-chapter 36-

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" so let me get this straight. He's your uncle?" Blaise said, whipping the froff form his top lip, and placing his empty glass on the table.

I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat, burying my the tips of my feet under his legs. "Apparently so."

" explains why you were out in slytherin, if you were a Weasley relative you should of been in Gryffindor."

" it doesn't just explain that."

" y/n Snape."

I hung my head as I thought about the name, how wrong it sounded. " y/n Riddle."

" as in?"

" Tom riddle. Yes."

" why did you tell me."

" because being the dark lords daughter isn't something I want to scream from the rooftops."

He looked at me, clearly understanding my point, then dropped his hand on the top of my legs, running it up and down gently as he turned away and shook his head. " your unpredictable."

" and you aren't?" I laughed, leaning back against the cold stone wall or the three broomsticks.

" again you hold a point."

" I always do."

We order another round of drinks, time I chose to get my Butter beer hot, the snow outside wasn't doing me any favours. I held it in my hands like I was cuddling a baby, letting the heat seep through the glass and warm my ice cold hands.

———————— Blaise's POV —————————-

I couldn't help but watch her, look at her, the simplest things she did put a smile on my face. The way she was cradling the mug, using it to warm her hands, because she was independent, refused to ask for gloves or a jacket.

I kept my hand on the top of her shins, I knew she felt comfortable with it and that's how it would stay. I loved she was comfortable around me, confident enough to tell my her secrets. She's the type of person that helps keep your world together even when it's falling apart.

She's had her fair share of boys that have found her attractive, probably more that never confessed, I mean who could blame them, she was a very pretty girl, despite her heritage. The genes must of come from her mother.

I watched her from the corner of my eyes as she took small sips from the steaming hot cup. She wasn't looking at me, that's good really, but it only made her that little bit more pretty. The fact she didn't even know people would watch her, she was oblivious to her own beauty.

Draco was lucky. Emphasis of the was. He let the best part of him go. I don't know how he did it, he was noticeably more happy with her, everyone saw it. She made him the person he was inside. Like I said she's that type of person.

The pain and sadness that kept growing in her eyes everyday does make me worry about her. She needed her happiness back, she was sick with worry, you could tell.

" Y/n, Slughorn's Christmas party, would you like to go with me?"

The built in the pit of my stomach as she pulled the mug away from her face.

————————Y/N'S POV—————————

I took a deep breath, contemplating my answer to his question. Going as Blaise's date to a party. I would normally agree immediately, but I couldn't stop thinking about the way Draco had broken down in-front of me. The way he still trusted me. The way not all hope was lost.

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