Impromptu Lunch

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 "Um, why me?" Asks Jake, and I can understand him asking the question; as I had no idea why Simon wanted Jake to come with us. Simon smiles, "it will become apparent when you arrive at Nancy's house. Simon then turns to the Dr, "you might want to get those samples while Mary is holding the boy." I hear the Dr call to Emerald, and I stand up slowly carefully moving my arm to see how bad the damage is.

My arm seems to have full range of motion, so it must not have hit any major muscle groups, the Dr approaches the child and takes a few vials of blood from his arm while Mrs. Smaten holds Greg tight. Then the Dr takes a cheek swab to keep a record of his genetics, even with shifters that have confirmed bloodlines; sometimes are genes don't match those family lines so it's best to keep a record. Especially if a mysterious death happens, like a few years ago in NYC a major wave of arson's at super homes occurred; where they could find genetic material they were able to identify the victims. Ten witches, two shifters, and one human were dead. When caught the arsonist was shocked by the fact that the hospital in that specific area was short staff.

The Dr then turns to look at me then nods in Greg's direction and I speak, "Greg? Could you show me your trick again? The nice Dr wants to measure the pretty kitty." The boy picks his head up and I could see the tears streaked across his face, but he nods his head and he jumps out of Mrs. Smaten's arms and lands in his cat form. The Dr approaches holding out a tape measure openly in his hands so that Greg's cat can see there is nothing harmful in his hands.

The interesting thing about most regular shifters, is that while they might have a split personality; as long as they are not wolves both sides tend to be in concert. The only time there is any concern is when they are children, and even then most children cannot shift till late in their teen-aged years. It was kind of a sign of adulthood, the fact that Greg could shift means something happened to him younger that required him to change. Once the Dr is satisfied I walk over to Greg and squat down to human sized level, "alright sweety he's done." The cat nods it's head and changes back to Greg who I give a big hug to. "Now sweety, can you tell me when you first learned your trick?" I pull back to look him in the face while he talks, "last year I ran after my ball in the street and a car almost hit me. I became a kitty and jumped out of the way in time."

The Dr speaks, "that would do it. Based on his measurements I would guess he will be as big as a standard cougar when an adult. So smaller than your mother's form Nancy." I nod my head and Simon looks at Mrs. Smaten, who turns to all of us; "alright now lets all go to Mr Lee's while everything gets sorted out."

Jake helps me to keep Greg from seeing his parents and my father nods in Simon's direction looking at me. I turn to Jake, "my father is going to help Simon out; so you can ride with me Jake." Jake nods his head still unsure as to why he is coming along.

We arrive at the restaurant after Doug's family, who had already told Mr Lee we needed a large table. He meets me and my group at the door and after a measured look at Jake he squats down to look Greg in the eyes a moment and then pats him on the shoulder and stands back up to give me a once over his eyes stopping on my arm. He slightly tilts his head to Greg and I nod mine, Mr Lee then steps back holding his arm out for us to go seat ourselves. As I walk past I say, "not spicy today." Then I go and head tot he table where Doug's whole family minus his dad as well as Brenda and June and little Sammy.

Mrs. Smaten had made sure Sammy had and empty chair next to him so that Greg could sit there, and I then sat next to Greg and Jake to the last chair next to Doug. Which was probably best as Brenda wasn't looking to kindly at Jake. As soon as we sat Mr Lee's daughter brings out tea and sets a bottle of sake in front of me, it wasn't on the menu; so I could only guess it was suggested I needed it. I pour a small cup full and sip it, Jake leans over to me and speaks quietly. "I have never eaten here is there a menu or something?" I chuckle and Doug answers for me. "No, there is no menu; he provides you a meal based on what he thinks you need. Nancy is the only person I have seen who has been permitted to have any say in her meal." Mrs Smaten finishes the idea, "it is because to give Nancy a complete meal is very simple in ingredient choices. The rest of us generally have many more needs that need fulfilling due to not listening to our inner selves. Nancy has always followed her instinctual side." Which is true I have always followed it, as I am much closer to it than most shifters. My father probably could also make requests from Mr Lee as well, as based on his antics across the world I'd say he's close to his inner self. June suddenly starts crying and Brenda hugs her sister giving Doug a withering look. I speak, "June. Simon isn't unreasonable, I am sure if Drake behaves himself he might get an early release." The young woman starts wailing and I resist the urge to down the cup of sake instantly.

