-chapter 15-

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The next morning, I woke up, feeling a tight grip around my chest, it startled me slightly, then I realised I was still on the floor of the common room, however, we were now sat leaning against the back of the couch, well Malfoy was, I was still leant against his chest.

I really did not want to move, I was warm and comfortable plus waking the boy up was never to fun either but it had to be done.

I moved his arm careful off my chest and got up, I decided I was going to get into a clean uniform, since I slept in this one, before waking him up.

I crept into the dorm and over to my bed. I pulled on my uniform and walked over to Isla.

" wake up idiot."

" what do you want." she groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

" wake up Malfoy for me."

" for merlin sake, can't you do it," Isla grumbled lowly.

" you know I don't like doing it." I pouted.

" fine, pass me my uniform."

She pointed over to the chair by the door, I lept up to grab it and hurried straight back over. She pulled on her uniform and grabbed my wrist dragging me out the dorm room.

" your unbelievable."

She walked over to Draco and gave him a kick in the leg " get up lazy arse," she yelled, making him jump and hit his head on the back of the couch.

She looked at me and shook her head laughing and walked off over to the table to grab her books.

I gave the boy and hand up and he brushed off his uniform, walking over to the table to join Isla and collect his books.

" are you not getting changed? You slept in that" i asked, i wouldn't be surprised if he didn't bother, he was lazy in the mornings.

" i cant be bothered, be a darling and grab the aftershave out my top draw for me." he replied quickly, not looking away from the table.

I was rummaging through his top draw and managed to find the little blue bottle that had been wrapped up in a pair of socks, i tossed the socks back in the draw and they landed with a thud, immediately regaining my attention, socks shouldn't sound heavy, so what the hell was in the socks. I didn't want to be rude and go through his stuff anymore, so i just walked straight back out trying not to think about it.

" here." i tossed it over and he caught it with one hand, without looking up from the book he was scanning over. " impressive"

He pulled the lid off and gave himself a quick spritz, slammed the bottle down on the table, tucked his shirt in then looked at me.

"Come here then," he called from across the room, rasing his eyebrows and chucking his hands out to the side.

I walked over, getting a strong wiff of his aftershave, the same spiced vannila and smoked wood as before.

" what do you-"

He cut me off quickly with a kiss, then continued. " That for one. And breakfast so lets go."

We made it to the great hall pretty promptly because Malfoy and Isla were practically running, i couldn't even drop behind because the blonde refused to let go of my hand.

We sat down the end of the table closet to the door so it was easy for us to slip out when we had finished, instead of getting caught up in groups of first years. Today was pancakes and pumpkin juice, there was other stuff i just didn't take notice of it, pancakes were my favourite.

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