-chapter 10-

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" so someone's told me it's your birthday tomorrow ,"  I mentioned as we made our way down through the courtyard.

" who told you that," Malfoy snapped, stopping abruptly just to turn and glare at me.

" it's literally written on a piece of paper in the common room,"

"Oh. Well why would you care," he said a little less harshly, diverting his gaze to the floor and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

" i have some studying to do, I will see you later," I replied, debating whether to give him a quick kiss, but I decided just to leave him, he was clearly having a moment.

I ran down to the library, desperate to find Harry. I hadn't yet got Malfoy a present, so I was going to need to go to Hogsmeade, but that was  nearly impossible when it was a Friday and we were supposed to have lessons. That was, unless Harry could help me out.

I swung round the door way into the library, instantly spotting Harry sat at the table in the middle surrounded by books. I walked over, sitting opposite him, tapping on the table to catch his attention.

" I need your help with something,"

" and what would that be?" He asked, closing his book and meeting my eyes with a confused stare.

" sneaking to Hogsmeade."

" why?"

" it's Malfoy's birthday tomorrow and I don't have a present for him, I forgot at Christmas. Once is enough." I mumbled, looking at Harry with pleading eyes. I was willing to beg if I had to, I couldn't miss his birthday AND christmas.

" ok. On one condition, help me with divinations, your smart." He sighed.

I nodded eagerly, divinations came easily to me so I thought it was a pretty good deal. "ok so what's the plan ?"

" the map. And this," he held up a piece of clothe that had been tied up with a rope. It didn't look like anything special, and I was slightly confused, how a sheet of fabric was going to help us.

" let me explain. This is-"

Then I clicked. " INVISIBILITY CLOAK!"

" keep your voice down!" He hissed, hiding the cloak back under the table as a group of Ravenclaws glared at us. " but yes."

" when can we go?" I asked excitedly, fidgeting in my seat just to emphasise my excitement.

" I have the next two periods free," he shrugged, gathering up his book and standing up.

" perfect, so do I,"

" no you have herbology with Ron and Hermione," he corrected, titling his head to the side giving off the sense of 'are you ok?'

" plants aren't important," I recorrected, standing up from the table to hint that I was ready to go.

He rolled his eyes and began walking out the library, before turning back and raising his eyebrows. "Are we going?" He asked rhetorically, gesturing towards the library door.

I decided to not say a word and just hurry out the door before he had a chance to change his mind. He was pretty much my last hope of not being a failure.

We ran down to the courtyard, stopping just behind the wall of the entrance whilst Harry unravelled his cloak.

" ok just be quiet otherwise it defeats the point," he instructed, throwing the cloak over both of our heads. Hun at the front, leading the way, me tucked behind just following wherever he went.

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