An Uncomfortable Encounter

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  We carefully approach the exit tot he airport noting that the crowd on the pro super side had gotten much larger than it had been and my father shakes his head and mutters soft so only we could hear. "I imagine the people looking to have sex with shifters are a new addition to the protesters?" Simon grumbles and nods, my father stands straighter and reaches for the door and the anti super group notices us and makes a bee line for the door. Leaving their protesting location for the first time, their 'leader' speaks as we step out and they surround us blocking us from view. "We will hide you from them, especially now that the real weirdos have shown up." My father nods his head in thanks and the group move with us keeping us obscured towards the parking lot.

Halfway tot he parking lot a small group walked towards us reaching behind themselves, I notice Jake from town in the group and I shout. "Everyone get down," just in time to as the group pulled out some guns and started firing into the group escorting us. My father mutters an apology and shifts into his lion and snarls at the group with the guns who upon seeing how big he was were so startled they dropped their guns. The five men were then quickly, quicker than people thought a gargoyle could move; restrained by Simon. I quickly look everyone over as they slowly got tot heir feet looking warily at my father.

The leader spoke, "that isn't a normal lion." My father turns his head to him and returns to his human form and while adjusting his clothes comments. "No it's not, and you notice I wasn't naked or needing to rearrange my bones." The man nods, my father continues. "That is because I am a 'special' one of the original forms of a shifter, we live a very long time. Also unlike standard shifters we just 'shift' from one form to another while the other types have to go through a process to change. While they could change in an instant it can cause issues for their bodies later on, those who guard the Alpha wolves tend to only be in their positions for no more than a decade due to it." The leader casts a sly look at me, "what about her? She said you are her father, is she like you?"

My father looks to Simon who nods, "she is; but she isn't permitted to change out of her territory as yet. She is to young for that." The leader nods slowly then looks at the group of restrained men, "they are not affiliated with my people."

I snort, "I know that;" I point to Jake. "That kid use to work in the feed store by my home, once he found out there were shifters in his town he quit his job. I am really not surprised he joined this group of degenerates." Jake gives me a withering look, "you are not natural; and shouldn't exist." I snort again, "his kind I do not like; as I mentioned before. Those of you with legitimate issues I have no issues with. These people have no desire to make anything better for all, they just want to be the only ones right."

I point back at the pro group by the door with my thumb over my shoulder, "that lot I think are just as bad as this group here. Supers can be dangerous, but we are also people; ones with a genetic condition. People can learn to control their behaviors, there are those that live in the shifter communities that think they are permitted to do what ever they want because they have an animal within them." I look at my father, "people like me are put under more restriction due to what I am. They expect my kind to do what they chose to not do, that needs to change. We all live on this world, we need to get a long together." The leader nods his head and looks at the bound men, "we will watch them until the authorities pick them up. You should leave before that group of crazies comes over here." We nod our thanks and head to Simon's car, he pulls out his radio and talks into it quietly then puts it back inside his suit coat.

After a time Simon drops us off at my home and my father takes a long look around after Simon leaves, Dang takes one sniff of him and ignores him completely. My father chuckles, "your cat seems to know I won't harm you. This place is very different than I recall from before you were born." I nod my head proudly, "yes it took some work, but I slowly got mother to change things and add things over time. Though the home I live in now is totally brand new, there is a 'guest' cottage on the opposite side of the chicken coop. I put it in when I discovered Doug needed occasional escape from his family." My father taps his chin a moment, "raccoon family?" I nod my head and he continues, "ah; the poor boy. Bet he's the only boy in the house too. The women of the raccoon shifters tend to be very strong willed." I hear a snort behind me and I turn to see Doug, "that is putting it mildly Sir." I hear my father chuckle, "no need to call me sir Doug call me Maahes; it is my name after all." He nods his head and then turns to me, "you talked to the anti super group?"

I feel sheepish and nod my head, "I wanted to stop a conflict before it happened. Then Jake and his cronies had to mess that up." Doug sits on the steps, "I am not sure Jake and his friends will be in lock up long. They made sure to only use their newest members and only ones with no criminal record at all." My father gets a grim look, "how easy could they get to here and cause problems?" Doug gets a sad look and I had an inkling of why, "here you are all safe by the time they would get here Simon would have an army here. My family however," he drifts off looking off into the distance and I walk over and put my arm around my old friend. "I would protect them as if they were my own Doug, your family would be safe even if it cost me my life and I doubt Simon would be pleased by that. However if he does not know I would do that he doesn't know me."

My father walks over and kneels down to look Doug in the face, "I would as well. If my daughter feels that much about keeping you and yours safe then I consider you family as well Doug." Doug looks up surprised at my father's comment, "but you only just got here Maahes and you know nothing about me."

My father tsks, "what are they teaching kids these days about other shifter types?" Doug looks up, and my father continues. "Lions shifters tend to be very protective over those that are in their familes, we can be worse than wolves about it." My father pauses a moment at that comment, "give me a few moments kids. The guest cottage is behind the chickens yes?" I nod my head and he turns and pulls his phone out and walks off. Doug looks surprised and I answer his unspoken question, "apparently lions have a ruling in the council that any lion shifters are allowed choice before being forced into anything. Alpha Drake apparently violated that by kidnapping me, he is not happy; and I imagine the council representatives are getting an earful right about now."

Doug shakes his head, "I would not want him angry with me." I grin, "I doubt you have to worry about that. Now you never just drop by Doug is something up?" He nods his head as I head vehicles driving down the road attached to my driveway, "that would be Drake attempting to violate the order that states he stay away from you."

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