-chapter 35-

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Today was Blaise's quidditch match against Gryffindor, the moment all of his extra training had led up to, and I had promised I would go watch.

I was sat with Pansy in the stands, the pair of us huddled under an coat since it was tipping it down. Blaise was doing incredibly however Ron was was just that bit better. Every goal Blaise attempted Ron blocked.

The Gryffindor stand was roaring with exciting,  with every goal they scored and saved. You could tell Gryffindor house was favoured.

When the match had ended, and the rain had gotten heavier, Pansy and I ran inside, holding the coat over our heads and laughing at our own utter stupidity of not bringing an umbrella.

" You and Blaise would be good together," pansy said as she walked out the bathroom drying her hair.

" He's Draco's best friend and Isla's ex, Pans it would be wrong."

" past is past, future is future."

" I think I'll just stay friends with him thanks."

" do as you please."

I gave her a sarcastic nod and smile then walked into the common room, going to congratulate Blaise on his efforts. Draco was sat on the couch, completely still, staring at my dorm door. I tried to move out his eye-line, but his eyes just followed me wherever I went.  I just tried to ignore him and went straight over too Blaise who was trying to get off his gloves.

" you did well," I said, unbuckling his gloves and taking them off for him since it was seeming like such a struggle.

"not well enough," he snapped, pulling at the collar of his quidditch robes and yanking the buckle off completely.

I snatched the buckle from the floor, shoving it in my pocket to see it back on for him later, then grabbed his shoulders, shaking him harshly.

" Blaise. Calm the fuck down. It was a game, there'll be more."

He ran his hand over his head, taking a deep breath. " sorry."

" good job Blaise," Draco  said quickly as he pushed  through the both of us, forcing a piece of paper into my hand as he did.

I furrowed my brows and looked between him and the paper, the I unfolded it carefully.

' Come to me'

I screwed up the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket.  " I'll be back in a second, take a break, clean yourself up."

Blaise have me a frustrated nod and I turned on my heels, walking the way draco had gone.I found myself wondering down  the corridor running alongside Snape's office. It was dark and silent, candles the only thing illuminating the dingy, cold, stone halls.  I noticed a door that hand been left open a crack, then pushed it open poking my head around the side.

" Draco?"

He pulled me in by my wrist, and immediately threw his arms around my waist and leant his head on my shoulder, sobbing.

It took me a second, but I held his head with one hand and my other rubbed his back as his tears soaked through my jumper.

" woah, what's the matter?"

" I can't do it," he whimpered, gripping me tighter his cries became more desperate.

" can't do what Draco?"

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