Doug makes an attempt, "listen June. I'll get him straightened out, I know they're allowed visitors. We could use the fact you're mates to get him to learn proper behavior, he doesn't learn the full shifter education then he can't see you. The wolves are so fixated on their mates, as if they are just an appendage they cannot live without; it could work." The woman wails again, "but he's a criminal." Mrs Smaten speaks calmly, "yes; thought until he broke containment it was considered minor. Though his punishments were severe due to his own stupidity, he had thought Nancy was his mate due to how odd wolf Mate bonds are." June gives me an evil look and Mrs Smaten slams her hand on the table, "to think it is Nancy's fault that wolf went after her; kidnapping her. Then you had better rethink how you view the world young lady." June looks down at her hands ashamed of her behavior, "but he's still a criminal."

Mrs Smaten pats the young woman on the back, "yes; but like Doug says. We can use this situation to make that foolish wolf a better person." June nods her head and Brenda starts whispering in her ear. The two boys during this had been talking quietly amounst themselves, and I hear Sammy say. "That is so cool that you can shift already, I won't until I'm older." Then Greg responds, "why can't you now?" Mrs Smaten smiles and looks at me pointing out that this was the best time to start the boy on his education.

I start talking to both of the boys, "now Greg; while Sammy here is a wolf shifter unlike you he won't change form till he's a teen. You can because you were in danger and you cat woke up to save your life." Greg's eyes go wide, "oh; so Zipper was protecting me?" I nod my head, while it was an odd name for a shifter's beast form; based on when it appeared the beast is still more beast like. So it'll be more instinctual than rational, ergo why the Dr made a point to show he had only the tape measure in his hands. Greg looks like he's thinking a moment, "why can't they change before then?" I smile at how thoughtful the question was and answer. "It is simply that your other side isn't developed enough to interact with your mind. Which is why Zipper acts so much like a real cat. As the two of you get older Zipper will grow mentally like you, while he'll still be a cat and still focus more on instinct you would be able to talk better." Greg nods, showing he understood; though I don't know how much as yet. Greg looks around the table, "so Nancy is a kitty; and Sammy is a wolf. What about the rest of you? Mrs Smaten answers, we're raccoon's Greg." She indicates to her family and the two red heads, Greg turns to Jake with an expectant look on his face.

Jake answers, "well I'm human;" I hear a chuckle behind me as Mr Lee and his daughter bring out our foods. For the Smaten family he lay's out a family style spread with a good mixture of both meats and vegetables and an array of sauces for the individual to choose. After setting a platter of pot stickers down he gives me a look letting me know I could eat some if I chose to. Then he sets down a bowl in front of Sammy with beef and green beans in it, he then sets a bowl of sweet and sour chicken in front of Greg who comments, "none of the veggies I don't like; thank you Mr." Mr Lee smiles at the boy and places a bowl of sweet and sour shrimp in front of me and then sets down Jake's.

I am surprised by the dish Mr Lee has given Jake, varies from a very small piece of fish sitting by itself on a little plate Jake was given a bowl of stir fried vegetables and a small amount of rice. Which was also separate in a tiny bowl, when he set it Mr Lee says; "if you think you are human. You are about to be in store for a surprise." Mr Lee and his daughter then leave and I look at Jake a moment while he starts in on his meal as if it was the best food he had ever eaten.

Based on the food he was given it was implying Jake was almost a vegan, which based on growing up here his whole life would be hard if you didn't know you needed it. It made me wonder what he was, as I generally cannot tell a non shifter super from a normal human unless like Simon your skin was a dead give away. It would also have to be something Jake's family wouldn't recognize, I inwardly shrug and eat my meal.

A couple hours later with Jake driving, he insisted in fact; not knowing the effect of alcohol on shifter biology. We pull into my front yard and Dang is sitting on the railing at attention watching the car. We pile out of the car and I hear a voice say, "about time you finally get here Jake." I look at Dang, who spoke dumbfounded for a moment then recall that Simon said Dang was a familiar. I look from Jake, whose mouth has dropped open and Dang. I then chuckle, "So Jake have any weird relatives in the city; it seems you're a witch and Dang is your familiar."

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