-chapter 32-

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I was sat in my normal seat, down at the Slytherin end of the train, but it felt weird not having Isla around, what was even worse is that Pansy was sat there instead.

Not a single word was exchanged between the four of us until the carriage filled with a thick black smoke, Draco flew up out his seat, " what was that."

I leant over and grabbed his wrist to pull him back into the chair." Come on love, we will be at Hogwarts soon," I said softly.

He let out a loud sigh and slid back into the seat,
since his mark he hand become so jumpy and permanently on edge. I smoothed the creases out of his jacket and looked at him hopelessly. He certainly made it obvious that he was up to something.

" Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school."

" Draco, not now," I begged, squeezing his hand tightly, but of course he didn't listen to me because he never did.

" I think I would pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I had to continue for another two years." he continued. He pulled his hand out of mine aggressively and sat them on the table, twiddling his fingers.

His face had become cold and full of anger and his eyes were flicking between Pansy and the compartment above his head. Blaise let out a small chuckle and the blonde immediately snapped his eyes down and gave him a hard stare.

" Draco, not now come on." I pleaded, he gave me the same stare Blaise had just received and I dropped my head into my hands.

" Amused Blaise. We will see who will be laughing in the end," he growled.

By this point, I had completely lost my shit, he was going to get us caught, so got up, pulled him out the chair and dragged him out the carriage into a private compartment.

" What the fuck is wrong with you," I asked, pushing him down onto the bench behind him, but it quickly backfired when he grabbed my waist and pulled me down with him.

I was now sat on his lap only inches away from his face, his stare was hard and cold but yet his eyes still fell onto my lips and lingered there as I chewed on my bottom lip slightly.

" Im better now," he said In a low whisper, moving his hand from my waist and pulling my wand out my back pocket, muttering a small, "colloportus" followed by a "Muffliato."

He placed my wand down next to him and moved his hand back around my waist. " much better." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and gave me a lazy smirk.

" Oh really," I responded, closing the distance between us.

His lips moved against my passionately then slowly made their way along my jaw and down the side of my neck, until he hit the spot that he knew was sensitive. I let out a small groan at the sensation of his soft lips against my skin, only prompting him to bite down a little harder. I laced my fingers around the back of his neck and leant back into his hands. His grip tightened around my waist and he got up off the chair and picked me up with him, I wrapped my legs around his torso as he pushed my back into the door behind us, and closed the blinds.

His hand moved from my waist up to my collar bone and he pressed his fingers into the bottom of my neck. I took a sharp breath, only making him tighten his grip even more. " Much better indeed," he mumbled, through peppering little kisses over the empty spaces on my neck. He slowly moved his other hand from my waist and I hopped down onto my feet.

" Glad I could be of assistance."

"At leats your useful," he scoffed, pulling my bottom lip down with his thumb, letting it go and leaving my mouth slightly apart. He leant in and gave me a single, gentle kiss, then tried to adjust the collar of dress to hide his imprint, but was unsuccessful.
" Oh well guess people will have to see it."

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