Set Up

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  In the early morning of the festival day Heather stops in to help me dress in the Hanfu, I didn't know how to put it on and she said it would take two people until I got use to it. It had come with a pair of slipper like shoes that looked like I could climb Mount Everest in. After about twenty minutes we had managed to get me into the garment, I admit it looked good on be thought it was a little heavier than I would like.

Greg and Locklan rush into the room after Heather said it was alright, and they both stare. Greg says, "wow Mom you look really special in that." I internally wince at him calling me mom after having witnessed his mother's death. Locklan tries to one up the other boy by saying, "that must be what they dress their princesses in as it makes you look like royalty." I decide that I had enough of that and respond with, "well if that makes me royalty then maybe you two need to be wearing suits today?"

The boys look shocked and Heather chuckles saying, "oh and I made a point to get Locklan's colors so he has a full kilt here" The boys rush out of the room as if their backsides were lit on fire with Heather laughing. "There that should keep them from making compliments just to curry favor."

I know the boys were just trying to be supportive, especially when the garment appeared to be uncomfortable. It wasn't aside from it being heavy and I was glad it wasn't summer or I would cook inside the thing. Since I figure there was a reason for me needing to wear it I will do so. The only thing is it feels like having a target on my back because I am wearing something different.

Zebediah, now appearing very human; was going to be coming along and he was excited at the idea of seeing an event held on the mortal plane. From the sounds of how he grew up it sounded like the Angelus realm was very boring. All they did was study and did no merry making. Heather had provided a pouch of ampules of my blood so that he could attempt to eat some of the foods during the event. He was impressed upon for the last two days that he needed to not let people see him using them however. Thankfully Heather and Dr Peter had come up with a small ampule that he could hold between two fingers. It was discovered that as long as the food contained at least a drop of my blood he could ingest some of it.

We head to the truck with Heather following in her own truck, or rather the truck the Smaten's use when visiting me. We drive to the edge of the main road into town, to where they have set up temporary parking. I step out of the truck and get surrounded by familiars and Sally's personal guard group. I ignore the guards and start heading into town the boys rushing off to catch up with Sammy, Gale, and her sister. I spy some of the wolves from Drake's former Pack peel out of the woods to follow the boys, Lobo had them come to keep an eye on the kids. Since Sammy would know them it made things simpler.

As I head into town a black wolf matches pace with me and I see Seamus heading towards me. I look down at the wolf, "So Drake they let you out to aid us today?" The wolf nods his head and keeps walking at my side. Seamus catches up to us and I notice he is garbed in the suit and kilt from the wedding. "I see Drake found you," he looks down at the wolf who lowers his head respectfully. Seamus looks over the Hanfu nodding appreciatively. "It looks good on you kitten, we should probably stop at the Lee's work tent first so he knows you are here." I nod in agreement and we continue on down the road that has been turned into a huge street carnival. People were still setting up for the festivities as we had another hour of two before the Flight was suppose to arrive.

There was quite a number of food stalls set up, with some standard carnival fare mixed in. We pass by a funnel cake stand and I could smell the fryer oil as it heated up. There were a few smokers set up that from what I had been told had been running all night to set up a batch of barbecue tables. There was a number of games of chance with some prizes from local shops, the book store even had a game where you pop balloons with darts and the prize would be a book worth a set value. There was even a goldfish catching booth for the young kids. We near the center of the festival where a large cooking tent was set up and a giant platform was set up for the pair to land on with a pair of giant bowls to make it easier for them to eat from as well as two large bowls of water. The pair wasn't permitted any drinks but water during their Flight.

Mr Lee's wife walks up to us as we enter the tent and she looks down at Drake and points to a harness obviously designed for a wolf to carry with a tray on top of it. "You get in that and start helping to move the cold foods into the food bowls and don't mix the types I know how good you sense of smell is and no complaints I know why you are here but she won't come to harm while she is in here." She then looks at Seamus who blanches because like Mrs Frendel and Mrs Smaten she doesn't brook any behavior she doesn't like herself. She points to a large cauldron of soup, "stir that till you feel your arms are going to fall off." Seamus doesn't say a thing and after giving me a quick hug does exactly what the woman asks of him.

She then turns to me and looks me up and down like her eyes are an x ray. "Good it fits you well, I had to contact that dressmaker in Springfield for your measurements. It just needs one more thing," she pulls a decorated hair comb out of one of her pockets and sets it in my hair. "Now you go and sit near the entrance with Kiko and don't worry about anything. You are expected to be here when everyone arrives to greet the pair." I nod my head and head to the table near the opening in the tent, I hear her yelling at the familiars who had not vanished before we walked inside the tent. I see them start rushing to move ingredients for the assembled cooks inside the tent and I chuckle as I sit next to Kiko.

The woman a decade older than me but not yet married and from what I had heard she had a request for marriage from one of the True Dragons. Emerald's cousin actually, he will be part of the honor guard. I hold out my arms as I sit indicating the Hanfu, and Kiko smiles. "I bet that confused you. My father has known you since before you were born Nancy, your mother's pregnancy was difficult. So he helped her the whole time and had to teach her how to care for you once you were eating real foods. So you are a daughter to him, and what you are wearing is considered appropriate for an unmarried daughter to wear at a special event."

I blink my eyes concern growing in me as my family grows by the second. How could I protect everyone from those who wish to harm us all? Zebediah finally wanders into the tent and Mrs Lee's head sharply turns to the Angelus, "you get over here and assist with the carting, and I want you wearing gloves the whole time as some of the peoples here have very sensitive noses and they would not like to have your scent on their food." Zebediah looks mildly offended but goes to do the work, Kiko shakes her head. "Dad told me about them, he also warned me a long time ago that the half breeds are unstable. Unfortunate that the way to keep that one stable required your blood." I nod my head in agreement as Emerald walks in and takes a seat at the table with us. She was also wearing a Hanfu, just as Heather said but it was blood red.

Emerald looks at her watch inside her sleeve, "Granddad said it would be another twenty minutes before we spot them. Opal is flying near the back Kiko, I believe he is expecting an answer as it would be appropriate." Kiko reaches into her sleeve and pulls out a cob studded with fire opals that she places in her hair taking the one that matched mine out and setting it on the table. As soon as she does her mother rushes in and takes the family comb back smiling as she heads back to work. Kiko shake her head, "I think my parents were expecting this. Father won't comment on it till Opal sees me."

The envoy from the Forbidden City walks in and notes the comb in Kiko's hair and bows to her deeply. "I will make the necessary arrangements for your move to the City, Lady Kiko." From what I had learned in the last few days the heads of the Dragon families live in the Forbidden City, and Opal is the next in the line to head the family after the Elder dies. So he is required to reside there, and his future wife will also be required to be as well.

The Envoy looks up as I see a dark spot appear on the horizon, and I see the area around the platform begin to fill in with people as the sky darkens as the sun is covered by a moving shadow of Dragon bodies and a cheer erupts from the gathered people.

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