- chapter 40-

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Delilah Snape, age 15, 1976
It's Tom's last day today, he's 18, he's leaving hogwarts. I won't get to see him again. He promised me I was still his, that I would always be. He left me with a ring off his, he put it around a chain, told me it held part of him, so he was always there. Tom riddle. The boy who didn't care. I'm going to miss him. But atleast I still have Lily, James, Remus and Sirius. My family, the family that want me. Severus won't talk to me, he said he doesn't need to be around when I have Tom.

" Draco, I don't want to go." I wined. It was early in the morning and we had a death eaters meeting in less than 10 minutes. He, unlike me, wanted to be punctual because he was terrified about getting in trouble and I don't blame him, my dad was pretty scary. I rolled myself out of bed and trudged over to the wardrobe, pulling off my jumper and chucking on the floor behind me. " Fucking, shit black dress." this dress once reminded me of my mother but now it just reminded me that I was a dark, twisted person.

" Are you ready, can we leave." the blonde grumbled.

I shot him a look and nodded towards my heels. He picked them up then we walked over to the door and down the stairs. As we reached the bottom I heard a faint cry coming from the behind the door, I grabbed Malfoy's hand tightly ad froze in fear. Its sounded a lot like my muggle studies teacher, she cried a lot in class so I could identify her voice very quickly.

" Miss. Prewett, I need you to stay calm, Professor Burbage is in there, and also, I killed Dumbledore okay? Your father is after the elder wand and has the belief that he has to kill the owner to receive its power. " I heard a voice say lowly. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and saw Snape stood, staring at Draco and I.

" Why do you want to protect me," I whispered.

" Because I know you have a heart of gold, I want to protect you like I could protect my little sister. Choose whichever path you will Y/n, just know you will have to stick to it."

" Shall we just-" I laughed awkwardly, gesturing towards the door. I noticed the boy had become ice cold and incredibly pale. " Hey come on, I know its scary, but it will be over soon." He gave me a weak nod and we crept in, taking our seats between Bellatrix and Narcissa.

" Severus, you bring news I trust?" my dad began, an evil smile spreading across his face. The whole atmosphere of the room felt different to normal, it was dark and silent, the only thing that could be heard was the wind whistling through the windows and the person who was brave enough to answer.

" It will happen, Saturday next, at nightfall." the man replied, crossing his hands on the table in front of him.

" I have heard differently, my lord. The aurora has let slip that the potter boy will not be moved till the 30th of this month, the day before he turns 17" the old man opposite protested. I could feel the tension growing and I squeezed Draco's hand even tighter. The whole vibe in this room was making me feel on edge and uncomfortable, Whether it was to do with the cold tones everyone was using or I genuinely didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted it to be over.

" This is a false trail, the Auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. Those closest to him, belive we have infiltrated the ministry." Snape said, raising his voice ever so slightly.

" My dear, have you got anything to say on the matter, after all, you were friends with Mr Potter." My dad smirked, pointing his wand over in my direction, making me lean back into my chair.

" I wouldn't say friends, and I haven't been back since um you know." I stuttered. He lowered his wand and turned to the man at the other end of the table.

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