Uncommon Knowledge

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  I wake up hearing an angry voice, "you had better explain this to me right now." I hear a second voice a bit rougher speak as well, "or the two of us might go and tear that human apart." I then hear a calm voice speak, "very unnecessary I assure you. As Seamus upon hearing about Nancy already did beat him almost to death." I slowly try to sit up noticing my eyes are covered and I try to move the covering, and I feel Jake's hand stop me. "Not just yet Nancy, granddad says it needs to stay on a few more hours. He's not sure you can handle dim light just yet," I could hear worry in his voice.

I could tell I was home, the smells were of home. I turn my head to where I heard Simon's voice, "hearing my uncle's voice here and how angry my father is. Can you please explain what is going on?" Lobo quietly answers, "the mages who set up that barrier around his father's home found a way to tap into your source point. As they did not know what it was, and they just thought it was an extremely powerful ley line."

My father growls, "thankfully Dr Peter noticed the shift in energy when they broke the barrier and protected your source from to much damage. You might be in bed a few days Nancy, as we don't know how weak you'll be until it heals itself." I ball my hands up very angry, I knew that 'specials' were not widely talked about in the greater supers world. However, anyone with the ability to manipulate a 'specials' source point is told what they are. The source point is part of what makes us what we are, it's also what decides where our 'territory' is. It's like an external organ that is part of the land that stores a piece of our soul. It forever binds us to the lands we make as our home, it is also why we are considered unstable away from our own territory. It takes many centuries to be able to store enough of our own energy to allow us away from the source point for any length of time.

Both my father and uncle were old enough they didn't have to worry that they would slowly tire, which is what would happen. If we are away to long we slowly tire until we enter a coma, it requires returning us to our source and letting the land heal the connection between us and it.

We are very much the guardians of our lands, some ancient societies thought we were Gods once. Which we aren't, but humans tend to find their own explanations for things. You can tell where we don't exist though, those are areas with environmental damage.

I hear Simon speak, "Lobo you need to calm down or the fifty wolves we allowed to follow you will become enraged. Then the guards I brought will have to quiet them, think of the boy outside not knowing what is going on." I hear my uncle growl, and my father speaks, "you need to find out how this happened Simon. That is what will calm us down, I'm sure that phone you silenced is Mary attempting to verbally rip your head off." I hear Simon clear his throat nervously, I imagine she had said a few things to Simon already.

I sigh, "how long have I been out?" I turn my head to where I could smell Jake, "it's the afternoon after you passed out. Mrs Smaten called my grandfather immediately, once he finished stabilizing you at a distance we drove back to their home and retrieved you." He pauses and I get the feeling he was looking at one of the men in the room, "then on our way here he told me to call your father and uncle." He pauses, "they didn't take it well."

I hear a snort from where Simon's voice came from, "didn't take it well. Is an understatement, we had to bring guards to keep most of the wolves in their territory. As Lobo would not think of having you unguarded while you healed. As is the same with your father, who almost anger shifted in a classroom." I could almost see Simon shaking his head at my father, I could imagine him getting a call from Jake and fur popping out all over him in anger.

I hear Greg's little voice, "um; the scary wolf is here. The other wolves don't want him to come in." I hear a sign come from Simon and Lobo answers, "it's alright Greg. I just told them to let Seamus inside," I get a whiff of brimstone as the door opens, and I hear his heavy foot steps as if a drum was banging inside my head and I hear Jake admonish the cursed. "Walk lighter you reject demon, her head is very sensitive to vibrations right now." I hear a chuckle as the footsteps get lighter and I relax, the deep voice of Seamus speaks. "So girly I see you have a mite of a headache." I smile and respond, "oh this? I got it from thinking about you ice skating, I laughed so hard I hit my head." The cursed laughs, and I get the feeling he turns to Simon. "I had a word with the human, he should answer any questions you would like to ask him now." I hear another long pause and I imagine that Simon gave Seamus a very ugly look, "I'd hate to see what you would call an interrogation then Seamus. How did you find out what happened anyway Seamus?" There is another pause before Seamus speaks, "that would be because of Mary. Right after she called the Doc, she called me as she figured they would send that piece of work to my prison."

I hear an intake of breath from Jake, and Seamus' voice is directed in his direction next. "Now you listen boy, that old man of yours grew up in a house hold that told him that what he did was a bad idea. He broke the law, the laws you knew don't apply to supers. He broke a law governing supers, and he broke a major one; he gets the super punishment. He is getting proper medical treatment, where do you think your granda is right now? Putting your father back together," the room gets quiet again and I feel Dang land on the bed.

Jake grips my hand, "Dang says your 'channels' are healing well and he recommends we leave the eye covering on you all night. Do you think you can hold a glass?" I nod my head and I am handed a plastic cup by Simon, his ice cold hands almost being a relief through the pain in my head. I took a sniff, and I paused before drinking it. It was a cup of some of the ultra distilled whiskey, that is only given to a super for deadly wounds.

I quickly toss the drink back, careful to not taste it; as I had tasted shoe leather with better flavor. After a bit of coughing that didn't help in the head pain, I hear Simon answer his phone. "Yes Dr Peter? I understand, he will survive the beating then? Good, I will be sending the interrogation team to be on stand by for when he awakens. She seems to be fine Jake is doing a good job pulling the extra pain from Nancy's head. We'll see you later then," I hear the vibration as his phone starts ringing again.

My father speaks, "best you answer her soon; or she might send Doug here." I smell raccoon and I say, "too late. He'll be coming in the door in a moment." I hear the door open and I catch a whiff of two raccoon's, they walk much softer than Seamus had. I hear Simon, "are you having a control issue there Douglas?" I hear a growl come from both of the pair and Jake responds, "that fool hurt my friend. My mother considers her an adopted daughter, this is a personal issue Simon, my mother is very angry and wants an update now." I hear a sound from Simon and he very careful stomps out without making my head hurt.

I then hear Doug's voice soften, "are you alright Nancy?" I gently nod my head, "Jake is taking good care of me. I just want to know why I am so hot?" Jake lets go of my hand and touches my face, "she's burning up; one of you get in there and turn the tub onto cold." His voice focuses towards me, "I'm going to strip you Nancy. I am sorry, but we need to cool your body down." I nod my head understanding my health is more important that my modesty, I hear the water run and I feel three sets of hands carefully strip me and I get lifted up and carried into the bath room and set slowly in the tub. I hear the door close and Brenda speaks, "Jake brought you in and after placing you in the water I shooed everyone out. Is it helping?" I nod my head as the cold water felt good against my hot skin, I hear the door crack open and her voice raised says. "Don't you dare come in unless it is necessary," I hear a loud sigh.

"Fine, but I need you to take her temperature every few minutes. My grandfather said we don't know anything about what is going on with her due to it never happening before. I know a high temperature needs bringing down. He told me Nancy's temperature should range from normal human too one hundred. It should not be higher than that, I am going to have to make so many notes when I gets home." I chuckle, as it sounded like he was happy with the need for all the notes he'd have to write. I am guessing that he handed her an ear thermometer as she sticks something in my ear, then the door bursts open. I hear Simon's voice, "she's probably going to pass out again. They discovered there is still a leak on her source and they need to get it closed, so she can heal faster." Right after he says that I feel new pain explode in my skull and I pass out again.

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