The Landing

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  Mrs Lee did not say it was alright to leave the tent so rather than raise her ire I stay in the seat noting that the table had the prefect angle to observe the Flight. That couldn't be by chance I am guessing. Emerald starts changing her form to look more Draconic but still human so no one will mistake that she is one during this. While before in human form you could see a greenish tint to her skin, now she grown faint scales all over her and her eyes shift to a more reptilian look. All of her colors touch the spectrum of the gemstone Emerald ergo her name. The fact that her brother's name is Opal and the comb Kiko put into her hair was studded with fire opals tells me he is probably a red Dragon. You missed something Nancy, came Dang's voice in my mind as I am reminded as to why I attempt to shield him from my thoughts. The 'material' that the comb is made from is one of his scales. It is custom to give your partner one of your scales to show your interest in them.

Interesting custom for them and it would make things easy to find out who is attached to whom if it is also custom they wear ti in some fashion. From what I knew of the procedure for today the group will fly in the pair will remain in their Dragon form but the escort will land and take on their 'mixed' look while the pair eats. That will most likely be when the Opal will find out about Kiko.

As the Dragons move in closer I notice that most of them are just simply flying while the pair (which is a guess as they are behaving differently), it looked like they were dancing. The pair was flying close to one another not touching but it looked like they were looping around each other in a complicated dance. It was breathtaking to watch, as they would fly so close I bet you couldn't put a sheet of paper between them; but it was obvious that they were not touching.

To the right of the pair was a very large Turquoise colored Dragon, my guess was that this was Emerald's great grand father. He was certainly impressive looking, like other reptiles they don't truly stop aging. So their natural form just keeps getting larger as they get older.

Now as to the color of the pair they weren't shades you'd attribute to a gemstone. I guess that is one way to tell they aren't True Dragons, one is a green that is referred to as 'kelly green'. The other is an odd shade of purple. The pair's 'dance' slows as they approach the platform, though by now you had the impression that it signified they would never be apart

As the group draws nearer Mr Lee walks up to the table smiling, he was dressed for work aside from what appeared to be some kind of pendant that was encrusted with what appeared to be one of every gemstone known to mankind. I wondered if it had to do with the fact he use to work in the Forbidden City. He bows to Emerald and then comments, "well shall we now approach the platform to greet the couple?"

I stand with Kiko and Emerald and follow Mr Lee up the steps as the pair circles in the air above the platform the Elder being the first to land and he shifts into a very respectable suit. The pair then dive down to the platform and after nodding a greeting to Mr Lee they both start digging into the food. The Elder walks forward as the rest of the escort slowly starts descending and shifting forms. "Pardon the young ones they are probably very hungry at this point, I am called Turquoise." I notice while he gives a bow first to Mr Lee he does not acknowledge Kiko, it might be he cannot till Opal sees her acceptance. When he bows to me he says, "ah the little lost daughter you told me of. Yes you have been claimed as part of his family, which seeing as you are a special includes the right to live within the City." I blink my eyes taken a back and Mr Lee chuckles as the Dragon nods his head. "I said the right, it isn't a requirement, maybe when you can retire your powers you will chose to." I nod my head slowly not believing that would happen as 'retiring' means there is a descendant who can take over the powers I currently hold. Since my family has odd genetics to begin with there was no certainty that would occur.

The Dragon then gives me a serious look, "it also means you are under City protections. The 'envoy' is your new personal body guard" I blink, what kind of powerful family was Mr Lee's? Just then the last Dragon lands and it is Opal who like his great grandfather is wearing a suit. He walks to Kiko stopping three steps from her and takes her two hands and says, "I thank you for agreeing to join my family my heart." Turquoise smiles and bows to Kiko, "welcome great grand daughter. I have been waiting for this day a very long time for this." I smile as the old Dragon hugs Kiko and I see a tear run down Mr Lee's face. The crowd cheers, not knowing why but seeing the happy people on the platform had them cheering.

Then suddenly all of the familiars who had visited me in the garden appear scattered about the platform all of them poofed out spitting. I feel as if my stomach hit the bottom of my belly as Seamus and Zebediah rush out of the cook tent with Drake behind them and I see a red light drawing a sigil appear in the crowd below us.

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