-chapter 13-

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We had two days left of summer before we had to return to Hogwarts, honestly, I was so excited to see Isla and Blaise as we hadn't sent a single letter, even though we said we were going to, But currently, I had bigger things to worry about, and I was sort of pre occupied the other this whole ' unforgivable curse' malarky .

Over the past few weeks, Bella and I had been able to tolerate each other to an acceptable amount which was quite funny as it had terrified Draco.

And also, today was my first death eaters meeting. Honestly, I was crapping myself.

I pulled on a black dress and a pair of black heels as it was the only thing I could find and I was running late.

I ran down the stairs, charging over to the door and stopping abruptly to compose myself before I entered.

As I walked in, I was greeted with a hundred pairs of eyes staring right in my direction.

" Why are you here again," a man scoffed from the other side of the room.

Without answering him I took a seat opposite and crossed my arms on the table shooting him a quick smirk.

I let my eyes wandered the room, taking in every familiar faces. I noticed two boys about my age, then it suddenly clicked, these were the pair that followed Malfoy around, no wonder they look familiar, Crabbe and Goyle I believe. Then a certain woman caught my eye, I recognised her but I couldn't place where from.

" this year, harry potter will be mine." My father cried, his words provoked several cheers, I, on the other hand, sat there just staring at him. " y/n? what's wrong."

" correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you tried that the past 2 years? and didn't it fail? "

It was more of a rhetorical question as I knew the answer.

I felt several pairs of eyes burning to my head from several directions. "what?" I shrugged.

" Please, don't, remind, him."

" y/n this is where you come in my dear," he added completely casually as if I hadn't just insulted him.

was he about to tell me to try and kill Harry Potter? if he couldn't bloody do it how was I suppose to?

" you asking me to kill potter?" I asked, accompanying my words with a small laugh. "bit much for my first time don't you think?"

" no," he replied rather bluntly.

I widened my eyes and looked at Bellatrix trying to hold in a laugh and she was doing the same.

" are you two quite finished?"

my attention snapped back to my father giving him an apologetic smile.

" the plan is for you to help me kill Harry Potter, we are sneaking another Death eater into the school, using a polyjuice potion so he can put Potter's name into the cup for the Triwizard tournament and allow him to pass every round, so he gets to the final, where the cup will be a portkey, leading the boy straight to me, so I can kill him" he grinned.

" This seems very well thought about. but where do I come into this." I asked again, becoming rather intrigued by the whole plan.

" you, my dear, will help to make sure our death eater doesn't get noticed by taking polyjuice ingredients from Snape's cupboard, then during the final task I want you to use the apparition skills Bellatrix has taught you to get to me and help me kill Harry Potter." he continued

" sounds great, but one, Snape is very protective over his cupboard, and two how will I know where you will be?"

I could tell the questions were irritating him, but if he wanted me to help I needed to know what to do.

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