shield, get that BOY out here to shut her power down! I see my father and Lobo approach me in their other forms, pacing as they mentally discuss how to snap me out of my own energy.

I mentally recognize Greg and Gale and Locklan approach me, Greg nudging Locklan; who shakes his head. Greg waves a hand in the air arguing with the other boy who looks at the black familiar. Midnight stands before me the cat's energy flaring in an attempt to match mine. Locklan reaches out to the cat to stop him, and the cat shakes it's head and focuses at me again. Locklan looking scared steps behind his familiar and mentally connects with it.

Ms Nancy can you hear me? I nod my head at the boy, who then turns to Greg and asks what appears to be a question. Greg looks torn and I see Dang walk forward and say something to everyone. Gale looks down at her familiar who jumps down and steps next to Midnight, and I catch a whisper of a wind. My mind tells me this is bad, that it wasn't suppose to happen yet.

I then see Greg sigh and shift to Zipper who oddly looks much larger now, and Zipper starts to glow. Zippers energy connects to the other children and their familiars, and an energy shield forms around me and I fear Greg's voice. Sorry, Dang said we had to keep it from you. I see now that you knew I was a familiar shifter, Dang says your head might feel funny when you wake up.

Then the world goes dark, passing out from magic is SERIOUSLY getting old.

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