-chapter 6-

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It was early Sunday morning and i could smell freshly baked bread and the sweet scent of fruit and sugar practically making me drool on the pillow.  I hopped straight out of bed and pulled on a fresh set of clothes and skipped down the stairs to where the smell was coming from. I found myself following the smell into a tiled black kitchen, with glossy black countertops and Narcissa stood in the middle with a warming smile.

" morning sweetheart sleep well?" she smiled at me, looking slightly flustered. 

I  hopped up and perched myself on one of the counters with a small smile," i did thank you, do you want any help?"

She seemed to be pretty busy hurrying around the kitchen doing lots of little things so i thought it was nice to offer.

" If you don't mind washing the dishes for me,"  she replied with an apologetic expression.

I instantly slid off the counter and began to wash the dishes, making sure to get every last bit of dirt off them. " Can i ask you something," i blurted out randomly, as i rinsed a plate off.

" go ahead dear."  she chirped, too busy cutting fruit to notice my awkward demeanour.

"  Draco-" i began, scrubbing the current dish quite vigorously to try and mask my embarrassment.

" Can be hard work, but i promise you one thing, some people would sacrifice you to save the world, but he would tear the world apart to protect you. He may seem selfish, manipulative, or even rude, but you would forever be his and only his." she interrupted. I was too scared to turn around and show the mix of emotions in my face, i wasn't sure how to feel about her words, but part of me was certain she was speaking the truth.

I felt her hands wrap around my shoulders and spin me round to face her. She was carrying a warm smile and an amused expression like she knew what i was thinking. " Trust your instincts sweetheart, i know you will make the right decision," she whispered, before giving me a small shove towards the door as if she was prompting me to go and speak to her son.

I chose to carry out her wishes and listen to the voice in my head, and ran straight back upstairs, crashing into the boy as i reached the top. " Watch where you're going." he chuckled, grabbing my waist and pulling me away from the top of the stairs. " What do you want?"

" your mother told me to trust my instincts, so I am trusting my instincts...," I grinned, pressing my lips against his before he had a chance to say a word, this sort of thing was easier to show than explain.

He tore away instantly with a shocked expression then +immediately, grabbed my waist, and pulled me back into him, sending our lips crashing together once more, for a brief second, i thought had made a mistake, but having him close felt right. I lips moved together perfectly like they were ideal for each other, I could taste a small lingering of spearmint toothpaste on his tongue, and i caught a strong whiff of spiced vanilla from his aftershave. the scents mixed together brought butterflies to my stomach, almost as if they helped me realise i was finally kissing him with meaning and passion and not just for fun.

" Well, i wasn't expecting that this morning." he chuckled, finally tearing away from me again.

" Im sorry," i smiled sheepishly, looking down at my fingers and fiddling with them due to nerves.

His hand crept up from my waist and traced my jawline, so his thumb found itself under my chin and he lifted my head to meet his piercing grey eyes. " Don't apologise, darling,"  he mumbled, before planting another soft kiss on my lips and pulling me into a hug. " There is nothing to apologise for."

" Instinct is a funny thing." I grinned, taking a step back so i could read his expression and try to gather what he was thinking and feeling. His eyes were soft and bright, a lazy smirk curled upon his lips, he looked different, happy, kind, something i never thought i would see from him.

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