- chapter 46-

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We found ourselves in the middle of the broken staircase, Ginny hung her head between her legs then snapped up straight and gave me a smile, letting me know she was okay.

I scanned the area then looked between the both of them. " We have to find Harry and quickly." Just then I heard a loud cry that sounded a lot like my dad, coming from around the corner, " Follow me."

The three of us ran towards the noise and stopped just before we could be seen. Sure enough, my dad was directing a spell down the stairs towards Harry. " Stay here, please I don't want either of you to get in the way, this could be potentially problematic."

I apprated so I ended up in the bottom corner of the stairs behind a wall, just behind Harry. Once he got close enough I reached  for his wrist and pulled him behind the wall to join me. He crouched down and furrowed his brow  as his eyes landed on me, " Y/n ? what are you doing here."

" You need to destroy the Horcruxes don't you." he nodded, still with confusion all over his face. " How many have you destroyed ?"

" 5." He replied quickly.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and let out a long sigh, " The snake. the snake is a Horcrux and so are you."

" I know, but I don't know the 8th." He huffed. I wasn't yet ready to tell him about the 8th Horcrux, I need to get Draco and Ginny safe before I solved that problem.

"You're going to need to trust me, Potter. And if anything happens I need you to take care of Draco for me okay."

He rolled his eyes then gave me a nod, I wrapped my arms around him then stepped backwards and dissaprated back up to the top of the stairs finding myself between the pair who hadn't moved an inch.

"Harry is going to be okay."

" Well, what now," Draco asked, his voice laced with a mix of fear and anger.

" We wait. But I have a feeling we need to go back down to the courtyard."

I grabbed, ginny and Draco's hand and we ran back down the stairs and into the hall. I knew my time was coming up, I was going to have to destroy the 8th Horcrux. The three of us walked out into the courtyard, it was now deserted and the sun was rising. A hissing noise rung through my ears, louder then ever before, but I took a few deep breaths and tried to block it out. I had figured out this meant a Horcrux had been destroyed, we were all linked so that why I could see them. I let go of the pair's hands and took a step forward.

" Please, look after yourselves."

I walked over to the middle of the courtyard so I was as far away from them as possible. I pulled my wand out of my waistband and held it to my temple, I had done all I could to help everyone, but the only way to protect them forever was to destroy the 8th Horcrux. Suddenly harry came crashing down in front of me, " y/n what are you doing?" A single tear rolled down my face and I forced a weak smile.

"It's me, Harry, I'm the 8th Horcrux." I whimpered. " And I can't live if I want them to be safe."

" What do you mean?" he questioned, a look of concern and realisation spreading across his bruised and broken face.

" Harry, you have to." I pleaded, trying my best not to turn round and face the pair behind me.

" Im not doing that y/n, " he said sternly, glancing over to Draco with a desperate expression.

" Don't You dare  Potter," he growled behind me, his voice shaky and week, knowing that i was going to be too stubborn for it not to happen.

" Harry do it. Now."

" DONT YOU DARE! You STUPID GIRL!" My dad hissed, throwing a spell to knock my wand from my hand.

" She loved you. My mother loved you. She trusted you but Your just evil."

Another tear rolled down my cheek as I nodded at Harry. His eyes squeezed shut as he sent the killing curse flying in my direction. It hit me directly in the chest, knocking me to the floor. A hissing ring through my ear and a sharp pain circled my chest, it felt like it was forcing our part of my soul.

I still felt completely aware of the world around me, like in no way the curse affected me, like Harry. Then I realised, it didn't kill my soul, it killed my dad's.

I summoned all the strength I had and pushed myself up off the floor, grabbing my wand and facing my the dark lord once more. His face was screwed up, his wand pointing directly at his hands shaking with anger.

" you stupid girl! Your useless to me now!"

A smirk found it's way onto my face, knowing that all he wanted me for was himself, now I had destroyed it. 

" Avada-"

" Y/N!!!" Draco yelled, throwing himself in front of me trying to push me out the way.

" kedavra."

I squeezed my eyes shut, but it all happened so fast. He had thrown himself in-front of me. I stood frozen for a second, before glancing down to the floor. The blonde messy hair, the pale skin, limp arms, grey eyes, hollow cheeks, lead out in front of me, still. I looked up to Harry, his mouth tightly shut, his eyes teary.

Suddenly I noticed my dad, poring his wand at Harry, shock shot through me as well as anger, allowing me to gather the last bit of my strength.


Sparks shot from their wands, crashing together in the middle, causing an explosion of green and red. It broke off abruptly as the three of us collapsed to the floor, the same hissing ringing through my ears. The final horcrux.

I watched nervously as Harry crawled for his wand, Draco's wand, and shot the final spell, strong enough to fight Voldemort, push his spell backwards. The dark lord's wand span through the air, meetings Potter's palm. The entire world fell silent. He fell to his knees, turning to ash, floating into the sky, disappearing. My Dad was gone. Gone for good.

I glanced back at the floor, the pain finally hitting me. Draco, my Draco. He had thrown himself in-front of me. The killing curse. It was meant for me. He threw himself in-front of me.

I threw myself over his cold limp body, sobbing uncontrollably into his motionless chest. My Draco. My team. My future. I promised him it would all be ok. I promised. Now I was curled over him, lifeless, his glisten gone for good, he soft lips, gentle touch.
My person, reasons to believe in love and hope, was gone.

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