-chapter 8-

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Christmas break was today, i wasn't quite sure where I was going, but I think I was just going to tag along with Draco, since my dad lived at their house it seemed like the most logical option. I had already packed up the majority of my stuff and my case was just sat in the corner of my dorm staring at me. Something was telling me to go home and see my aunt and uncle but quite frankly, I wanted to spend Christmas with a group of people who cared about me, no matter how long I had known them.

Isla waltzed out of the bathroom, dressed all in black with a long-sleeved shirt that was tied up around her front. I had never seen the girl in short sleeves, but I suppose it had always been cold since I met her, so maybe she just always felt the cold.

" Christmas break, I'm going to miss you so much!" the girl exclaimed, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

I shot up from the bed, pulling her into a tight hug, "Im going to miss you more!" I mumbled, trying to push back my tears. I wasn't sure what 3 weeks without Isla would be like, I wouldn't have anyone to stay up muttering about boys with, or anyone to wake up in the morning and find my makeup for me.

I stumbled over to the corner grabbing the handle of my case and tugging it with me out the common room door. There was already a congregation of Slytherins in the common room, each of them sharing a quick hug with all of their friends.

I walked down over to Draco and Blaise, who was sharing some sort of manly handshake. I stood my case up next to Malfoy's and hopped up onto the table next to him and began swinging my legs. " So Zabini whats your Christmas plans," i asked, trying to make a conversation, the silence between us was getting sort of weird.

" Most likely meeting mums new boyfriend, what number are we on now Malfoy?" he asked rhetorically, glancing over to him with an amused grin.

" 6 ?" he replied with a small chuckle. i couldn't quite decide if they were being serious or not, 6 seemed like an awful lot of boyfriends to go through.

Before they could make another comment on the matter, Isla hauled her case over and stood panting, leaning her arm on Blaise's shoulder as she caught her breath. " Blasted case is so bloody heavy," she complained, standing up straight and brushing the creases out of her shirt.

" That's why you get someone else to carry it for you," I hinted, flashing Draco a quick smile.

He looked at me letting out a long sigh and rolling his eyes, " What am I a house-elf," he groaned, taking hold of the handle of my case and kicking the bottom out so the wheels hit the floor.

" Well, you do kind of look like one." I joked, scruffing up his hair and picking up our coats and my handbag from the back of the chair.

" Watch it, Prewett. My father-" he began.

" will hear about this. Yes yes, we have heard it all before," i interrupted, giving him a sarcastic smile.

I received a small groan before we all began to file out of the common room, Isla, Blaise, Draco and I staying together, making the most of the last few hours we had together before our break. We didn't really have a topic of conversation, we were all just laughing and joking around, well apart from Draco, he just continued to roll his eyes at the three of us.


I followed Malfoy onto the train, along with Isla and Blaise, and we found ourselves in a compartment at the furthest end. I shuffled in next to the window, Isla opposite me, Draco next to me, and Blaise next to Isla.

The train started moving and we continued just talking and joking about the past few months, mainly highlighting all the times Draco had done something idiotic, which happened to be quite a few.

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