-chapter 33-

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I was walking down the corridor with Blaise, after another lesson of divinations where Draco hadn't shown up. Neither of us had any clue where he had gone, or what he was doing, no even enough of an idea to go and check on him or look for him.

" What's up with him?" Blaise asked with a hint of concern.

" I honestly, don't have a clue, I know he has things going on, but I don't know why he keeps vanishing...."

Vanishing.... Vanishing Cabinet.

" Blaise we need the library."

I started to walk towards the library, pushing the first years out the way, being nice to children wasn't my top priority. Blaise followed behind me, most likely having absolutely no clue why, but that's what our friendship had come too, we followed each other places because we had no one else.

I threw my books down on a clear table and immediately went to the section on magical objects. I scanned through the shelves of books, searching for the one on vanishing cabinets, I had seen it before I knew it was here, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

" that fucking little bastard," I mumbled to myself. I knew the book was in his possession, no one else had touched that book in years, it was obvious, plus, I don't think anyone would be remotely interested in vanishing cabinets. Anyone but Draco.

Godric knows what he wanted it for, but it was the only logical explanation on why he was studying the cabinet in Borgin and Burke's and the missing book.

I ended up resorting to my plan B, and picked up a book on dark objects, hoping it would have at least a page about vanishing cabinets, I had to find out myself what was happening.

I threw they hardback broken covered book down on the table and Blaise looked at me, furrowing his brows.

" I knew you were dark and twisty, but I didn't know you were this dark and twisty."

" shut up."

I opened up the battered book and ran my finger down the contents then flipped to the right page. Half the page was smudged, but I could just make out enough of the writing to get a slight understanding.

' A pair of Vanishing Cabinets will act as a passage between two places. If an object was placed in one, it will appear in the other.'

" Blaise, hypothetically speaking, do you know if there's a vanishing cabinet in school?"

" well I do know, Weasley dumb and dumber, shoved a boy head first into a cabinet and he mysteriously disappeared."

" and where was this cabinet?"

" I don't know. They moved it after the incident."

Perfect, just fucking perfect. My next question, what the fuck did he want with a vanishing cabinet? What was he planning on smuggling in?

" ok let's go."

I picked up the book, along with the rest of my things and walked back out the library, my fingers holding onto the page I was previously studying. I turned around to see if Blaise was behind me and backed up into someone, dropping all my things on the floor.

" I don't appreciate the greeting Prewett."

" I don't appreciate the disappearing Malfoy."

I bent down, gathering up my thing from the floor and he did the same, reaching for the book that was open on the page about cabinets. He slammed the book shut and kept it to himself, glaring at me with a blank cold expression.

" Stay out my way, mind your own business."

He took the book with him as he left the library, slipping in between everyone like a mysterious dark shadow.

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