- chapter 22-

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Today was the day of the final task in the Triwizard tournament and I was sat in the stadium nervously waiting for the right moment to grab Crabbe and Goyle and leave. The first champion, Krum, walked out and the crowd jumped up and began to cheer, even Draco appeared to be distracted, so it was the perfect moment to slip away.

I grabbed the collars of the two boys sat in front of me and yanked them out their seats, causing Crabbe to throw his bag of sweets over the girl in front of him.

" you think this is a good time to be eating." I hissed at him, still pulling them out the stadium. His eyes widened and he took a thick gulp, I was assuming he was swallowing a mouthful of sweets just by the terrified look on his face.

I knew exactly where I was meeting Lucius, so as soon as there were no people in sight I just apparated, it was easier than dragging the pair miles, they would probably just complain anyway. As soon as I saw Lucius I let the pair go and they fell to the floor, Goyle looked as if he was about to throw and Crabbe well, he had thrown up. I looked over to the man and rolled my eyes, he gave a small chuckle then walked over to join me.

" These two are something else, how did they even get here." I scoffed, glaring down at them rolling around on the floor.

" I ask myself the same question every day," Lucius responded, his voice with a hint of slight disbelief. " are you ready my dear?" I gave him a quick nod and he placed his hand on my shoulder. " mask on."

I pulled a mask out my bag and slipped it on my face, then threw my bag behind a tree, hoping that it wouldn't get spotted.

"come on you idiots."

Immediately, the shot up off the floor and I let out a little chuckle. I was scaring a pair of boys, how amusing.

We all formed a sort of circle and put our hands over each other and we disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. I landed with my feet firmly on the ground, at a first quick look I could make out we were in a graveyard, where else would you be. Then I really began to take it all in, there were a few other death eaters around me, and the whole place was gloomy. I heard someone begin to shout and snapped my head in the direction of where it was coming from.

Harry was held up in a statue, wriggling around, obviously trying to escape. His left forearm was dripping with blood and his face was all dirty.

" thirteen years its been, and you stand before me as if it was only yesterday." my dad began. I neglected to tell him that half of us had seen him the other week, I decided just to let him have his moment, I didn't want to interrupt. I carried on looking around and then my eyes fell on a body lying on the floor just behind the grave harry was held in.

Before I could even begin to study it, my dad was walking around the circle of death eaters, ripping off their masks, one by one they fell to the floor until he got to me, he gave me a subtle smirk and walked over to harry. I let out a small sigh of relief, if he had taken my mask, Potter would have found out about me and that wouldn't have gone down well.

" What a handsome boy." my dad tutted, pushing his face over to the side, only then did I realise the body was Cedric. This wasn't the plan, Cedric wasn't supposed to be included in this. I tried to hold myself together as best as I could.

" get off him." harry cried out, still struggling to get out the grip of the statue

" harry I almost forgot you were here, standing on the bones of my father." my dad said with a small laugh. My existent grandfather. How lovely.

Harry began to scream in pain as the dark lord pressed his finger on the boy's forehead, my dad began to cackle and pulled away his finger. Harry fell down from the grave into a heap on the floor.

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