-chapter 14-

44 1 1

--------------------- year 4----------------------

The platform was packed full of families saying goodbye to their kids for the first time. I could tell Draco had no patience with these people and grabbed my hand dragging me through the crowds with a disgusted look on his face.

" ugh fucking people, everywhere" he muttered to himself.

Thanks to Malfoy's attitude no one hesitated to move out the way meaning we got on the train pretty quickly. We wandered down to the Slytherin end to be greeted with several first years, in their little black robes, taking up all the seats.

The blonde stood, leaning against the doorframe watching them all.

"awh look at these little kids y/n, thinking they own this space." he said sarcastically, making out as if he was talking to me but was really talking to the kids.

To be honest their reaction was priceless. They all stared at Malfoy with there little mouths apart. It seemed quite fun bullying the younger years so I decided to give it a go.

" bless them, hey Draco," I began.

The boy caught on to the scene we were creating and gave me a smirk.

" yes, y/n" he replied turning back to the first years.

I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned round to see Blasie and Isla, I tried to hold in my excited squeal and just gestured towards the compartment.

" oh, children." Blaise scoffed.

" How have they not cleared off." Isla whispered in my ear. "when you and Malfoy are dressed all in black you both look bloody scary."

Isla had a point, we looked like we were part of the death eaters. I mean I was but that's beside the point. I leant my arm on Draco's shoulder as I drew all my attention back to the kids.

"how about we give the kids a bit of a show?" I suggested to the blonde, the smirk on his face grew bigger as he realised what I was saying.

I heard Isla whisper "the danger couple are at it again," to Blaise.

I gave a single laugh, as Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. " I'm assuming this is the type of show you meant," he muttered.

" of course it was," I replied before going into a full-on kissfest with the boy, purposely going over the top to cringe the kids out.

" EW!" She be of them exclaimed, running out the compartment with there cloak in front of their eyes, soon enough followed by the rest of them.

Finally, we had the compartment to our selves. I let my self fall into my seat triumphantly and the blonde sat next to me letting his hand find its normal place around my waist.

I finally let out the squeal I had been holding in as Isla sat down opposite me reaching for my hands excitedly.

"Isla, Blaise, I missed you BOTH!"

" what is with the matching all-black outfits, you look like the evil physco couple."  Blaise chuckled, looking the pair of us up and down.

" that's what we are."

Isla began to rummage through her bag and pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet, slamming it down on the table in front of us.

I study the front cover closed when I realised the picture of the front was from the world cup, accept it was all burnt down and there was the dark mark in the sky. the headline read 'SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP', and I gulped thickly.

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