-chapter 3-

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The blonde was sat in a hospital bed whining dramatically as the nurse was wrapping up his arm, I was sat to his side because he wouldn't let me leave, I had tried to go a couple of times now, but each time I would just get yelled at.  After about 5 minutes on continuous complaining, the nurse gave him a tap on the back and told him to 'leave' and I couldn't really blame her, if I was in a position where I could do that, I would because he was just being annoying now. His arm had been put in a sling, meaning he just had more of a reason to try and get attention from people, and honestly, it was embarrassing walking down the hallway with him. We were already running late for our next class, Defence Against The Dark Arts, but he was too busy trying to act all pathetic to care.

Finally, after numerous attempts to speed him up, we crept into the classroom, and he leant himself up against the wall with a groan. Luckily, Isla happened to be in front of us so I tapped her on the shoulder and she took a step back to join me. I nodded over to Malfoy and her eyes lingered on his cast and then she looked at me, laughed and rolled her eyes, mouthing a silent, "Pathetic." I raised my eyebrows in agreement and we started giggling and I received a sharp elbow in the ribs from Draco. So much for broken and incapable. I snapped my attention back to the front to try and gauge some idea of what was happening.

" Does anyone know what a boggart is ?" the Professor began.

immediately Hermione's hand shot up. i let out a little laugh and she looked over her shoulder quickly giving a little smile. " a boggart is something that shapeshifts to a person's greatest fear."  She was always the first person to answer a question correctly, it was like her brain was an encyclopedia.

" and the only way to fight the boggart is with laughter and a simple incantation. Repeat after me. Ridikulus" he continued.

" This class is ridiculous" the blonde grumbled.

I slapped him across the shoulder and gave him a cold glare. " we have been here for 5 minutes Malfoy, give the guy a chance." i hissed, turning to Isla and rolling my eyes. Could he not keep his mouth shut for any length of time? All he seemed to do was complain. I drew my attention back to the front where the wardrobe had begun to rattle uncontrollably, the handle twisted and the door slowly opened, outstepping professor snape. IM SORRY, what had i missed, why the hell was Snape in a closet. He came walking over to the boy at the front, who immediately cowered back a bit and pointed his wand towards him. He mumbled something i wasn't quite able to here then Snape instantly switched into a dress and very excessive hat.  I leant into Isla's ear and lowered my voice a bit, " Snape in drag, what a sexy look." We both burst out into laughter and the rest of the class quickly followed. That must of been the boys greatest fear, the potions master, i couldn't really blame him he did seem pretty scary at times.

" Form a line, I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something funny." the professor yelled, through a slight laugh.

Everyone began to shove each other around and form a very messy line, i grabbed Isla's wrist and yanked her over to join Hermione at the front, i wanted to thank her for getting Hagrids attention earlier. I slotted in the queue just behind Ron and Hermione, then leant my chin on her shoulder, " Thank you for earlier, even though it meant i had to put up with Malfoy complaining at me for an hour." i whispered, clearly startling her as she tensed up and snapped her head around, whipping me in the face with her hair.

" Oh sorry y/n, no worries at all, is he alright," she asked. i knew she didn't really care how Malfoy was but i nodded over to him regardless. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Ron and began mumbling. Apparently, i had also caught Draco's attention as a few seconds later he appreaed next to me with a long sigh. He was just making it obvious that we were clearly up to something together, he hadn't left my side since this morning. I decided to not take any notice of him but he seemed to have caught a lot of attention from the people around us, who were all staring at him.

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