A Plan

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  As if right on schedule Seamus walks into the room and sneers at the Angelus, the Angelus merely looks passive. "Son of Marchosias, I am not here to harm anyone not even the Saber." Seamus gives the Angelus a sideways look and I shake my head, "can you at least give us a name please it will be very irritating to keep addressing you via a title." The Angelus looks to me emotionless and says, "very well if it will make things easier then please call me Zebediah." Seamus snorts, "nothing like a pretentious name for a pretentious species." I raise an eyebrow at Seamus, "come on you don't like it when people think you are merely a beat on two legs. So don't treat him (you are a him right?)badly because you've had bad experiences with others." Seamus looks hurt for a moment then nods his head, "you're right kitten. I shouldn't assume Zebediah is a snob, for all I know Zebediah will share a beer with me Lobo and your dad."

Zebediah looks offended at the idea, and I chuckle mentally. Zebediah then turns to me and responds, "as for if I am male or female I am male yes. You will very rarely ever see a female as like the stone children we have few of them, so we keep them protected from view." Seamus looks surprised and I guess that this little piece of information isn't something that is normally given out. That makes me wonder as to why the creature chose to tell me.

Midnight comments, most likely for the same reason we gave you important information. It seems something is going on in the world that you are the center of and we want you to have what ever you need to complete that which you are meant to do. Zebediah nods his head as if he heard everything and I felt like it was a cryptic warning of some kind.

I mentally shrug, I am sure what ever the overgrown house cat was referring to will become apparent at some point. Seamus turns to me, "so kitten we have an idea for a plan of a sort." Sally then walks into the room shaking her head at the new being. She continues for Seamus, "yes the idea is that we need to find out if your 'friend' has been giving information out to these anti shifters. I know some people who can infiltrate some of these movements."

I raise an eyebrow at that piece of information and glance at Simon who looks absently at his phone, waving his hand. "I haven't heard a thing, and I defiantly haven't heard anything about a serial killer who had people find her victims." Sally turns to Simon who is ignoring her, "nope you didn't hear a thing." I chuckle again and Sally continues, "these people have been working with law enforcement to keep the worst offenders in check. I can put some feelers out to them to find out if anything has been shared about our friend here. I am expecting the fur balls to keep a leash on the idiot and inform us of anything that they can." Midnight flicks his tail mocking offense, Dang will have to wait till Jake goes to sleep then shuffle thought his memories. We allow our partners their privacy unless we directly sense danger. With how Jake behaves Dang might have to keep a better eye on what the young man is doing than most familiars do with their partners.

Zebediah nods his head in agreement with that has been said and speaks, "this sounds workable from my perspective as I know little of the interactions that go on in the mortal plane." Seamus snorts again, I get the feeling that he doesn't believe the Angelus. Zebediah then turns to Seamus, "son of Marchosias. I have a request of you." Seamus turns to Zebediah with a curious look. "What would that be?" Zebediah waves a hand and an image appear in his hand of Divante, "this girl needs training. Training only you could provide." Seamus looks interested, "oh and why can only I provide this training?"

Zebediah tilts his head and says, "she is meant to be her sister's guardian. She had latent powers that would not appear until needed so to the fair folk she would appear to not be of interest to them directly." That made sense now why the forest fairy got my attention about the girls now, even with their in ability to stay focused on the world they had enough premise of mind to know that the girls would need guidance. Of the type they could not provide, but knew I could direct it the right way.

Seamus crosses his arms thinking and waves a hand and I see a sword made of black flame appear in his hand. "Is this why you think I can help her?" Zebediah nods his head, "the 'gift' from your father is similar to the ability she has. I know that you have never used that gift on anything, but the fact that you do know how to summon it means you had the fore thought to ensure you could not be surprised by it's use." Seamus tosses the sword slightly and it vanishes, "yes I thought it best that I learn how it worked seeing as how I am stuck with it. I do not like that I have this ability, but I would not want to cause harm because I didn't know how it worked."

Zebediah nods his head, "and with no other person that I am aware of with a similar ability that would be easy to get here. Having you teach the child is the swiftest course of action." Seamus nods in agreement with the Angelus, which I certainly hope is the start of a good working relationship with the man.

Granny who had quietly slipped out of the room had returned with a large wine glass frilled with an almost clear white wine and hands it to Zebediah. "I always keep a cask of this on hand in case there is any surprise guests that would partake of this vintage." Zebediah lifts the glass looking it over carefully, "is this a 1456 white from North England?" Granny nods her head, "I have a friend who knows where every drop of it is at, I have arranged for a couple casks to be delivered to Nancy's home."

I blink my eyes, cask of wine? Where the hells was I going to store that? As if reading my mind Granny says, "don't worry dearie. He'll also leave a small building specifically designed to keep that at the correct temperature. Your new guest will be needing something to ingest while in our plane and one glass of this a day will be all the 'food' he will need. His species have very odd dietary requirements, and while they can ingest other things this one wine vintage is all he will need."

Zebediah sips the wine slowly as if savoring it, "I've heard of this before this is my first state of it. I have to agree that the maker did a wonderful job making it." Granny nods her head, "yes the great grandson of the original maker has been informed of your stay and has started a fresh batch." Zebediah blinks his eyes, "the family knows how to recreate it?" Granny nods her head and turns to me, "do not let the children drink that and I would say only you, your father, Lobo, or Seamus would be able to partake in any of that and at most a tiny glass of it. It isn't the alcohol content but rather the other ingredients in it that is the issue. I had to give council permission for this to be made as we do not know how long Zebediah will be with us we need to make sure he can remain fed."

Well that was an interesting piece of information, and it made me wonder what they have to eat that makes this such a controlled substance. Then I wonder if I really wanted to know based on how much enjoyment Zebediah was getting out of it.

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