Deeper History

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  I raise my eyebrow at that, "what would that be?" The old man picks up a rocks glass with some scotch in it and takes a large swallow. "First that the blood mages are the strongest of the magic users. Their ability is hinged totally on what they sacrifice to gain power, if done right they can contain a great deal of power. They cannot use 'weather witching' because it requires a full emotional connection, blood mages are psychopaths by nature."

The old man takes another big drink, and I say, "easy Padre. Don't want to see you soussed before we know what we need to know." Simon gives the man a pitying look and turns to me as the man takes another drink, "trust me he needs this for the next part." I tilt my head questioningly and the Archivist says. "The church created the familiars that are attached to non blood mage magic users. When the church tried purging what they considered a taint from the world they discovered they could harness a very low powered demonic animal and put a person's magic talent into it. Then first the magic user became sane and their abilities changed. What happened after a few generations worth of familiars they became more 'aware' and exerted more control over their 'wards'. Now we have the familiars more in charge of the magic users than they were before."

I blink and look back to Lobo who shrugs, "until magic users came over to this country you didn't see many of them unless they were governed by a council of Elders who would kill them if they did something wrong." I nod my head from what I had seen of the tribe, it wouldn't surprise me that they would employ blood mages they controlled.

The man notices my uncle then and repeats his previous statement, "I am sorry about your sister." Lobo shakes his head, "you didn't know my sister. She would not want your forgiveness, you are not at fault for what someone before you did." Lobo gets comfortable and my father stands next to him and gives the old man a look, "don't try it with me either. While I grew up with both Lobo and Sacrtooth I knew enough about her to agree, don't apologize for something you had no hand in."

The Archivist shakes his head and looks at Simon who smiles again as if he proved something to the human. "Well next what you need to know is," He glances at Emerald. "Yes the Dragons are in potential danger, and not just the shifter ones. From what I know of this ritual, the oldest will be doing an Honor Guard?" Emerald doesn't turn her head but nods it slowly. The old man takes in a deep breath, "the actual Dragons are considered a treasure trove of magical 'ingredients'. This is why most dragons take on a human form so they can hide in plain sight. Thankfully most government agencies employ them so they can be out in the open if they chose to be."

Emerald turns from the window and I see tears rolling down her green tinged skin, "my great grand sire is the lead for the Honor Guard. He has been told of the possibility and he said he would still go because it is something that is done. I might lose my Elder because your people held onto some books with information about how to make 'use' of my people?" I see Simon wince as the old man takes another drink, "yes my dear. Those tomes should have been destroyed a very long time ago. As to the potentiality of a sacrifice, both the actual Dragons and the shifters rate as high as a high level Demon or Angelus."

I nod my head as Emerald paces and I can hear a deep voice echo in the room. My descendant is reasonably concerned for my welfare. However, I cannot shirk my responsibility just because I might get hurt. The point is if someone is to get hurt then one of us old ones be the one to be harmed. That is the point, I would not be happy if I never got to see her Mating Flight. Yet if I die protecting a Mating Flight then I did what I needed to do. I look over to Emerald who is still crying silently and the Archivist nods his head, "you honor us all Sir." He then turns to me, "as to would the shifter Dragon be a better sacrifice. I would say yes to a degree, they are rare and something rare is always something more powerful. However your last question negates that, you are the highest of importance sacrifice. Not to mention that young lad you are caring for"

The man pauses deciding if he should say more and I get the feeling what it is I would not like. "I am curious as to how they were able to decipher the tomes though, the language in them is archaic for a Vatican scholar; and I have forgotten more dead languages than most know exist."

A thought comes to mind, "do you employ any magic users currently?" Before the Archivist could answer Marchosias appears in the room holding a middle aged man by the scruff of the neck, the Demon's eyes were blood red and he looks to Simon. "I would speak quickly before my tail gets here and eats him." Then he shakes the man and Simon quickly barks out, "where are the tomes and who translated them?" The man speaking in Latin spits out a long grouping of words, a few made Marchosias shake the man again who pisses on himself then says something else. Simon nods his head and Marchosias vanishes and as soon as he does an Angelus appears and vanishes immediately as if chasing the Demon.

Simon turns to us, "well old man the answer would be yes you employed at least one unverified magic user. The people who have the tomes also stole the secrets for how to hide them from any prying eyes thanks to Vatican knowledge. The sigils that are used to keep unwanteds out of the deep libraries are guarding the tomes." The Archivist sighs, "I guess we shall have to have a purge of our ranks again." He turns to me with a serious look on his face, "do not assume that they would not go after those close to you. They are structured very rigidly, sacrificing you would be saved for their most important members they would let their lower people take the power from your friends and family." I nod my head, we needed to keep Doug and Brenda secure.

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