Some time in the future

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I was sat in front of the fire, a pile of paper work in front of me, a cup of tea in my hand. The floor was scattered with tiny shoes, and there was a stain under the table where pumpkin juice had been spilled.

A owl came crashing throw the window, dropping a letter right in my lap. I took a sip of my tea before placing it on the mound of paper work. The letter was more important. I had been waiting for it all week.

Just as I went to turn it over, Narcissa came in to join me, perching in the seat beside me, her dark grey curls tumbling down her shoulders.

" is it?"

" it certainly is," I smiled, turning over the letter to show her.

Y/n Prewett
Malfoy manor

Hi mother,
Sorry it took me so long to write back to you!  I was studying for my exams, third year is really stressful! But.... I passed!!! Outstanding in all exams this year. I know dad would be proud, I kept that ring around my neck for all my exams! It's my lucky charm.
I can't wait to come home and see you, I miss you all dearly. Christmas is coming up soon though, I'm terribly excited to spend time with you all!  Especially grandad, how is he doing? Tell him I miss him! Oh and Grandma, but I know she'll be reading this over you shoulder. Hi grandma I miss you! Professor Longbottom was talking about Dad again, I was hoping for Christmas you could tell me another one of your stories?
I miss you the most mum, I hope your doing ok.
Andromeda Delilah Malfoy

A/n - and that's a wrap! Thank you to everyone whose taken their time to read this, I love you all so so much and I appreciate each and everyone one of you from the bottom of my heart! I'm really sad that this has come to and end now, but who knows? Maybe I will write about the next generation? Let me know if you want something like that? Thank you all once again. <3


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