-chapter 27-

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" what is going on?" I yelled across to Isla as we got swept up by a crowd of people all running down to the courtyard.

She grabbed my hand and yanked me out of all the people and over to the side, we both pressed our backs against the wall as everyone rushed pasted.

"I have no fucking clue," she huffed, watching people quickly brush past us both.

We stood looking at the crowd of people laughing as all the first years got trampled on and the second years tried to fight everyone.  Soon enough the crowd died down and we decided to just skip the chaos and go for a free wander around the castle, as soon as everyone else was outside.

We ran down to one of the long corridors and threw our bags and shoes down to one side.

" person who gets the furthest gets 2 galleons!" She said, sticking out her hand towards me and pretending to put in a game face.

I shook her hand then began to ran down the corridor. I stopped abruptly and let myself slide down the hall, trying to avoid the benches and tables around the edges. Isla came sliding up next to, sticking her tongue out then trying to run ahead, but instead she just fell and I couldn't stop quick enough and ended up toppling over and landing in her. We both burst into laughter as we tried to scramble off each other  but it just resulted in more of a pickle.

Eventually we led on the floor, staring up at the ceiling in fit off giggles, side by side. It had been a long time since I had properly spent time with Isla as my best friend.

" love you dummy."

" love you too draco whore."

Footsteps echoed around the corner and we shot up off the floor, brushing off our uniforms. A man marched around the corner and only when he approached Isla and I did I realise it was Dumbledore.

" Miss Fisher. Miss..."

The slight hesitation in his voice took me by surprise as I knew for a fact he knew what my name was.

" Prewett. Professor."

He just nodded before disappearing around the corner. Isla and I burst into laughter again as we ran back down the corridor to get out shoes.

" you know. I miss the four of us." Isla admitted as she tried to tie her laces.

" so do I. Nothing is the same." I agreed, kneeling down to tie them for her.

" well I need to go, see you later?"

" of course."

I watched as she walked off down the corridor, then I made my way down to the Great hall, hoping to find, at least one of my friends.

I walked into the great hall and slid into the bench opposite blaise and next to Malfoy, snatching the glass of juice right out his hand then stealing the slice of treacle tart off Blaise's plate before giving them both a sweet smile.

" so what happened then?"

" Umbridge," Blaise answered, rolling his eyes and helping himself to another slice of tart.

" where were you?" Draco interrupted, snatching the glass back off me and sliding me over a freshly poured glass.

" with Isla."

"Kissing her again?" He joked, elbowing me in the rib and laughing at his own joke.

" no she has other women on the go."

" so you were just her gay awakening." Malfoy chuckled. I hit him across the chest and we both looked over at Blaise, he appeared to of tensed up and looked as if he was going to kill someone. Then it hit me, Isla never told him the truth. 

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