- chapter 38-

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Delilah Snape Age 14, 1975

There's this boy, a little older, tall dark hair, slytherin. He's been helping me learn magic, different magic. He told me not to let anyone know about it or we could end up in trouble. I've been spending most of my time with him. There's something enchanting about him, mysterious even. He's knowledgeable, 6th year, people say he makes the wrong choices, but I think he's just clever, he knows what he wants and how he is going to get that. He treats me like he wants me, he protects me, unlike my mother, and Severus, he makes me feel wanted. I don't mind what he's doing with his magic. I just love being with him.

It was around midnight when I felt Draco get out of his bed. I had fallen asleep next to him for about the third night in a row and the nurse had given up trying to make me leave.

" Draco what are you doing?" I croaked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, trying to adjust to the light.

" go back to sleep, I have to do this bit alone."

He bent down and kissed the top of my head, then I noticed he had already changed into his black suit, hair scraped back, expression cold, like he had turned all emotion off.

" let me come with you."

" no stay here where your safe."

I watched him walk out the the hospital wing, but like hell would I stay here knowing what he had to do. I swung my legs off the bed and slipped my shoes on, then crept out after him. I caught him walk around the corner from the room of requirements, and start up the stairs to the astronomy tower. I snuck up the stairs and hid in the darkness, watching to see what he would do, how he was approaching this.

He had raised his wand to Dumbledore, shuffling from one foot to another, undoubtedly nervous. I watched the two of speak to each other, Dumbledore seemingly trying to help Draco, but he was just too late.

" Draco you are no assassin."

" how do you know what I am! Done things that would shock you!"

" likes bearing a cursed necklace to Katie bell? Or exchanging a bottle for me with one laced with poison? I can't help but think these actions were so weak that your heart can't of really been in them?"

" he trusts me! I was chosen!"

I watched as the boys face crumpled, he reached for his sleeve, yanking it up, exposing the mark plastered up his arm.

" I shall make it easy for you."

Draco quickly raised his wand and disarmed Dumbledore, sending his wand flying to the ground and rolling in front of my feet. I quickly picked it up and shoved it in my pocket, just so I knew we had it then drew my attention back to the pair just as a door behind me creaked open. Draco glanced over in my direction, his entire body trembling with fear. I held a finger to my lips, and he turned back to Dumbledore.

" there are others? How?"

" the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements Ive been mending it."

" let me guess, it has a sister, a twin."

" Borgen and Burke's. They form a passage."

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