-chapter 9-

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" Malfoy. Hot Cousin. Blaise the Saviour. And a hallway Romance?" Isla chuckled, trudging her way through the snow as we made our way up to Hogsmeade. It was just the pair of us, Blaise had disappeared into the Library claiming he was studying for an 'ancient runes' exam and Draco had run off with his little minions, probably going to bully Harry and his friends.

We were walking along a path that was going through a forest, Hogsmeade was to our left and there was a snowbank to our right when i heard something that sounded a lot like footsteps running past me, but nobody was there apart from Isla. However, just as i thought i was going mad, i noticed a line of footprints leading down the bank and less than a second later someone let out a weird scream.

" Did you hear that? sounded like Malfoy," Isla chuckled, nodding in the direction the noise came from.

She did have a point, it sounded like Draco, but that wasn't what made me want to go down there and look, i wanted to follow the footsteps. So without another word i began tracing the steps down the bank just as Draco ran past me, grabbing my arm and dragging me back up with him.

" What was that for," i snapped, brushing the snow off my arm that he had so generously left there.

" Ghosts," he squeaked, before clearing his throat and saying it again, trying to make his voice more manly and brave. I couldn't help but laugh.

" Malfoy, i was unaware ghosts had footprints," I laughed, pointing to where i had seen the footprints, but they had vanished.

" Yes exactly, nothing there," he scoffed, neatening up his jacket and taking a quick glance over his shoulder, followed by a thick gulp.

I have to admit seeing Malfoy so terrified was quite funny, bearing in mind we had ghost running all over the castle you would think such a thing didn't scare him.

"What were you doing down there anyway?" I asked, brushing a bit of snow off his shoulder and straightening the small silver pin on his collar.

" just talking to weaselbee and Granger."

Harry. That's who had left the footprints. No one else would go through all that effort of sneaking around to find Ronald and Hermione. My only question was how did he do it? An invisibility cloak or something? I neglected to share my thought process with Malfoy, knowing he would just shrug me off and call me stupid, either that or managed to get Harry in trouble.

Suddenly, something cold hit the middle of my back provoking me to turn quickly around. There was Isla with her arm hooked over Blaise's shoudler with a cheeky smile and a handful of snow. " Sorry where the fuck did Zabini come from?" I said with a small laugh, watching Isla's hand intently making sure she wasn't going to throw the handful of snow at me.

" I appear when i want to Prewett," he chuckled.

Had i really been so caught up fussing over Malfoy that i hadn't notice Blaise show up? My trail of thought was quickly interrupted when i felt another lump of snow hit me, this time in the middle of my stomach, followed by a faint giggle.

" Oh your such a bitch," i laughed, scooping up a handful of snow and throwing it directly at Isla, but apparently my aim wasn't as good as i thought because it ended up hitting Blaise in the side of the chest. He brought his hand up to his chest and pretend to be offended but less than a second later both he and Isla were tossing snow at me. My immediate reaction was to hide behind Draco so they would stop, but instead, they just continued bombarding the pair of us.

" Fight back cowards!" Isla laughed

" Who are you calling a coward!" Draco spat back, before chasing after Isla with a hand full of snow leaving me just stood unaccompanied with Blaise.

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