-chapter 25-

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" ok so hear me out, push her off the tower." Isla joked, or at least I thought she did. It sounded a little bit too serious.

" and how exactly are you planning to go about that?"

" lure her up there and simply just give her a little shove."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter as the words left her mouth. You would need more than a little shove to get Umbridge over the edge of the tower. 

" I'll be your willing accomplice."

All of a sudden a squeaky high pitch, devilish giggle echoed around the room and the whole class fell silent. I glanced Dover to the front where the chalk hand started to fiercely scribble down letters. Ordinary wizarding level exams. As each word was written the women spoke them out and made her way to the front of the class.

" most commonly known as owls," she giggled, pursing her lips and holding her hands tightly together in front of her. Just the way she held herself annoyed me.

" Does she think we're stupid?" Isla whispered, just as books began to float over onto our desks.

I picked up the book, turning it over in my hands and let out a small laugh. ' defence against the dark arts for beginners.'  " Apparently she does"

"does what miss Prewett?" The woman smiled intensely.

" nothing."

" oh no please share with the class."

At this point, Isla had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh and I knew, I was going to get some sort of consequence whichever way I went about this.

" that you think we're all stupid.  For beginners? Seriously we're 15, not 5."  I held up the book and traced my finger under the words beginners and watched as the woman's face dropped for a brief second before her same patronising smile returned.

"detention miss Prewett."

" whoopie-do."

" get out of my class!" She shrieked, flicking her wand towards the door so it flew open, hitting the back wall with a thud.

" gladly."

I wandered out of the classroom slowly,  dropping the book on the back table with a sarcastic smile. Just as is began to walk down the corridor, a hand wrapped around my wrist and dragged me to one side. Draco.

" What the fuck are you turning into?"

" the way you see me right now, my father." I snapped, pulling my hand out of his grip and crossing my arms.

"you're not him."

"I want to be like him. I need to be." I mimicked the words he had said to me two years before, they had always stuck with me.

" merlin. Why didn't you think this threw before I fell in love with you?"

" because you don't need to know my every move."

" you know what. Your right. I don't know you. I never did." He shook his head and his eyes rested on my chest where the necklace he gifted me was. " I never did."

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