- chapter 1-

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My first ever day at a wizard school, not just any wizard school though. Hogwarts. The most famous wizarding school in the Uk, even the world most people would argue. And I'm about to start my third year here with no experience with magic what so ever, crazy I know, but apparently, they think I have the talent. Herse to embarrassing myself I suppose?

What could go wrong all I have to do is find the platform, get on the train,  try not to make anything awkward or embarrassing in the process, then make it seem like I know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm here, but I couldn't even complete step one so it's all destined to go downhill.

I made my way into London station, pushing through crowds of people, who were running around trying to catch there train. I had an hour and a half till the Hogwarts express left so I wasn't overly worried about rushing anywhere but on the same strength, I had no idea where platform 9 3/4 was or if it even existed.

I still had a thought lingering in the back of my head making me question if this was all a prank and the large man waltzing into my room at midnight was just all part of it, but then again anything was possible when you didn't know your parents.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, clutching it tightly, then ventured further into the station. I was scanning the crowds desperately hoping to find someone who could tell me where to go, then I caught a glimpse of the same man that invited himself into my room so I ran over to him.    

"excuse me, sir," I questioned tugging on the abnormally large man's shirt. He turned on his heels and towered over me, his eyes gently lowering to meet mine.

"ah! Y/N I wondered when I would see you again! please call me Hagrid. " he sounded happy to see me almost as if it was an accomplishment that I made it this far.  He turned his back to me and not even a second later piled me up with a stack of book and a black robe.

I furrowed my brows, looking down at the books, a particular one caught my attention, it was soft and green with little tentacles, which we're moving, the book also appeared to be growling at me. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of it, it seemed as if it was going to try and eat me. "what is this and why is the book moving?"

"oh, this little fella is one of the books you will need this year, if he gives you any trouble, just stroke the spine," he replied with a tone as if the whole ordeal should be obvious to me. I lifted up my hand and ran it along the spine of the book and it stopped growling and fell completely still. I looked u at the man in shock and he just gave me a small smirk. " Have you got your wand, I believe it was sent to you."

slowly, I smiled at him, nodding hesitantly as I wasn't sure whether to class a long thin bit of wood as a wand but the strange old man who gave it to me seemed pretty insistent on me taking it so I guess we will just go with it, I suppose everything right now was a bit out of the ordinary. "would you mind telling me how on earth I am supposed to carry all of this." I could hardly see over the massive pile of stuff I had been given and had almost dropped a couple of my books just in the few minutes we had been stood talking.

" Oh silly me, I almost forgot, this was sent to me to give to you." he chuckled, placing a large brown case on the floor in front of my feet then popping open the lid. It was full of beautiful black and dark green clothes which I had never seen before. "Put all of your things in here then, we don't have all day."

I dropped the pile of things into the suitcase and slammed the lid shut and studied the top. There was a gold logo engraved in the middle with a sentence that read 'Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.' on the side there were two matching gold letters, a ' y/f/i' and an 'P.' "hagrid what do these letters mean?" I looked up and furrowed my brows in the hope he would give me a completely normal answer, I could do with the reassurance that at least one thing was normal.

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