-chapter 7-

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Isla and I were wandering the halls after divinations, surprisingly I had kept my promise to Draco, i hadn't even mentioned the letter to her. " Have you done the potions homework Snape set yet?" she asked, frantically flipping through pages of her books, running her forefinger down each page as she scanned the text.

"It's due tomorrow is it not?" i replied with a small laugh, pulling the girl out the way of the oncoming pupils.

She forced a sharp nod then walked directly into a pair of students, luckily it was just Blaise and Draco. Blaise began to chuckle as he bent down and picked her book up from the floor, my attention immediately slipped over to Draco who was watching them with a smirk. He leant into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck, " They seem pretty busy," he whispered, mischief lacing his voice.

Whilst the lover birds were distracted he nudged my side and walked through a door behind him, raising his eyebrows at me before shutting it quietly. I knew he wanted me to follow, and quite honestly, i didn't mind following him into little rooms with lockable doors. I snatched up my books and left Blaise and Isla flirting, then slid in through the door Malfoy had disappeared into.

I shut the door behind me, leaning my back against it with a smirk as my eyes met his. " You shouldn't follow people into cupboards," he chuckled, walking towards me slowly, his eyes scanning my body repeatedly

" You need to stop-" i began but was quickly interrupted by his hand pressing down forcefully at the bottom of my neck and his thumb pulling down my bottom lip.

My eyes were lingering on his pale pink lips as he ran his tongue over them and curled up the corner every so slightly before they came crashing into mine. I could taste a subtle hint of green apples and dark chocolate on his lips but I was quickly overwhelmed by his spearmint chewing gum, that i had now just found. I laced my fingers around the back of his neck, holding myself off the door and his hands fell around my waist, gripping it tightly and he sat me on the table next to us.

" You give in to me too easily," he mumbled, brushing all my hair over to one shoulder and running his fingers through it.

" You make it pretty easy," i muttered, closing my eyes and leaning my head to one side as he began to draw little patterns on my neck with his cold fingertips. I heard the door creak open and i immediately, opened my eyes, pushing Draco away from me and flicking my hair off my shoulder.

Professor Snape walked, glaring at the pair of us in disgust, "It's always you two," he groaned, pushing past Draco to a small stack of books. " Don't let me see it again."

We shared an amused expression then quickly gathered our things and ran out of the room before anything else could be said, or we ended up with a detention. Isla and Blaise had not moved so we just appeared next to them again acting as if we had never disappeared, luckily for us they didn't notice, they were too consumed by each other.

I couldn't lie i was a bit jealous of the public affection they shared, but the intimate moments alone with Malfoy would always win in my eyes.

" Haven't we have defence against the dark arts Malfoy?" i said rather loudly to try and pull the other two out of the trance they held over each other.

" Shit yes we do." Isla stuttered, kissing Blaise's cheek quickly and hurrying down the corridor, leaving Malfoy and I laughing to ourselves at the girl's awkwardness.

The three of us walked into defence against the dark arts and took our seats, Malfoy and I at the front like per usual so Snape didn't yell at us. I had gotten used to Snape taking our lesson for a week every month so now i knew when i would have to behave and when i wouldn't. The Man maybe his usual dramatic entrance, glaring between Isla and I as he made his way up to the front of the room and pulling down his little projector.

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